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As we get close to the holidays it seems like some people get very happy and full of holiday cheer.
Others have a tendency to get depressed.
Still others are dealing with major life challenges and while they may really want to feel happy and full of cheer, they find it difficult to get into the spirit.
[mc id=”425″ type=”audio”]Quick Tips for Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire: Bite Sized Applications of Law of Attraction – A YOFA Meditation to Move from Holiday Depression to Natural Upliftment[/mc]
So, today, I want to give you a very quick meditation that you can use to lift your spirits just in case you are struggling with any of the difficult emotions that tend to ride in on the holidays. And as an aside, if you deal with depression you can visit the website and sign up for the free program there that will help you find a completely new way feeling better emotionally.
So, we’re talking about lifting your spirits but, actually, the expression “lift your spirits” is not very accurate.
Here’s why:
From the perspective of your physical human personality, your spirit is always rising. It’s like a helium balloon. It is lighter than air. It lives in the up direction.
I’ve been talking a lot about the Y-axis lately. There is this vertical line of force that runs through your upright spine. I call this the Y-axis and it is what you might want to call the spiritual axis within the human system. And there is startling information on the Y-axis and how to engage it in meditation in the book Rooted in the Infinite. More than I can go into here. You can find out more at
So the Y-axis is the vertical line of energy running through your upright spine.
It provides what I like to call the “up-force.” And so you don’t lift your spirits. And a good movie or a loving friend’s phone call doesn’t lift your spirits.
It feels like it does.
But what is really going on here is what we think of as that “uplifting” influence helps you release your resistance to the already lifted state of your spirit.
And once there is even a little bit less resistance, you feel uplifted. You know how they cut the sandbags off a hot air balloon and it goes up? Well, when you cut the sandbags of resistance off of your awareness, your sprit lifts.
It lifts all by itself. That is its natural state: Upliftment. Joy. Empowerment. Freedom.
So, if you feel worried, anxious or depressed, you can cut some of those emotional sandbags and find some relief. And in some cases this can happen very quickly.
Now, here’s the peculiar part of all this.
When we feel heavy and depressed, when we feel overburdened and hopeless, we have a tendency to get confused about what to do about it.
This Doesn’t Work…
And since we know all about gravity, we believe that what goes up must come down so we try to “lift our spirits.”
But this doesn’t really work.
When you try to lift your spirits, you are in effect trying to hold up your own Y-axis. (Remember, the Y-axis is the vertical line of energy that runs through your upright spine. And its natural direction is up.)
That would be like getting in a hot air balloon and trying to lift the balloon with your muscle power. You won’t go very far.
This Does Work…
But when you cut the sandbags and let the hot air balloon do what it naturally does, you go up.
And the same is true emotionally.
When you release resistance and let your sprit do what it naturally does, you feel uplifted.
When you release your burden you naturally rise.
So, today, I’d like to give you a very quick little Y-axis meditation that is intended to have the effect of lifting your sprits. But you and I both know that that is not what it is doing at all.
It does feel that way though.
This mediation is actually intended to help you release resistance so that you naturally and effortlessly feel better emotionally. This is another Y-axis meditation.
Try This:
Sit upright, and close your eyes.
Sense, feel, or visualize a beam of white light running vertically through the center of you. It begins at the center of the earth and continues through you and beyond, into the unknown reaches of the sky.
Your body is like a straw and this light energy pours through it in the most easy and comfortable way imaginable.
This beam of light is made of pure love. It feels peaceful and kind. As it flows through you it is infinitely compassionate toward you. Feel your posture shift to accommodate your growing awareness of this core of love that flows through your energetic spine.
And as you become more and more aware of this energy, whether you can feel it or not, whether your can picture it or not, even if it is just a thought in your mind, as you become more and more aware of this energy, its field of love and peace and ease and acceptance of all that you are begins to permeate your body. All your cells become magnetized to this unconditional love at the core of you.
This peace permeates your mind so that all thought forms turn themselves around in space until they find an alignment that is harmonious with the love and peace at the core of you.
For just these few moments, your mind and body rest, floating in the field of love and peace that is generated by the love light flowing through the straw of your human instrument.
You can stay in this awareness and bask in the energy field for as long as you like. When you are ready open your eyes and step into your life empowered by this alignment.
With Love and Appreciation,
PS. – Right now You can get the complete recordings of a YOFA Y-axis Law of Attraction Workshop ($35 value) for free when you buy Revolutioniz by midnight Friday, December 11.