Today’s YOFA jhe Session 5-28-08

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today.

Imagine a big eraser.    eraser.gif

Imagine that big eraser erasing your conflict, your pain, and all your yukky states.

Imagine it leaving only the glistening beauty of your unique magnificence.

Your unique magnificence is the un-erasable part of you.  It is your true essence and the reason for your existence.

Today’s session was like a car wash for your essence.  

Now that you’re all shiny and sparkling, you can approach your life spiritually "naked."

I mean that in the most respectful way.  You are released of excess thinking and memories and energetic clutter that would otherwise cover up your light.  Your brilliance is now visible.

When you prepare your meal, or lift your pen, or power up your computer, or do your laundry, with nothing between you and your activity, you are clean, bright, and pure.  This is the very beginning point for physical healing.  It is the first step on the path of prosperity.  This is the place that can instantly transform relationships.  

As a result of today’s session I expect you to sense a shift.  Things in your life that have felt like rocks now feel like marshmallows.

More specifically, you might lose a few pounds, you might clean up a messy part of your home, you might get a haircut, you might reduce a symptom.  This session will cause something unwanted to vanish.  It will clean things up.  How and where in your life? That is unique to your desire.

I love you.  Your unique magnificence is awesome.

Thank you for participating in the jhe sessions.

By simply being on the list, you help you, your world, your loved ones, and your ancestors.

With Love and Appreciation,

Get the free eCourse "7 Secrets for
Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire" –
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How (and why) to post a comment to the YOFA blog

After many comments and emails telling me you could not see the video, "Finding Strength…" posted on 5-24-08, I have been testing different ways of getting video to  you.

If you could not view the previous video, please let me know if this works better for you.  Above is the same video coming to you through a different channel.

With Love and Appreciation,
Get the f ree eCourse "7 Secrets for
Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire" –
You’ll get the first lesson

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 5-24-08

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today.

Today’s session was a general cleansing alignment. 

As a result of this session I expect you to feel a release of stress in whatever area has been most challenging for you.

The accumulation of blocked energy can create physical symptoms, relationship conflicts, financial challenges, etc.  As soon as the energy comes into alignment as in today’s session, resistance is instantly released. Then, whatever has been the most difficult can show the fastest and most noticeable shift.

It might show up as a pain going away or diminishing. 

Maybe a difficult relationship will suddenly become more harmonious.

I have seen this type of alignment completely open the heart and change behavior rather dramatically (toward openness and kindness.)

To enhance the effect of this session, you can do the exercises in the back of Rooted in the Infinite because these are also intended for general alignment.

With Love and Appreciation,
Get the f ree eCourse "7 Secrets for
Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire" –
You’ll get the first lesson

Finding Strength and Sharing it


 In this 8 minute video (scroll down a little):

  • I’ll share with you Evelyn’s email to me about her new found strength
  • and show you how to inspire others with your insights (in about 3 seconds).

Also in this video, you’ll get a quick lesson on:

  • how to leave your comments on this blog
  • why it’s a really good idea to leave your comments on this blog
  • how to get a profound and moving free ebook right here on this blog

Love and Blessings,

Click on the picture to watch the video:

If the video does not play, please  CLICK HERE to open the video in your browser.


Download: The Truth of the Matter by Evelyn Lambert Dannen

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 5-20-08

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for the list (including the free list) tonight.


This was a very strong session.

If you were a plant (strange way to start a sentence, I know) I would say that you would be bright, deep green and robust as a result of this session.  

You know how a really strong, healthy, well-hydrated plant has life energy just radiating from it?

Well, that kind of vitality speaks of a dynamic balance of many forces.

Today’s jhe session focused on amplifying the balance of many of those dynamic forces.

The result, if you are a human being, is likely to be that you feel at your best.  If you’re a singer, your voice is strong, steady and right on target.  If you’re a teacher, the words and images flow from you in a way that pierces the confusion and leads your students to clarity.  If you are a gardener, you feel your continuity with the earth.

If you are working on healing a physical ailment, this session is of fundamental value and provides an energetic nutrient that is often neglected. It is an essential part of the healing process.

For your finances, this session tunes you to be at your best to attract and catch the fulfillment of your desires.

This session amplifies the best in you, no matter what you do or how you focus your life force.

This was a Y-axis based session.  (Find out more about the Y-axis in Chapter 8 of Rooted in the Infinite)

On a physiological level, this session supports the balancing of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.

On the cellular level, it supports the dynamic balance of charge between the inside and the outside of the cell.

On the metaphysical level it supports the harmony of heaven and earth energy for balanced human experience.

In summary, as a result of this session I expect you to feel like you have jumped into a new realm in your experience of your life.  If you don’t feel it that dramatically, that’s ok.  You might just notice that you are walking around singing, or colors look more intense, or you stop taking your loved ones for granted and your heart starts choosing your words when you speak to them.  That is a really good thing to get from this session.

Thank you for joining me on this journey of the YOFA jhe Sessions.  I am deeply honored by your acceptance of my offering.

With Love and Appreciation,
Get the f ree eCourse "7 Secrets for
Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire" –
You’ll get the first lesson

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 5-15-08

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today.

As a result of today’s session I expect you to see an improvement in your physical well being.

This session was attuned to the cellular level and more specifically to the level of the cell membrane.

You may notice this as a general sense of higher energy. It can feel like bounce in your step or a desire to exercise. That is your muscles asking you to use them. They want to do what they were born to do. They love to work and play and they are asking you to take them out for a “drive.” Play some tennis, run around the block, toss a ball around with your kids. If you are ill or weak, you can visualize your favorite physical activity and your muscles will smile from the memory. They will move toward that image in your manifested life.

As the cell membrane becomes vibrationally more robust, many good things happen. You may see a balancing in your physical functioning. If you’ve got something that is abnormally high or low, this type of session helps your body regulate to the normal range. If your emotions have been out of whack, this type of session helps you get grounded in your magnificence and that is an emotion that does not tip very easily.

With Love and Appreciation,
Get the f ree eCourse “7 Secrets for
Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire” –
You’ll get the first lesson


Disclaimer: This is offered for general well being and does not diagnose or treat medical conditions.

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 5-12-2008

I did a YOFA jhe
for the list today with an extended session for the members of the Inner Circle. (You know who you are.)

The basic session today was about stability.

With a focus on the root, this session was particularly
important in these times. It helps you
keep your dream in focus and in tact regardless of the rumblings of mass

As a result of this session, I expect the desires of your
heart to become energized. You feel
this as a sense of inspiration and enthusiasm.

The next step is full manifestation.

Regarding your body, this gives you the power and
inclination to maintain your focus on your healing even in the face of your
symptoms. This is the key to the
manifestation of the healing you desire.

Regarding the material world around you, this session helps
you draw to you the material things that support your most full and joyful


For the Inner Circle members – the extended segment of
today’s session focused on the specific manifestation of financial
abundance. Look for a shift in the way
you anticipate your fulfillment. The
key to today’s alignment is in your ability to see your success regardless of
conditions. It is in your ability to
see through the conditions to the fulfillment of your heart’s desire that your
heart’s desire comes to you as manifestation.

With Love and Appreciation,


Get the f ree eCourse “7 Secrets for

Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire” –

You’ll get the first lesson



Mothers Day Meditation

Flowers14Imagine or remember a time of particularly beautiful connection with your mom from childhood (or any other time). 

Hold that feeling until you are soaked with it. 

Silently flow it to your mom.

Whether your mother is on the earth plane or beyond, she will feel it in her essence.

What could be better than for her to be bathed in your love today, Mothers Day?

Go deeper:

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 5-10-2008

I did a YOFA jhe
for the list today.

As a result of today’s session I expect you to feel more in
sync with yourself.

What does that mean?

It may come through as déjà vu experiences or as a
re-awakening of feelings from a younger you.

It can change the way you walk. It might even change your choice of shoes.

Seems strange, I know, but this is a Z-axis expression and
you travel your Z on your feet. (For more about the Z-axis, please refer to Rooted in the Infinite.)

This gathering of different versions of yourself through time
has an enormously healing effect and it also promotes satisfying
manifestation. Also, when you look in the
mirror, your face may look a bit more defined and younger.

Thank you for your participation in the YOFA jhe Sessions.

With Love and Appreciation,


Get the f ree eCourse “7 Secrets for

Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire” –

You’ll get the first lesson



Today’s YOFA jhe Session 5-5-2008

I did a YOFA jhe
for the list today.

This session focused on the 3rd chakra and the
balance of the low back.

For more information about how the chakras align from
within, please consult Rooted in the

As a result of today’s session you may notice several
changes in you.

The first has to do with a sense of empowerment.

==>> If you dance or do martial arts, you will notice this
most in your leaps and kicks.

==>> If you don’t participate in this type of activity, you
may feel this as a more powerful and faster stride to your walking.

==>> If you are ill or bedridden, you may feel this as an
ability to more vividly imagine and remember having strength (that ability to
imagine is very powerful for the healing process.)

Second, from a perspective of physical healing, this session
supports the reproductive organs.

==>> Women, if you usually suffer from PMS or other related
conditions, this session may help balance out that sort of problem.

==>> Also, anyone with low back pain can look for some
noticeable improvement as a result of this session.

Third, from the perspective of your awareness of your own
life (not sure how else to word that) this session makes your emotions more
satisfying and profound. It makes your
aliveness more pronounced and reminds you of your child-like joy.

I am deeply grateful and honored to have the opportunity to
do this session for you.

With Love and Appreciation,


Get the f ree eCourse “7 Secrets for

Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire” –

You’ll get the first lesson



Disclaimer: This is offered for general well being and does not diagnose or treat medical conditions.