Today’s YOFA jhe Session 2-27-2008

Xaxisabovebelowsm_2 I did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today.
as regards prosperity.

For a full explanation of the Z-axis, please read chapters 7 and 17 in Rooted in the Infinite.

Since the back half of the Z-axis refers to your past, today’s alignment had the effect of bringing your past interactions with money and material things into their best light for your now and for your next creations.

Wherever you stand right now on this subject is the result of how you have been evolving your vibration through your lived experiences.

Whether the past was "good" or "bad" as regards your material manifestation does not matter. All that matters is now and how you are holding your past in this moment.

Today’s session had the effect of harmonizing your past with your now for the benefit of this moment and for the benefit of the creation you are now placing into your future (which will only come to be in a now)

As a result of this session there are a few things you may experience.

On a very concrete level, things that are owed to you may come to you now.

  • Money that may have gotten tangled up in the web of your past (old money owed to you, money caught in legal red tape, etc.) may come in the mail.
  • Things that were borrowed and never returned (books, jewelry, clothing, money, etc.) may find their way back to you in surprising ways.

On a more inner level, you may feel more at peace with your past, seeing past hurts in the best possible light.

  • Forgiveness comes more naturally
  • A feeling of gratitude for challenges of the past as they lead you to your current depth of experience.
  • A feeling of harvesting the blessings of the past and a flood of good feeling as the way you hold your past in your now feels beneficial and supportive.

This is a big part of what people mean when they say the word "healing." We are calling it "jhe."

To amplify the benefit of this session, please do the inner alignment exercises in Rooted in the Infinite, Practice Session 2, Z-Axis Meditation on the past.

Thank you for your participation in this YOFA jhe Session.

Appreciating Your Light,
Get f ree access to the YOFA teleseminar this Friday,
February 29th –
Create a Great Relationship through inner alignment

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 2-23-2008

Xaxisabovebelowsm_3 I did a YOFA jhe Session for the jhe list today.

This was a particularly powerful session.

You may feel an area of "buzz" around you as a result of this session. Whether you do or not is not important, but if you do, do not be concerned.

It is due to the highly organized field around and within you.

It might feel like a cushion of air around you or a more perceptible energy field around your body than usual. You might even see an aura around your hands. And if none of this is perceptible to you, that is fine too.

For those of you who are in the Inner Circle and have been attending the "Metaphysics of Results" teleseminars (or listening to the recordings), today’s session will be of particular interest because it dovetails perfectly with this month’s " Results" focus.

Today’s jhe session, in addition to being a very solid alignment with focus on the Y-axis, was a boost toward you not caring what anyone else thinks.

The focus of this session was on the essence, integrity, and full expression of your unique path.

As a result of today’s session I expect you to feel uplifted, as if a great weight were lifted from your back.

It translates as a sense of freedom to be how you are inspired to be.
· To feel good about yourself as an inner directed being.
· To feel confident in your inner guidance.
· To feel joyful in your connection with your Inner Being.
· To feel excellence in your talents and abilities.
· To feel independent in your spirit.
· To feel powerful in your essential nature.

If you are focused on expanding the jhe in your body (what we traditionally call "healing") this session will have the effect of:
· Filling what has been depleted.
· Energizing what has been exhausted
· Lifting what has been heavy
· Fortifying what has been weak.

To amplify the effects of this session, you can work with the exercises in the back of Rooted in the Infinite. Pick one exercise that appeals to you in this moment and do it with great focus and intensity rather than doing many exercises superficially.

Thank you for giving me the honor of doing this session for you.

Appreciating Your Light,

Get f ree access to the teleseminar recording
"Affirmative Contemplation" at

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 2-20-2008

Xaxisabovebelowsm I did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today.

On the very last page of "Rooted in the Infinite" there is a section called "Before you go…"

There I talk briefly about combining the YOFA inner alignment system with the YOFA system of Affirmative Contemplation.

Today’s session used this technique.

As a result of today’s session, I expect you to feel clearer and more empowered.

To more fully resonate with today’s session and maximize its benefit, use this affirmation:

"I can. I can. Of course, I can."

If you are working with the exercises in Rooted in the Infinite, you can vibrate this affirmation into your inner alignment session.

"I can. I can. Of course, I can."

Run it along any axis that is your primary interest or use it in all 3 directions.

"I can…"

You don’t need to fill in the blank with words because your heart knows the feeling that is the joyful fulfillment of that affirmation for you.

The effect of this session is an untangling and dissolution of what some might call karma. Where there were seemingly insurmountable obstructions, you may now find open fields, flow, and advancement.

The effects of this session may be bold and noticeable or they may be subtle. You can recognize them as a sudden sense that something important to you (that seemed out of reach) now seems possible.

"Of course I can!"

That is the feeling.

I offer this session with love.

Appreciating Your Light,

Get f ree access to the teleseminar recording
"Affirmative Contemplation" at

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 2-16-2008

Xaxisabovebelowsm I did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today (including the free list).

Today’s session focused on prosperity.

As you come into greater and greater alignment, prosperity manifests more and more effortlessly.

This is a good time to review the chapters on the Z-axis in Rooted in the Infinite.

To augment the benefits of this inner alignment session, do the Z-axis related exercises in the practice section in the back of the book

With Love and Appreciation,

To begin an inner alignment practice for
Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
Manifestation, work with the exercises in the
Practice Section of my new book "Rooted in
The Infinite." Lots of f ree bonuses at:

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 2-14-2008

Xaxisabovebelowsm I did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today.

As a result of today’s session I expect things to get smoother for you.

In its most obvious form it may seem like traffic moving well, connections made with ease, pleasant interactions with others and a general sense that your path has been prepared for you everywhere you go.

This appearance comes from a smoothing out of your energy field. This can feel like your energy is evenly dispersed throughout your body, your mind is evenly dispersed throughout your field of awareness, you are peaceful and ready for any deliberately chosen focus. You are free and available for whatever you choose to bring yourself too.

If you are involved in expanding your body jhe, this is the most beneficial place to begin any other therapeutic activities or treatments.

Thank you for telling others about YOFA jhe Sessions!

With Love and Appreciation,

To begin an inner alignment practice for
Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
Manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of my new book "Rooted in
The Infinite." Lots of f ree bonuses at:

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 2-8-2008

Xaxisabovebelowsm I did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today.

You may feel today’s session most clearly as self-forgiveness.

The dark and muddy corners of your consciousness, the ones where you may have some guilt or shame, they got a bit of a cleaning in today’s session.

As a result, you may come into balance emotionally in whatever way you need to. We all have our own quirks. We distort in ways all our own. You know yours. I know mine.

And so this session …

  • helps those twists untwist
  • helps those knots untie
  • helps those areas of emotional pain find some emotional relief.

Once that part of you is untied, untwisted, and free, your jhe can show its bright face more and more in the living of your life.

Since these patterns of distortion tend to be deep, I’d look for small signs of relief rather than major renovations in your consciousness with this session. But those small shifts are hugely valuable so embrace them with love and appreciation whenever and wherever you find them.

They are showing you the pathway to all that you are asking for.

Thank you for your participation in the YOFA jhe Sessions.

With Love and Appreciation,

To begin an inner alignment practice for
Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
Manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of my new book "Rooted in
The Infinite."

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 2-6-2008

Xaxisabovebelowsm I did a YOFA jhe Session for you today.

As result of today’s session you may feel a light heartedness.

Sometimes, when we experience great loss, the heart becomes heavy.

If you are in that situation, this session can offer a good measure of relief. When the heart feels lighter there is room for energy to flow again. And this is very important for the restoration of jhe in times of sorrow.

If you are not noticing any heaviness in your heart (and I sincerely wish that this is the case) then the effects of today’s session may surprise you. The clearing of unperceived heaviness leads to involuntary smiling, maybe even laughing, and possibly even singing.

Like dropping the sandbags off a hot air balloon, you become light and happy when your heart energy releases it habitual burdens.

Today’ session had a Y-axis focus with emphasis on the heart center.

For more insight into the role played by the Y-axis in your life, please read (or reread) chapters 8, 9, and 15 in Rooted in the Infinite.

With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice for
Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
Manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of my new book "Rooted in
The Infinite."