In a hurry? You can sign up here:
You folks knocked my socks off.
The results that people reported during the week-long YOFA jhe Experiment in November were nothing short of extraordinary.
So, just to make sure that this was not a fluke, I’m doing it again.
This time we’ll go for a month. The whole month of January.
I’ll be offering sessions a few times a week. Who knows, maybe more maybe less. (I’ll be following my flow rather than a schedule – That’s the way this sort of thing works best for me.)
Once again, I am not charging for this service. It is completely free.
All you have to do is watch for results:
· Improvement in your condition
· Happiness
· Lightness
· Ease
· What others would call "healing"
(We call it "joyful harmonious expressiveness" or "jhe.")
Sign up here:
That’s also where you’ll get all the details.
Then you can come back and post your results here. So bookmark this page so you can easily come back and let us all know that these jhe sessions really work!
Oh, I almost forgot to tell you something important.
Now, this is the strange part.
There is one requirement. And that is that you do not write about your problems. I know this is the opposite of what you are used to with those who usually help you heal. You’re in the habit of telling that person your problem so they can help you get rid of it.
This is a completely different approach. The less I know about your problems, the more effective I am in these sessions.
When you post to the blog, you can talk generally about symptoms you used to have that are now gone, but please keep this blog free from the vibrations of named medical conditions. Thank you for honoring this. Anyone telling me the specifics of their problem will be removed from the list. Sorry. At my current level of ability, this is important to the success of the experiment.
You can do it, too.
To get in sync with what I’m doing in these sessions, get a copy of Rooted in the Infinite: The Yoga of Alignment. You can begin doing the exercises in the Practice Section of the book and build a greater resonance with my jhe Sessions.
So, if you want to begin the New Year with a joyful harmonious tone, sign up for the new YOFA jhe Sessions and feel free to tell everyone you know abut this while it is still free. The more people who participate, the more we’ll find out about the effectiveness of this method. You can tell your friends by clicking HERE.
Sign up here:
Thank you!
With love and appreciation,
PS – Want to see the results some people got the last time we did this? Click HERE.
Today I ran out to pick up a few things from grocery store. On the way back home stopped at Subway to pick up lunch. Came out and car would not start. Any other time I would have been in a panic – wondering what is wrong with my car – let me get a wrecker. However, I just remained calm – asked Subway personnel if I could leave my car there until I found a wrecker service. Then I called my cousin to come pick me up. While waiting for my ride noticed an Oil Change sign about 10 feet from the Subway store. I was literally 10 feet from a Firestone store. Walked down there and filled out a work order form to check out my car. Before my cousin arrived to pick me up Firestone mechanics came to take a look at my car. It did start after several attempts – but I told them to take it down to the garage to check it out. Never once did I have a panic or anxiety attack. Arrived home in a state of peace.
I am happy to report that I was finally ready to let go of a lot of past relationships, pain and negativity.
I wrote a letter to each person I wanted to forgive or ask forgiveness from. I thanked them for the wonderful memories.
Then I burned all the letters and let all the old negative connections go up in smoke.
I felt much freer and lighter.
I definitely feel more powerful and ready to create what I want in my life in 2007. What a great way to start the New Year!
Thank you.
I find myself speaking up when I don’t understand and/or am disappointed in my current significant other’s behavior. In past relationships, I’d just stuff it and stew. I’m finding it easier to speak up for myself, hopefully, without attack toward the other, and gain clarity instead of being at the mercy of my own imagination.
Since joining this YOFA jhe experiment two days ago I have felt lighter and more optimistic than I have in months. I finished reading “Rooted in the Infinite” last week and have begun reading it again, doing the meditation exercises this time. This is my usual way of studying; quickly read the entire text first for the overall sense of what can be gained from it, and if I’m still excited, then read more slowly a second time while doing whatever exercises are given. Rebbie, your book is beautifully thought out, and what you present is in complete accord with my objectives. I’m deeply grateful to you!
People are falling away from my life like dragon scales — 3 in the past couple of months. While I know this is a good sign of a shift and personal growth, it requires emotional adjustment.
I have managed to see this as perfect, to let go of anger, resentment, and even sadness, and enjoy the lighter feeling of having released relationships I have outgrown.
Thank you, Rebbe, for your support.
dear rebbie, thank you for your jhe sessions. normally i am very sensitive to energies bit i cant pick up yours. only exception a sharpening of contrast like a pointing out of things i should take care of.
thanks again and all the best to you.greetings alexander
Hello Rebbie,
Have just downloaded chapter one and begun reading it. Thank you.
I have meditated for many years and strive to gain clarity in my life. Have developed a considerable of peace and stillness as I walk my life.
However my humility, need to be LIKED and wish not to hurt others often lead me not to be as effective in my work as I could be. Last night I encountered one of my long term very troubled clients, in her usual state of flux. I was able to combine what I would consider brutal honesty with loving support. By the end of the hour and a half session she had gained much more clarity and understanding with her predicament feeling ready and renewed to face the challenges of her life.
On a personal front in the last few days I have polished off 6 case studies for my Reiki 3A mastership, which I have needed to do since August.
A relationship with a loved one is moving from just acceptable to loving once more after many years of being on the borderline. I find myself not biting back and saying little kind things and the other is responding in kind. No great revalations just a definate shift in myself to even more clarity and peace within. Definately less strife mmmm. Good stuff.
During the Christmas period, I had a minor health problem which was had been lingering. Yesterday the 1st of January, I noticed that the problem had disappeared completely out of my body. My 4 month old baby had something similar and this has also cleared up. Thanks a million Rebbie.
I have felt such an incredible amount of joy. It is as though I have been reborn and am experience a “newness” to life.
Thank You and Happy New Year and Blessings to You.
Dearest Rebbie,
Thank you so much, you are a beautiful gift for humanity. I am once again connecting to that profound inner peace that has been missing this past year due to my own much needed work. Love your book. A friend had introduced me to Abraham a couple of years ago and then you re-affirmed that connection. Looking back, I can see how those teachings have manifested in my life to where I am today.
Love, Light & Blessings,
In the past, I have often been so concerned with what other people might think, that I temper my own actions. Exhortations to “be a good girl” run through my mind, but I am more powerful than some passive little dolly. Lately, I’ve been sitting in the center of my power and I feel like a Queen at court, with people dancing around and trying to curry my favor. I know that I am wothy and I feel so free, and so light and so HAPPY!
I thank you from the center of my heart, Rebbie!
Love and Light and happy new year!
Rebbie…12/31 and 1/1 I was unusually restless & fretful…felt like I could explode…used this momentum to tackle long overdue projects…put on fun music, cleaned, feng shuied, simplified & discovered my new flow…upleveling, re-aligning effortlessly for the new yr…thank you for tipping the scales with fresh inspiration…
Dear Rebbie,
This is my second session of jhe. What a joy! Each time, somewhere between the 2nd and 3rd days, a burst of joy explodes in me. It seems like I am finally in harmony, in peace, a beloved child of universe. And it hepls me achieve some goals, pass some ordeals, much easier than I imagined. Thank you!
May the universe bless you and everyone in this group…
It has started, the clouds are lifting and the essence is flowing….
So hard to explain..
light dawning
thickness thinning
from struggling in muddles to splashing in puddles
suddenly remembering about the things in life that I love and want….
since I cannot say enuff look for my future fluff
AND spread the light and enjoin heaven here where it is…
Thank you so much Rebbie for this wonderful gift. I am going through a time with my 18 y.o. daughter that would normally send me through the roof. I have been very calm in my spirit and able to speak the truth in a loving way to her. Thank you so much.
In love and light,
Dear Rebbie,
Full moon greetings and blessings to you with my heartfelt gratitude for these YOFA jhe sessions.
My sprained foot is healing well and I feel lighter and brighter. No anxiety attacks in the middle of the night and improved relationships.
Thank you so much for this latest prosperity session. Blessings . May the good work you do return to you tenfold.
love and light in all dimensions !
wow! I’m definitely experiencing more harmony in my primary relationship!
Thanks, Rebbie.
There is a calmness that I am really appreciating. I had terrible dreams [… ] last night. that usually hangs over me like a dark cloud the next day. today i am smiling … a lot. this kind of thing is not very word friendly. namaste char
Hi Rebbie your an angel,
something beautiful is happening,a feeling of joy,coming out into the light after a period of darkness.A feeling of hope coming into my life again.
sending you love and angel blessings.
At first I thought it was just coincidence because I have been working on removing my resistance, following the Abraham teachings, but it’s not. New Years’s eve day & night went so smoothly & great for me, which doesn’t usually happen. Then, today, a coworker snapped & snarled at me & after a very brief moment I noticed I was letting it go & laughing…… & really feeling good about not being affected by her attitude. I just blew it off & I have NEVER been able to do that without a lot of self talk, affirmations & hard work. Rebbie, something’s happening!!!!!
Thank you so much, Mary
Hi Rebbie,
I am feeling really good. I don’t get angry for petty things like I used to. I feel lot of good vibrations when I sit for meditation. It feels really nice. I am happy always.
Thanks a lot for these sessions.
Hi Rebbie,
I just spent the last four days with my 84 year old mom and 2 brothers (one who is not clean & sober) and was able to maintain neutrality during most discussions which is a great step forward for me.
I think this is a direct result of the sessions.
Thank you,
I joined the sessions on 1/2. I didn’t notice anything such as physical or emotional sensations, but a few hours later that same day I was invited to be a part of a Mastermind group. I felt very excited because I have been wanting to manifest new friendships and align myself with those of like mind/interests. So when I got your email saying to look for new and beneficial relationships I thought “Hmmm!”
I have also noticed that I look younger, or maybe it’s just that my face seems more relaxed and less “pinched” from stress. I have an art opening tomorrow and usually I would be wound pretty tight with nervous energy, but I am actually feeling calm– looking forward to it but not putting any weighty expectations on it at the same time. Good stuff! I must buy your book to see what this is all about! Thanks so much!
I’m not sure there is a word in existence that reflects what I’ve been feeling. I have never felt so calm in my life. I’ve been looking at things from a different perspective. This is going to be a great journey.
Thanks, Rebbie. Love and light to you!
haven’t noticed prosperity nor relaitonship change – BUT yesterday I had to work 11 hours straight, and wasn’t completely dead afterwards !!
Today I deliberately let my husband sleep in and did the morning routine with the kids on my own. Typically I wouldn’t and would be very testy with him that he wasn’t helping, lol!
I only got a little out of sorts for a moment when their was frost on the car and I had to move the truck to get out of the driveway. but I easily remembered that all is well and just did what needed to be done, with much less angst than in the past.
I feel I am more centered and my conncetion to Source is clearer. So I’m happier which makes everyone around me freer to be who they are. Thanks Rebbie!
With love and great appreciation,
I experienced a moment today…of pure bliss. An intense feeling of letting go to a long standing matter in my life. Reggie, thank you for your generous spirit and sharing your true purpose with others. Namaste.
Thanks, Rebbie, for your very positive intentions and prompting us all to have the same. I do feel lighter and have had exceptional family times. Much gratitude from me to the Universe Father and Mother Spirit and all of our unseen friends. Also much gratitude to all people, beings, truth, beauty and goodness on this very planet!!
Thank you with the deepest of gratitude. Unequaled happiness to you Rebbie for your energy and the sharing of that energy I feel blessed and aided.Just knowing that you have included me has opened me up to receive the gift of all that is. I am getting out of my own way and sense that blessings are dropping around me like rose petals.
May you feel the golden light of upliftment and grace.
In the light Kim.
I just have to say that I feel detached from the everyday annoyances and distractions. I feel calmer and more at peace. There is a sense of lightness, of relief. Thank you so much!
finding and mostly feeling the truth bumbs,as i call them run smoothly threw me ,a smile i have not seen in years ,so much thanks,so much graditude,thank you rebbie
I do feel as though I am more relaxed about the trials and tribulations that have come my way. I have been reading the book without doing the exercises at the moment; I find it all so very interesting. Thank you for all of this!
I feel & know your jhe sessions are wonderful, & am grateful to be a recipient. Currently, alot of (to many) things going on. I find your sessions a beautiful blessing. Also, I have found while leading my Yoga class, the effects reverberate; a truly beautiful experience. I hope the same is true for you & your jhe sessions.
In gratitude,
Rebbie, I have found the most inner peace in my everyday life and little things that would get my attention just seem to float away. Along with your book and the the affirmative contemplation cd I have really experienced who I am and can say thank you to myself for the affirmation. You are certainly helping with your being their for so many of us. Namaste
As soon as I signed up, I felt a relief, or I should say a release. I am not quite sure of what, but the feeling was very welcome. I Knew that some loving thing had happened to me in that moment. I am looking forward to the next, and the next. Thank you Rebbie for being you and for sharing yourself with all of us.
Blessed Be,
Today is January 5, and I KNOW you worked on the Y axis today! My mind feels as though it has been vacuumed and had its windows washed. My body is standing straighter and taller, and I feel a calmness as though many nagging little voices had been stilled. Bless you, Rebbie!
A sense of dark clouds somewhat dispersing .. bringing emotional backlog up in my dreams and, then during the day, spaces where I can see the blue sky. Feel supported in getting back my meditations. I’m making little steps .. allowing for adjustments. I intend to order the book soon and to continue to work with this – a great tool for 2007. Thank you Rebbie .. blessings!
This is the second time for me on this experiment. I was so excited that you were offering it again. Last time I noticed that even after the experiment was completed, I continued to feel more calm than I had in the past.
I have had so much going on over the past week, and normally I would go right into anxiety mode. However, I have been able to remain amazingly calm through this rollercoaster, and I thank you with all my heart. there are times when I think I am not feeling anything, then I step back and look at how I have been reacting differently and I realize how helpful this experiment is. Many blessings to you for offering it. everything just seems so much more clear, and I know that things that need to be worked out will work themselves out.
Things appear more subtle in this second jhe session, for me. I do feel lighter, with a better ability to get out of my own way in healing several things in my life. Thanks for the book. I am enjoying it.
I feel like an advertisement for your statement “manifesting things you have wanted for a long time”.
Is 40 years long enough? I finally stumbled onto the secret to controlling my bodies weight. This feels like healing to me.
Thank you so much.
Dear Rebbie
Thankyou for these sessions. I signed up on Wed 3 Jan. On Thurs and Fri, especially in the mornings, I found everything very funny, and laughed my head off at anything.
Hi Rebbie,
This is an amazing experience. As soon as I signed up, I notice a wonderful change within me. I could feel all my organs just tingling and I suddenly was able to move past the mental blocks on my projects. I just felt less fearful and more confident. Thank you so much for this amazing experience. ps. I think signing up with the first and last name makes a big difference.
Hi Rebbie, Thank you. I had two things I wanted to tell you about. First of all I have had such clarity about decisions I had to make. Also, On Jan.4th a tornado, which caused a great deal of destruction and two deaths, passed yards away from my home and we have no damage. I feel that in some way the energy you send helped to protect my family. Thank you, Kathy
Amazing! I am feeling much less dependent on the normal poisons in my life!
Not sure what is happening with the energy flows. So many facets of my life right now are in chaos and yet all I feel is a steady river when in reality there should be rapids. Amazing – simply amazing!!! Have never known such a true sense of peace. Started with the first YOFA conference in December. Thanks, Rebbie…… Amazing – simply amazing!!!
Hi Rebbie,
Thank you for the work you are doing. Things are going well. Last weekend I had a great art opening and some sales….however I am not sleeping much these last several days. I have no idea if this could be related, but I thought I would toss it out there in case the info could be useful to you.
Best wishes
Hi everyone, i’m writing from Istanbul, Turkey. I was introduced to your sessions at a very critical time in my life where i have to make important decisions and critical moves. Until now, things have gone pretty smooth and i believe its because of you dear Rebbie! I am hopefull about the future, thanks Rebbie… I feel so spoiled, i want this all my life! 😉 🙂
Hi Rebbie:
After responding to you initially, I wanted to offer something to the blog community. I have noticed so many wonderful things happening since you started the JHE sessions for the month and we’re only on the 9th. How awesome is that? You know I’ve always wanted to be able to levitate or fly…maybe by 1/31?
Yesterday was filled with these situations that continually went in my favor. I went to 5 different businesses and each of them wanted to save me money or be very gracious toward me. I don’t know about you but for me that’s a great day! I’m even experiencing more love, affection and playful-ness in my marriage. Consequently, there’s more romance.
I’ve found that acknowledging these wonders and being genuinely grateful to All Life keeps the channel open to these day to day miracles. It’s like ….I am, You are, God is! We are all One!
Thanks for letting me share.
A Grateful Male Participant :>),
Thank you, Rebbie! I am experiencing more ease in my life and in my body/mind. I am likening what you are doing to a lighthouse – sending out its light in the darkness. It feels to me like a beacon – calling to me, reminding me of who I REALLY am & where it is that I am wanting to go, wanting to be. It is assisting me in staying in alignment. And I am most grateful for your generosity of spirit in offering this.
Hi Rebbie, I’m noticing past issues are really up for me to deal with right now. I’m noticing that I’m not getting stuck in the emotions for as long as I have in the past. In a matter of minutes I’ve felt the feeling and have moved it out of my body and replaced it with the light and I go on with my day. I love it!!