Instantaneous Manifestation

Click the Play Button Above to Listen…

In this recording, I reveal the power of instantaneous manifestation.  Be sure to listen to the end to hear about my Extreme Thanksgiving Discount.  Here are the links mentioned in the audio:


Thanksgiving Empowerment Process & Special Discount

The Holiday Season has begun!

Click the Play Button Above (9 Minute audio) and Step Into Your Empowerment for Truly happy Holidays!

  • Use this quick, simple process to make this the best holiday season ever.
  • Get my special Extreme Discount for one week ONLY!

CLICK the Purple Vortex to Join the YOFA jhe Sessions for only $9!!!!

Sound Vibration & Law of Attraction

Your voice vibrates into your reality.

Your voice and the words you speak vibrate into the field around you creating a pattern that Law of Attraction then responds to.

Your voice helps you manifest your desires.

Yes, the actual sound that comes from your vocal cords is part of your manifesting power.

Do you ever think of yourself as a musical instrument?

Every muscle and bone in your body contributes to the sound and vibration
of your voice.

* And your voice speaks the song of your heart.

* And your heart offers the message of your soul.

* And Law of Attraction responds to your vibration.

Sound Vibrates Potential into Reality

When the sounds, words, and songs of your voice are pure and in resonance with your inner truth, amazing things happen in your life.

You see this in the power of prayers, affirmations, mantras, chants and other deliberate use of the power of sound.

So here is the question of the day…

What reality is the tone of your voice  vibrating in you?

And what notions are your words bringing forth into manifestation in your life?

Speak and sing your reality into being with the joy and love that you desire in your life.

With love,