Depression, Gravity, and Your Energetic Spine

 I just read a statistic that 10% of women and 4% of men are taking antidepressants.

I know that for some people, this season that is intended to be joyful can harshly amplify what we call depression.  I say "what we call depression" because I don’t think we’re all calling the same thing "depression."

I have a different take on depression. It has to do with gravity and how it pulls all things down.  And so the antidote becomes clear.  Spirit brings all things up.  And our access to that uplifting energy is in the energetic spine.

That’s a simplified version of it. (The long version is in Rooted in the Infinite.) And by the way, this approach does not conflict with any form of treatment since it is purely natural.

I’m holding out my hand this season. 

Well, my proverbial hand. 

I’m putting forward some (radically) different ways of looking at depression and offering some (energetically) different ways of dealing with it.


One Minute Meditation Video

This video is entered in a contest!

Want to help?

Yes, I know, it’s very unusual for me to join a contest.

But since I was invited to enter a one-minute video to the shiftinaction contest, I did.  And you can help me.

Step One: Watch the video

Watch it above, and you can see all the entries here:

Step Two: Send a note about my video

Send an email about my video to the YouTube account

Scroll down to "Connect with shiftinaction"  You’ll see it on the left. And send them a message that mentions my video.

(You have to have a f ree YouTube account –  It’s easy to set up and then you can have more fun on YouTube. You don’t need to have videos.)

Thanks for joining in on this contest! It helps me get the word out about YOFA.

The soundtrack of this video is the first minute of the 3 minute version of I Am Love.


Aligning yourself with Divine Love is what we’re doing and this video is a one minute tool to help you make it real.

With Love,

Application of Deliberate Association
Quick Tips for Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire: Bite Sized Applications of Law of Attraction – Episode #4

lightbulb.jpgIn this episode of  "Quick Tips for Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire: Bite Sized Applications of Law of Attraction" Rebbie shows you how to flip the switch and turn on your iinner light.

 episode 4

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Post your insights about this podcast as a comment below and you could win free admission to the next monthly Law of Attraction Results teleseminar and webcast.  Thanks for listening.

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Energy Healing for Depression: 21 Questions Answered


You probably know I like to keep the names of conditions out of the YOFA conversation. 

I hardly even use the word “healing” because of its mixed vibration.

And if you want to talk extreme, I’ll even end a person’s paid subscription to the jhe sessions if they insist on using the medical name for their situation when communicating with me. Am I nuts? Well, that’s beside the point.

The issue here is that the less I know about your “problem” the better equipped I am to help you with it.

So why in the world would I be talking about depression? And not only talking about it, but creating a workshop about it?

I’ve gone back and forth on this one quite a bit, and finally, for some reason, I felt inspired to get the word out about inner alignment to people who consider themselves to be depressed.

I really don’t know why.

All of a sudden, there I was, working on it.

And before I knew it, I was announcing the teleseminar on “Healing Depression. . .”


I pre-recorded the content. I did the action steps as close to perfectly as I could.


My vibration must still have been a little screwy because everything went kind of wrong.

Well, that’s all fine with me. 

It’s these scrambled manifestations that help me know what’s off in my vibrational offering.

What does this have to do with you?

I ironed out some of the rough spots in my vibration and I made some more recordings. I sat down and answered 21 of the many questions that came in on the webcast for “Healing Depression through Inner Alignment.”

You can get all of it for free. Listen to the 21 Q & A recordings plus the original pre-recordings that never made it into the live call. This is a natural and energetic approach to achieving joyful harmonious expressiveness. I hope you (and the people you care about) find it useful.

With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
for Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The

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Invisible Abundance Turns into a Check in the Mail


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Until the abundance of the Universe manifests itself for you, it is invisible.

And if you can know it’s there even though you don’t see it yet, you are well on your way to manifesting great things.

The YOFA jhe Sessions are also invisible.  (In fact, they have become even more invisible lately.  You may have noticed that I stopped posting the updates here.  They are now in the private members’ area.)

I’d like you to start to pay way more attention to the invisible.  It’s where everything  you want is until it’s visible.

This is an example of one moment when it popped from invisible to visible for Denise, a member of the jhe sessions.

Here is an excerpt from the last jhe session update:

Financial prosperity is the translation of Universal Abundance into the living of our lives in our human society.  And so I expect to see a spike in your finances as a result of this session.  Whether it is large or small, when you notice it, give thanks for it and know that more is coming.
How can I say that with such certainty?

Because the abundance is there and it is about our alignment whether or not we receive it.  So, since this session was so clear and strong, I know that you are sure to feel its energy is some way.  I don’t know how it will manifest for you, but I know it will.

Here is an excerpt from an email I just received:

I received an unexpected $400 refund check today that I didn’t know I was even eligible for– I am so grateful!


Invisible one moment, unexpected check in the mail the next moment.  How does that happen?  The Universe is very skilled at these unexpected blessings.  The YOFA jhe Sessions are one way to help you get yourself into the receiving mode so that these invisible gifts have a clear channel through which to come to you.

With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
For Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
Manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The

Subscribe to YOFA videos on YouTube:


A Natural Approach for Depression


This email came in response to a recent jhe session.

I could not agree more on the effect of this JHE session.  I, too, have been feeling sad, depressed and out-of-sorts for over a week and nothing seemed to help, however, this morning when I awoke, I was a "new person".  I had "pep" in my step, felt joyous, relaxed and happy for the first time in over a week… I know why…JHE sessions!

Thank you so much…these sessions are priceless!

The Y-axis is very powerful and getting it into alignment might just give you some of the most concrete results when dealing with sadness and depression.

Disclaimer: These sessions neither diagnose nor treat medical conditions.  They simply support your innate well being.

2 ways to align the Y -axis:

1 – Do the exercises in Rooted in the Infinite

2 – Sign up for the jhe sessions.

If you know someone suffering from the heaviness of life, tell them about the "up force."  They can read about it in the book Rooted in the Infinite.
and they can begin feeling lisghter through a meditation practice that strengthens their alignment and allows the upforce to help them.

They can also sign up for the YOFA jhe Sessions where they might get immediate relief.  And by the way, the jhe sessions come with a full guarantee.

Find out more about How to Heal Depression through Inner Alignment HERE.

With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
For Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
Manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The

Follow me on twitter:

Healing Depression through Inner Alignment:
Free Teleseminar and Webacast

blueflowers.jpg – or –
How to Achieve 
Joyful Harmonious 
Expressiveness (jhe)

A Teleseminar and Webcast

Wednesday, November 5th
12 Noon Pacific / 3 pm Eastern
Find Your Time Zone Here


Sign up here:

Yes, you read that right.

At 3 pm Eastern on Wednesday, November 5th, I’m going out on a limb.

I’m gathering up people who are interested in easing the depression they, or someone they love, has been suffering. 

And I’m making what some might consider an outrageous claim.

I have not wanted to do this. In fact I have held off on giving this class for a very long time. But one day, the urge to make this known became so overwhelming that I started organizing this call – to my surprise. This information wants to be told and it seems I am its teller.

What is the claim I’m so urged to make even though I know many may criticize me for this?

I’m claiming that through a process of inner alignment, you can get a noticeable improvement in your emotional state.

No drugs.
Not even a conversation about the problem.
Just inner alignment.

I’m not promising what people like to call a “cure.” But I am guaranteeing noticeable results: A shift in degree or intensity or something that feels a little bit better. Maybe even a lot better.

Come find out how it works, and see if this rings a bell inside you. It’s a chance for you and I to get together and talk. And as you hear what I’ve got to say, I’m pretty sure you’ll start feeling yourself moving in a direction that can completely change your life.

This is not a quick fix, not even a replacement for other therapies, but a profound shift in the way you relate to the world and your self.

Please forward this link to the people who want this information:

With Love and Appreciation,


To begin an inner alignment practice
for Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of "Rooted in The
Subscribe to YOFA videos on YouTube: