Today’s YOFA jhe Session 7-28-07

Xaxisabovebelowsm I did a YOFA jhe Session for everyone on the jhe list today.

Today’s session focused on the fire element in the third chakra.

This was especially for you who are seeking what we used to call healing.

It may manifest as any of the following:

  1. Relief from pain (ease)
  2. Relief from a sense of complication and conflict (inner peace)
  3. Accelerated repair of damaged tissue (strength and vitality)
  4. Better assimilation of nutrients (nutrition)
  5. Better elimination of wastes (cleansing)

If your body is already expressing jhe, this session will express as greater coordination and clarity, and a feeling of increased power and strength in the body

Thank you for your participation in the YOFA jhe Sessions

Love and Blessings,

You can get the f ree 5 part audio e-course
"3 Simple Ways You Can Accelerate
Your Healing Before You Even Go to Bed
Tonight" at:

Authenticity, Mastery, and Compassion Seminar – Final Session

Iboulder Can you free yourself for one hour on Monday?

The July 2007 "Authenticity, Mastery, and Compassion" seminar series is coming to a close. 

I hope you have enjoyed our Monday get-togethers on the phone and the web.

You can still attend the final session on Monday, July 30th at 3pm Eastern Time.

Click on the link below to post a question, and return to this page on Monday to listen in:

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These seminars have truly expanded my perspective on:

*** What it means to be authentic

*** What is the simplest way to approach mastery

*** And what is the nature of true compassion.

It may seem strange to you that I am endorsing my own seminar as if I were a participant. 

But that’s the way it goes for me. 

Your questions mingle with our topic in a way that sometimes brings forth something that I have never heard before and never thought before. 

And this particular series has been unusually revealing in that way. 

And so, I am grateful for your participation because the new insights that have come through as a result of this series have been helpful to me!

Some of you have written to me to let me know it has been of value to you, too.

Here is one email I received:

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Thank you Rebbie for Monday’s webcast. Thank you for answering my question with such care, loving concern, and deep thoughts. As I was listening to you, your words and your soothing voice opened up an understanding that went way beyond what my mind could apprehend. I felt lighted, electrified, and wisely guided.

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Whether or not you attended the first three sessions, you are welcome to join in on Monday.

Simply go to

on Monday at 3 pm Eastern time

Check the event time in your time zone here:

Your friends are invited too, so please send them the link.

With Love and Appreciation,

Receive the free e-course, 7 Secrets for
Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire at

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 7-25-2007

Xaxisabovebelowsm I did a YOFA jhe Session for everyone on the list today.

Today’s session focused on the Z-axis of the heart chakra with the words, “I love you.”

(For a full explanation of the Z-axis, please refer to the book Rooted in the Infinite at )

You may see the results of this session as a shedding of your armor. 

You may feel more directly in contact with your world in a way that makes everything look more colorful and feel more rich and inviting. 

*** Feelings of love moving in relationships can harmonize any conflicts that you may have been having lately. 

*** Feelings of love moving in your body promote balance and jhe.

*** Feelings of love, filtering through your perceptions, make this world a cozier place to live in.

The most obvious result of this session may be that you find yourself more willing to “be you.”  By that I mean you feel less inhibited, more authentic, and more willing to move gently through life with faith and trust that a broader perspective is lovingly guiding your every turn.

And if you seek greater jhe in your body, this is the pathway that leads there.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to do this jhe session for you.  I consider it a privilege.

With Love and Appreciation,


To begin an inner alignment practice for spiritual awareness,

Healing, and joyful manifestation, work with the exercises

In the Practice Section of my new book “Rooted in the Infinite.”   

You can get an instant F ree download of the beginning of

The book at


Today’s YOFA jhe Session 7-20-2007


I did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today.

As a result of today’s session I would expect you to feel more divinely related to your body, your environment, your family and friends, your work and play, in a nutshell, your world. 

This translates into laughter and affection in relationships, good connections in travel, good timing at work, sharp ability in sports, arts, and anything that requires timing and skill.

How does all this happen? 

It comes form a harmonious relationship between the ego or individual perspective and the Transcendent Self or Inner Being.  And that was the focus of today’s session.

If you have a copy of “Rooted in the Infinite” handy, Chapter 8 makes all this a lot clearer, and Practice Session 3 gives you a way to begin doing this for yourself.

You can get a copy at

Today’s session also continued the theme from yesterday with an emphasis on the 3rd chakra for physical well-being and vibrant body jhe.

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Remember, the 3rd session of the YOFA TeleWebscast “Authenticity, Mastery, and Compassion” is coming up on Monday, July 23rd at 

This is free and open to everyone, but don’t let the price fool you.   This is a high level seminar and your attendance will greatly support your results in jhe sessions.

“See” you then. . .

With Love and Appreciation,


Receive the free e-course, 7 Secrets for

Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire at

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 7-19-07

Xaxisabovebelowsm I did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today.

In the ancient science of yoga, it is known that mediation on the 3rd chakra can cause the healing of any physical affliction.  For those who are already healthy (jhe filled), the vitalization of the 3rd chakra in meditation promotes vibrant well-being.

For more about this, please consult Rooted in the Infinite.

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Today’s jhe session focused on the 3rd chakra.

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If you are dealing with any body issues, you may be in for a wonderful surprise.

You can expect to see a welcome rising of your body’s own ability to heal itself as a result of this session. 

Please understand that I am not treating your ailment. 

I am supporting your …

*** fundamental wellness ***

*** your divine truth ***

*** your spiritual body ***

…so that it can manifest as joyful harmonious expressiveness

If you are already well and fit, you may find yourself suddenly skipping, dancing, and singing, on your way to work.  That’s the "J" in the "j-h-e."

With Love and Appreciation,

Receive the free e-course, 7 Secrets for
Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire at

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 7-17-2007

Xaxisabovebelowsm I did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today (including the free list).

This session infused the field with love. 

I often talk about Divine Love and Unconditional Love.

Today’s session also included what I want to call "Ancestral Love."

This is the love that runs through the center of your family line. 

It is a very special kind of love because it is so ancient, and includes the love of so many individuals, that it is somewhat devoid of personal characteristics.  But it is so filled with human tenderness that it is quite palpable and personal.

As a result of this session you may feel a deep sense of appreciation for your ethnic heritage.  If you are in an ethnic minority where you live, you may feel infused with love for your traditional customs, the faces of your family members, and you may even find yourself digging up old photos of great grandma just so that you can look into her eyes.

If you live in a family of mixed races or nationalities, or if you were adopted into a culture different from that of your birth, this session my have a soothing effect of blending the varied streams running through you.  By harmonizing the energies of the different ancestral tones, a beauty can emerge in your life that the world has never seen before.

However this session touches you, it is my sincere intention that it adds to the allowing of the flow of love in every aspect of your life.

With Love and Appreciation,

Receive the free e-course, 7 Secrets for
Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire at

Authenticity, Mastery, and Compassion Seminar

Authenticity, Mastery,
and Compassion

A Free YOFA  Tele-Webcast Seminar

Mondays in July at 3 pm Eastern

The next seminar is Monday July 16th

We are cooking!

Last week over 100 people gathered on the web. 

Others (I’m not sure how many) joined in on the phone.

And together we began an exploration of our own authenticity.

This is a series that you can join at any time. 
Attend all four sessions or any combination of the four.

Please ask your questions by clicking on the following link now
and return to this same page on Monday for the next seminar:

What time is this in your time zone?

Check for the next seminar here:

Can’t make it live?

You can purchase the recordings here

Comments from participants:

I DID listen in on Monday, and I am hooked…
you were wonderful.
I love listening and learning from you.

I got up at 4.30 am this morning to listen to your great
webseminar. Many thanks, it was full of good info
and light, and love also.

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 7-13-07

Xaxisabovebelowsm_3 I did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today.

“Gather, children…”

That is how this session began.

As I called those of you who are on the list to this session (in the ethers), this was the way it came into words.

“Gather, children…”

I am realizing that in the same way that my own inner alignment practice has been steadily evolving over the years, that these jhe sessions that I do for you are evolving, too. 

And I would imagine that the longer you are on the list, the more mature these sessions become for you.

Funny to talk about maturity as this session was for the child within you.

This was a “thick” session in the sense that the energy was very palpable and apparent. 

How might you feel the effects of this session?

Happy childhood memories may surface.  Not necessarily big memories. 

They might be sensory impressions. 

Like, whatever your favorite lollipop flavor used to be may suddenly flash across your mental screen. 

Or the clothes you used to wear to first grade might suddenly become vivid. (For me it was the pleated skirts Tante Rebecca made for me.)

But there is a more significant way that this session may show itself to you.

And that is in a flowing of the essence of the happy child that you were, into the mature adult you are.

That mingling of childlike bright spirit and adult perspective makes you a good dancer.  It makes you playful and attractive.  And most of all, it makes you happy.

One more thing.

You may just feel more like yourself as a result of this session. 

The energy was so strong and so embracing, that Id expect you to feel it – even if it just feels like good old energy.

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Are you telling people about the jhe sessions?

They work.

Anyone you know who is dealing with a health issue may want to know about this. 

Please send them to

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Expand your jhe at the YOFA Tele-Webcast

“Authenticity, Mastery, and Compassion”

The next f ree session is on Monday, July 16th at 3 pm Eastern.

Find the time in your time zone here:

“See” you then!

Love and Blessings,


You can get the f ree 5 part audio e-course

“3 Simple Ways You Can Accelerate

Your Healing Before You Even Go to Bed

Tonight” at:


Today’s YOFA jhe Session 7-10-07

Xaxisabovebelowsm I did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today.

Today’s session echoed yesterday’s tele-webcast topic:

Authenticity, Mastery, and Compassion

Today’s inner alignment session was offered in support of your expansive authenticity.

The next seminar in this series will be held on Monday, July 16th.

Listening, asking your questions, and processing this perspective, adds to your jhe.

Hope you can make it next Monday.

You can ask your questions and listen in here:

Your friends can attend for f ree.

With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice for spiritual awareness,
Healing, and joyful manifestation, work with the exercises
In the Practice Section of my new book "Rooted in the Infinite."   

You can get an instant F ree download of the beginning of
The book at

Today’s YOFA jhe Sessions 7-5-2007

Xaxisabovebelowsm I did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today.

Today’s session focused on the X-axis.  If you have the book "Rooted in the Infinite" you can find out about the effects of X-axis alignment in Chapters 10, 16 and Session 10 of the Practice Section.

Today’s session was a fine-tuning. 

The way I would expect you to notice this in your life would be in some increased precision.

If you are a singer, it might show up in your pitch. 

If you are a carpenter, it might show up in your ability to make things line up and fit. 

If you are balancing your checkbook it might show up as numbers all matching. 

If you are doing the laundry it might show up as all socks having a mate. 

If you are traveling it might show up as smooth and swift connections.

You get the idea.

Regarding the body, this session promotes stamina.

Thank you for being a part of the YOFA jhe Sessions.

With Love and Appreciation,
Receive the free e-course, 7 Secrets for
Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire at

PS Your friends can sign up for YOFA jhe Sessions at

How will they know if you don’t tell them?