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Appreciating the contrast – That’s where we left off.
Let’s pick it up right there.
I invite you to take a look at The Vortex, page 4, paragraphs 3 & 4.
Abraham is telling us that contrast is really variety. So there we are. We look around and we see things that are wanted and things that are unwanted. Usually, the next thing we do is get focused on eliminating the unwanted thing. Do you see that that comes form a place of disempowerment? Now, we can start to see that same unwanted thing as merely a choice that we don’t take. And then we can get going on the joyful focus on (and creation of) what is wanted.
When we see the contrast as variety, and when we understand that we choose with our attention, we start to step more fully into freedom.
"…all choices are made by giving attention to something." Page 4 The Vortex
That means that every time we pay attention to something unwanted, we are choosing it.
Well, if you didn’t understand about Law of Attraction, that might seem like an outrageous statement. But when you know that your thoughts are always attracting more thoughts that are like it, and when you understand that thoughts come together to form lived realities, it all starts to make sense.
So let’s put this together with the last focus.
- We came in with the intention to enjoy every moment.
- When we lose touch with that enjoyment, it is a sign that we have forgotten who we are. (And some of you have acknowledged that by simply observing that, you are able to tap back into an awareness of your innate empowerment and freedom – Thank you for your comments).
Now we are going one step further. Now we see that your power is in your ability to deliberately place your attention. This is how you make your choices. It is elegantly simple. And not only that, but:
- You are the only one who can do it (deliberately place your attention).
- It costs nothing to do it (to choose your focus).
- It can completely transform your life (deliberately placing your attention).
Negative Emotion
So, picking up from last time, when you find yourself upset about something, resistant, negatively focused, call it whatever you like, basically, when you are experiencing negative emotion in reaction to a person, a situation, a condition, now you realize that you are feeling powerless. That’s what feels so bad. Feeling powerless feels bad because it is not who you are. You feel as though this troublesome person or thing or situation has more power in the unfolding of your life than you do.
Positive Emotion
Now, with this clear revelation, we’re getting a big clue about where your power actually resides. It is in the simple ability to choose your focus. To deliberately place your attention. And when your (human) attention is in harmony with the attention of your Inner Being, the result is a feeling of positive emotion. (That is your emotional guidance system.)
In an earlier post I told you that I would occasionally point out where all this talk about The Vortex dovetails with The Yoga of Alignment (YOFA). If you are working with Rooted in the Infinite, you’ll easily see that this deliberate placing of attention is a function of the Z-axis. You may find places in Rooted… where I talk about ping-pong balls, movie projectors, and a cascade of neutralization. These are all ways of picturing what’s going on invisibly as you deliberately select your focus.
Try This
Let’s take our last experiment a little further. When you’ve got something going on that you do not want, first watch your reaction. Remember that it’s telling you very clearly whether you are looking at the situation from a perspective that is in harmony with your Inner Being or not.
If there is upset with someone, or something, or some group of people, or some condition, look at how you can, right in that moment, change your focus.
This is the beginning of one of the most powerful realizations. Here, our eyes become open to the knowing that can completely transform our lives. This is the shocking realization that it is not the person or the situation that is the real cause of our upset. And this is good news because if they were really the cause of our problems, we would really be powerless (because we cannot control them).
And now we find out that it is our own choice of where we put our attention that is the cause of our emotional state. And now we are free because that is the only thing we can control. When you get this, angels sing, flowers bloom, rainbows fill the sky. It’s quite a moment.
Until the next…
With Love,
Attention students of Law of Attraction: You can attend the monthly YOFA Law of Attraction Workshop HERE