Uncommon Gratitude – Developing Negatives into Positives


A few years ago I gave a seminar called “Uncommon Gratitude.”  I thought this was a good day to revive the message. You can download the recording for free by clicking the link above.  And as usual with this sort of digital offering, you’ll be entering your name and email address in order to get access.  That’s become pretty standard.

On a nuts and bolts level, it gives me a way to make sure you get the material.  It also gives me a way to follow up with you, etc.  But there is much more to this exchange than meets the eye.  And that’s why I’m writing to you – I want to thank you for that extra piece.

If you got an email sending you to this blog post it’s because somewhere along the line you entered your email address on one of my websites.  And when you did that, you may have gotten an ecourse or a teleseminar or recording.  I, on the other hand, received your openness to my message.  I received some level of your interest, your trust, and your attention.  And in this explosion of information that we call our daily lives, I consider that a huge honor.  Even a moment of your attention is a gift that I do not take lightly.

And so, my message to you today is “thank you.”  Thank you for opening my emails.  Thank you for considering my messages.  Thank you for the energy exchange that happens between us.  This may sound corny, but I really do cherish the relationship that we have.  Most of us would not know each other if we bumped into each other on the street.  And yet, on some level we know each other’s purest heart.

And so, this is my long winded way of saying, any time you enter your name and email address on one of my webpages, I want you to know that I am honored, I am grateful for the opportunity to interact with you and I value your time and attention.  To you who I consider part of the YOFA family, thank you!

With Love,

Food, Money, and Manifestation – Where to click first?

food-money-manifestation.jpgCLICK FOR FOOD




This is a distilled message.

I’ve boiled down pages of info into just a couple of key ideas.

You see, I’ve got colleagues who are continually producing powerful tools for all of us to find more joy in the journey.  I love sharing these with you and I totally love getting your emails saying how great each new offering is as you partake in both the free and paid versions of all these launches and promotions.

On the other hand, I know that these promotional emails can be overwhelming.

On top of that, these launches seem to come in waves.  So you may notice you don’t get many of these emails from me for a while, then you get a whole bunch.

So, in an effort to give you the most value with the least words, here is my distilled message for today:

Law of Attraction and Affirmations (Start Manifesting with More Ease)

I have worked with affirmations with enormous success for many, many years.  If you want to increase the power of your affirmations, and start manifesting with the power of your word, click here.   This one is for you.

You are What You Eat – What Are You Eating?

Now what about the body temple?  Are you caring for the energy field that we know of as the physical body with love and appreciation?  What do you feed your body? 

If you want to energize, heal, and promote joyful longevity within the very personal system you call your body, click here for free access

Reach Into the Bag of Your Life Experience and Pull Out Money

You have money that you don’t know you have. 

It is hiding in your life experience.  I want you to learn how to extract the money that is woven into your past journey and not only bring it forward in your life, but help others in the process.

I want you to prosper.  And I have a feeling I know a way that you can make money that you have not thought about.  Or if you did think about it, you didn’t know how to get started. 

Here is what I recommend:

Find something you know about and love, maybe a hobby,  a talent, a passion.  And then what?  Teach others.  Knowledge that you take for granted is like gold to those who are seeking it.  And they will pay you to stay home, and teach them over the phone.  How do you do it?  Find out here

Abraham-Hicks Study Group: The Vortex – Are there two of you, too?



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CLICK HERE to get The Vortex



[mc src=”http://podcast-qt.s3.amazonaws.com/yofa-vortex-gateway-2009-11-13.mp3″/]

I want to begin today’s focus with what I always thought was a nursery rhyme.  It turns out it’s a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.  Apparently he wrote this with his baby in his arms. 

You probably know it:

There was a little girl,
    Who had a little curl,
Right in the middle of her forehead.
    When she was good,
    She was very good indeed,
But when she was bad she was horrid.

    — Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

This poem comes to my mind right now as I think about myself (minus the curl).

You see, sometimes I access mystical states of awareness.  Sometimes I extract wisdom from the living of my life in a way that is thrilling to me.  And I receive feedback (for which I am very grateful) that my insights are helpful to others.  Sometimes I am "very good indeed." And when I am in those states I love pouring those realizations into writing or recordings or some form of expression so that I can have an imprint of that moment or that awareness.  And, as you might guess, I do my best to let that be the side of me that acts as my public persona.

Well, then there’s the part of me that my friends and family know.  This is the part that can get hooked into focusing on what is not wanted in a way that is not fun to be around.  And while these moments are difficult, they do provide sharp contrast that sooner or later turns into an article or a website or something useful in the YOFA system.

Well, the reason I’m telling you all this is because I was just in one of these states. In fact it started yesterday. I went to sleep with something unwanted on my mind, woke up with it, and had been obsessing and getting myself more and more upset about it all day, and it’s really a relatively unimportant event in the greater scheme of things.

Finally it occurred to me to use the YOFA Gateway into the Vortex which is a website I had created for my own personal use for moments just like this.  It’s got two main tools for getting me back in the Vortex – the Simple Gateway and the Profound Gateway.  I decided this was a job for the Profound Gateway because I was pretty steeped in seeing the worst possible aspects of this situation.  In fact I was so convinced of how justified I was to be disappointed and bummed out about this particular subject that when I opened the Profound Gateway webpage and began doing the process, I found myself unable to answer the questions in a useful way.

Now mind you, I am the one who created this gateway tool.  Well, it’s a matter of semantics.  It was the me who is very very good who created it.  Now it was the me who is horrid who was trying to use it!

So here is what I did. I clicked on the video tutorial and I went question-by-question, listening to what the in-the-Vortex version of me had to say about how to answer each of the questions.  So there we were.  The in-the-Vortex version of me offering a  hand to the out-of the-Vortex version of me.  And by going question by question, with the video in one tab of my browser and the profound gateway in another tab, I moved through the  process and came out so transformed that I felt inspired to express it here.  Because now, suddenly I am the in-the-Vortex version of me.  And when that happens, this is what I do.  I write, or I somehow share how I got here. 

In fact, I can pretty much guarantee that if I did not have a way of getting myself so far out of the vortex and then so consistently finding my way back in, there would be no YOFA! 

So here are the points that I want to make today.

  1. If you are using the YOFA Gateway into Vortex (simple or profound), which is the tools set at http://HappyintheVortex.com , and you are having trouble finding your way into the contemplation, here is what I recommend: Use the video tutorial as a step by step coach helping you answer each question.
  2. If you, too, have a very very good (in-the-Vortex) version of yourself and a very very horrid (out-of-the-Vortex) version of yourself that you are very very familiar with, here is what I recommend.  Take a moment to:
    1. Thank your out-of-the-Vortex self for stimulating all that great contrast which puts better and better things in your Vortex.
    2. Thank the in-the-Vortex version of yourself for being so magnificent and lending a hand to you when you are out of the vortex.

And if you are wondering how to do that, you can begin with the scripts you create with the Gateway processes.

In the website you’ll be contemplating questions that bring you into the Vortex and you’ll be typing in the answers (your unique answers).  Then, you take the script that is created, (and that will be a very in-the-Vortex script) and save it. Then, the next time you are horrid, you can simply read this script, you can carry it in your wallet for those moments.  Then the two of you (both are you) can keep tossing the ball back and forth.  You help yourself by getting out of the Vortex and experiencing the contrast, then you help yourself by getting in the vortex and being the joyful loving being that you truly are, then you help yourself by getting out of the vortex again, then you help yourself by getting back in the Vortex…

And this volley that happens is the grist for the mill.  It’s the stuff of your life and it becomes very joyful when you know that you’re empowered to go in the Vortex and go out of the Vortex and go in the Vortex.  You discover the joy of the journey.

I wish you love,

Abraham-Hicks Study Group: The Vortex – Politics and Grandma’s Cookies



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 [mc src=”http://podcast-qt.s3.amazonaws.com/yofa-vortex-11-11-09.mp3″/]
Abraham (www.abraham-hicks.com) has been teaching us one exquisitely simple lesson for many years now. In fact, the word "simple" is a very accurate word for the teaching because one of the meanings of the word "simple" is "single."

Abraham teaches us that there is a single flow of well being.  One stream.

Now here is the part where the whole living of your life unfolds.

At any given moment, you are either allowing that stream or resisting it.

Can it be any simpler than that?

Abraham has been giving us process after process to help us do the only thing that we need to do in order to live a joyful, satisfying life. And since there are only two ways that we basically interact with the stream of well being (which is that we can allow it or resist it), there are two ways to express our job in life.  We can say that all we need to do in any situation is to allow the stream.  The other way to phrase it is to say that all we need to do is to release our resistance to the stream of well being.

So, when Abraham talks about the Vortex, and how to get into the Vortex, we can understand that this is the same as being in the allowing mode.



You can apply this to anything that is going on in your life.

From relationships, to body conditions, to politics, to grandma’s cookie recipe, you can always tell whether you are allowing or resistant by the way you feel.

And so, what happens after a while is that you realize that it is your state that matters much more than the subject of your focus. 

So let’s say you look at a political situation that angers you.  You feel like people are abusing their power and you don’t like the decisions they are making.  The tendency is to get more deeply involved in the subject matter.

Now, I think you can see that taking action from a place of negative emotion is all out-of-the-vortex-action and it is very inefficient.

It becomes clear that your primary work is to get in the Vortex and then let your action be inspired by the joy you experience when you think of what is wanted rather than the anger you feel when you think of what is not wanted.

And when you take action from within the Vortex, you are powerful, effective, and beneficial to everyone who is touched by your plans.

So here’s what I’d like you to do:

  1. Start noticing which subjects in your life seem more important to you than being in the Vortex. 
  2. Start getting into the Vortex on those subjects. 
  3. Notice how rapidly your life transforms.

How do you get in the Vortex?  That is not the subject of this particular post, but you’ll find the answers in the book The Vortex and you can accelerate the process with the tools at http://HappyintheVortex.com

With Love and Appreciation,

Re-Invent Yourself with Affirmations



Watch the Video


I have created some of the most extraordinary transformations in my life using affirmations.

I often think about creating an affirmation course. 

And I still may do it some day.  But at this point, it simply has not yet made its way to the top of my list.

That’s why I was excited when I got this email.  I think this will give you some powerful tools that are really cutting edge. In fact, I’ve never seen anyone using this technology before. 

Here’s the email I received:

Every once in a while, something comes along that just can’t
be ignored. That time is now.
"Winners do things different" – Dr. Phil.
I was recently introduced to a guy who changed my

perception of personal power and it didn’t take

long to realize that this was a person who had

something very special to offer the world.

I have met some inspirational people in my

time, but nothing prepared me for this!

His words have helped heal 1,000’s of people of

their limiting beliefs, and now, it’s your turn.


Brian Colbert is not only an NLP Master Trainer,

he is also an amazing Hypnotherapist and

Ireland’s top Life and Business Coach.

Brian makes regular appearances on Irish

television where he has changed literally,

1,000’s of lives over the last 20 years, but

that’s not enough for our Gaelic hero.

You see, Brian now wants to help YOU!

That’s right! Brian Colbert is offering you

exclusive access to some of the most incredible

secret tools for change you have ever seen and he

wants to give you some of these amazing secrets

right here and now, today, while it’s fresh in

your mind and you are in the mood for lasting change.

Go now and watch Brian in action in this

incredible video and pick up an awesome free

hypnosis audio while you are over there.

Let’s have a look at what you are going to get

this week:

  • YES – You will get access to the secrets of a life worth living.


  • YES –  Brian will  send you some really cool free stuff just for taking part in this project.


  • YES – There will be LIVE change work and you could be the focus of Brian’s personal coaching and receive the secrets to unlocking your dream life.


  • YES – Many of these secrets have an instant impact and create immediate results.


  • YES – You will receive life changing information that will change your world forever.


Let’s finish 2009 with a bang and make sure the next

12 months are the best ever!

To you and your success!

P.S. It’s been a while since I saw a video that

really made me stop and think. This video is

still on my mind as I write this and the best

news? there are another 3 videos to come this

week! I want you to take part in this and I

guarantee this will change your world, but the

first step is up to you 😉



Abraham-Hicks Study Group: The Vortex – Flawed Premise #2




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Flawed Premise #2 is on page 15 of The Vortex.

(I’m giving page references rather than quoting everything here on the blog to respect the copyright of the book.)

I’d like to ask you to consider flawed premise #2, not only regarding your parents, but also regarding anyone else who you see as an authority figure.

How often do you give up authority to someone else?  How often do you assume someone else knows better than you what is good for you?

And since we all do this to one degree or another, what can you do, or what are you doing, to reinstate your inner guidance as the primary authority in your life?

I invite you to contemplate this last question. What can you do in your life to highlight your inner guidance and your relationship to it?

Looking forward to your insights. . .

With Love,

Hilda Charlton, Spiritual Healing, and the YOFA jhe Sessions




Hilda Charlton Official Website

YOFA jhe Sessions Website

 (Scroll down)


[mc src=”http://podcast-qt.s3.amazonaws.com/yofa-jhe-hilda-11-02-09.mp3″/]

When I was a teenager I used to attend Hilda‘s Thursday night Satsang. At that time we met at St Luke’s Church in New York City’s Greenwich Village. That was a profound experience for me, but there is way more to the story of Hilda’s role in my life than what took place at those meetings.  (And, for anyone who was there, and I know you folks are out there because you write to me from time to time, you know that the energy of those gatherings was powerful, extra-ordinary, and inspiring enough to last a lifetime.)

There is more though…

I have to back up a bit. 

The reason I knew Hilda was because she was working intensely on healing my sister, Shelli.  In fact, one of my clearest memories of Hilda was when the doorbell would ring and my mother would open the door to our apartment. And there was Hilda, in her sari, and her English accent, and an aura of Love expanding out in every direction, unlike anyone else who ever rang our doorbell. 

And yet, this was a common occurrence.  Hilda was there, ringing our doorbell and entering our apartment like clockwork.

So, I’ve been reflecting on how huge Hilda’s influence has been on me.  Her presence as a healer was such a big part of my formative years, that now, as I sit to do a YOFA jhe Session two times a week, I’m so grateful for my roots with someone who is probably one of the most remarkable healers and spiritual teachers of the 20th Century.

It’s hard to describe the specific influence that Hilda still has on these remote inner alignment sessions that I do, but I want to acknowledge her and give her credit for much of my training – even if it was largely by osmosis!

When I do an inner alignment session for the people on the jhe list, I send an email explaining the specifics of the session.  I’m posting the email update that went out to the members today after I did today’s jhe session.

You can sign up for the YOFA jhe Sessions HERE.

Today’s YOFA jhe Session Email Update:

I did a YOFA jhe Session for you today.

With today’s alignment comes an
intensification of personal empowerment.

This comes not from having power over others
but as a result of an intimate relationship
with the source of all creation.

Abraham (Abraham-Hicks.com) teaches us of the
profound relationship between freedom and
empowerment.  These are different names for
the joyful end of the emotional scale.

With today’s inner alignment with your
essence, you gain access to great personal
freedom and empowerment. This happens as a
result of deliberate alignment with the
ever-present, sacred freedom at the portal
where the *now* enters your personal energy
system.  (Find out more about how this works
in the root chakra section of "Rooted in the

As a result of today’s session I expect you
to experience breakthroughs in any area of
your life where you have been feeling stuck.

You may notice that you are no longer driven
by old self-sabotaging habits, addictions,
or negative tendencies. 

What a relief! 

When those patterns release-even just a little
bit-and Law of Attraction gets hold of your
true brilliance and brings you more of that,
well, let’s just say there are fireworks in
your field of attraction and you shine your
true light.  This is the fast track to
success in any venture.

You may notice the results of this session in
funny ways.  You may have an enhanced
feeling of rhythm in your body and you may
find yourself tapping your toe or wanting to

You may find the faces of the people you meet
to be unusually beautiful – friends, family
and strangers alike.  When you see their
light shining through their human form, their
beauty is remarkable. That is one of the
probable results of this session.

You may have a surge of authentic positive
self-esteem.  This is because as the ego
comes into balance, you can own your
magnificence in a way that does not threaten
others.  In fact, it inspires the expression
of their greatness. Mutual appreciation
springs spontaneously from these

I am honored by, and grateful for, the
opportunity to do this session for you.

With Love,