The Benefit of Distance in Distance Healing

Your pains, physical and emotional, are like alarms.

They are there to tell you something. They may just be the loudest sirens in your inner guidance system and they get your attention every time.

In fact, they can get you to slow down, maybe even stop, and review your life. And as you reflect on what has become unworkable or out of balance, you may seek someone who is called a “healer.” You may even seek someone who does what is called distance healing or remote healing.

Who is the Healer?

Of course, the one called healer is not really a healer. That one, the healer, is really the one who simply clears the channel for the innate healing power within you to flow in and restore balance.

So, when you seek healing, it is the Divine Energy, Infinite Intelligence, Light and Love that is the healer. And since they flow through you as you, you are really the healer. The one we call the patient is the healer. The one we call the healer is the helper.

And since the one you enlist to help you, and to be the facilitator of your healing, is there to help restore your state of flow so that you can heal yourself, he or she will do best to see you in your state of Divine Perfection.

As the healer (helper) sees you as whole, happy, and healed, that image sets a tone with which you can then resonate.

The Benefit of Distance

Sometimes the healer is right there in the room with you. They may have their hands on or near you as they work. In the case of distance healing, the healer may be in another city. They may even be on a different continent and still be effective. In fact, at times that distance works to your advantage.

When the healer is not looking directly at the problem that you are experiencing, that healer is not impressed with the suffering. In this case, this is a benefit. It may seem strange to you because we are used to the opposite scenario. Usually you go to your doctor so that he or she can examine you and become familiar with your problem for the purpose of finding the solution.

Here, however, in the healing that results from inner alignment, we begin with a knowing of the solution so there is no need to diagnose the problem.

And since the treatment consist of the pure tone of wholeness, the less present the vibration of the apparent problem, the more effective the treatment.

There are many forms of distance or remote healing, and part of their effectiveness lies in the distance itself.

Since the arena of healing is independent of space and time, the distance does not diminish the healing. But since the arena of human perception is influenced by space and time, the distance can actually benefit the healing process. It can partially insulate the healer from the more dominant tone of the patient’s concern about the apparent problem. And that can augment the healer’s ability to see the patient in the light of Divine Perfection.

There is no Distance

The healing that you seek brings you back to yourself. When there is no distance between you and you, you feel whole, healed, and happy. This can be seen as concentric circles of you-ness, all elaborating on your ability to express the uniqueness of your incarnation and all in alignment with your essence.

That is a very good feeling and you can tell clearly when you click into that alignment. It may seem amazing to you when it happens with the healer at a distance (maybe on the other side of the globe). I had a very dramatic experience of this type of healing with my teacher Hilda Charlton when I was a teenager. Once you experience the clarity and power of that influence it is unlikely that you will doubt it again. At that moment, you realize that there is no distance. At that moment, the healing has occurred.