a bit overwhelmed.
usually think of myself as pretty computer-tech savvy (being an Aquarian and
all!) but, I’ve got to tell you that I’m scratching my head a lot these days.
learning how to podcast some of my material. (I’m actually taking an excellent
podcasting course. If you want to know more about it, send me an email
and I’ll tell you about it.)
like a good avenue for me right?
like it should be pretty simple, right?
tell me it makes life very convenient for you guys.
get the recordings you buy (or free ones) automatically, effortlessly and all
I’m all for making your life easier.
I’ve got to tell you, I still don’t really understand most of this process.
yet at least. . .
I am inspired to get this thing going.
I started creating a new series of recordings just for this purpose. (who knows
when you’ll ever get to hear them because I want them to be delivered by
something surprising happened.
discovered something that I didn’t even know was there.
finding money in an old coat pocket, I found tremendous value hidden somewhere
I hadn’t expected it. (It’s still very new so I’m not ready to talk about it
I’m very excited about it and I can hardly wait to share this with you. (I like
things to be a little more clear for me before I start talking about them. But I
will tell you more soon.)
to the podcasting issue – at this moment, I still have trouble even navigating
my iPod (very embarrassing!)
for all you iPod/podcast-lovers out there, can you give me some
advice/instruction or simply encouragement?
post a comment here.
do you love about accessing podcasts?
what kind of podcasts do you subscribe to?
will read all your posts at the edge of my seat.
help is much appreciated as I venture into this new branch of technology.
tell you more as soon as I get a handle on this thing!
Love and Appreciation,
the f ree eCourse "7 Secrets for Manifesting
Heart’s Desire" – You’ll get the first lesson
instantly: http://yofa.net/7secret.html
PS – Have you signed up yet? I’m this
week’s expert interview at Gem Parenting, You can
listen in.