A New YOFA jhe Experiment Begins

Xaxisabovebelowsm In a hurry?  You can sign up here:



You folks knocked my socks off.

The results that people reported during the week-long YOFA jhe Experiment in November were nothing short of extraordinary. 

So, just to make sure that this was not a fluke, I’m doing it again.

This time we’ll go for a month.  The whole month of January.

I’ll be offering sessions a few times a week.  Who knows, maybe more maybe less.  (I’ll be following my flow rather than a schedule – That’s the way this sort of thing works best for me.)

Once again, I am not charging for this service.  It is completely free.

All you have to do is watch for results:

· Improvement in your condition
· Happiness
· Lightness
· Ease
· What others would call "healing"
(We call it "joyful harmonious expressiveness" or "jhe.")

Sign up here:


That’s also where you’ll get all the details.

Then you can come back and post your results here.  So bookmark this page so you can easily come back and let us all know that these jhe sessions really work!

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you something important. 

Now, this is the strange part. 

There is one requirement.  And that is that you do not write about your problems.  I know this is the opposite of what you are used to with those who usually help you heal.  You’re in the habit of telling that person your problem so they can help you get rid of it.

This is a completely different approach. The less I know about your problems, the more effective I am in these sessions.

When you post to the blog, you can talk generally about symptoms you used to have that are now gone, but please keep this blog free from the vibrations of named medical conditions. Thank you for honoring this.  Anyone telling me the specifics of their problem will be removed from the list.  Sorry.  At my current level of ability, this is important to the success of the experiment.

You can do it, too.

To get in sync with what I’m doing in these sessions, get a copy of Rooted in the Infinite: The Yoga of Alignment.  You can begin doing the exercises in the Practice Section of the book and build a greater resonance with my jhe Sessions.

So, if you want to begin the New Year with a joyful harmonious tone, sign up for the new YOFA jhe Sessions and feel free to tell everyone you know abut this while it is still free.  The more people who participate, the more we’ll find out about the effectiveness of this method.  You can tell your friends by clicking HERE.

Sign up here:


Thank you!

With love and appreciation,


PS – Want to see the results some people got the last time we did this?  Click HERE

172 thoughts on “A New YOFA jhe Experiment Begins

  1. I joined YOFA when a friend in Australia told me about it. The first few days coincided with me having the flu. Not fun! That happened with intense Reiki sessions though too, so nothing I didn’t expect, and was happy to have a 3 day weekend for MLK plus Ice Storm 2007. Today I feel pretty good. I feel like cleaning my bedroom (its always cluttered). I also feel ready to start a relationship with someone. I feel more at peace and more grounded than I have been in a very long time.

  2. I signed up together with my parents (Luc Devondel & Nellie Beens). My father seems to be doing well,he’s painting again, always a good sign. So does my mother. I felt very happy and that’s nice since I just started a new job. We all seem to respond mostly to the y-dimension, lightness, joy and centeredness.
    Thanks very much Rebbie!!

  3. Thank you very much for this invaluable help…. the minute I signed up for this, I felt clarity and made a final decision about something I was concerned and a bit unsure about. Since then I have been feelig even happier than I was before and have gotten many things done, completed a few projects that had been lingering for a while, and been very productive in general. I also had a dramatic dream last night about people I’ve had deep spiritual and romantic relationships with in the past…it felt very significant somehow.

  4. Today, your email states: This alignment encourages the effortless
    fulfillment of long held desires. I guess I’m struggling with letting this happen as I feel restless and kind of angry…

  5. Dear Rebbie,
    It is as if my many challenges right now are having the effect of increasing my focus rather than disrupting it. I am meditating daily for the first time in a long time. I am more able to shift my thinking and begin to “allow” in the moment as soon as I feel myself slipping into discouragement. I am waiting for “Rooted in the Infinite” to arrive…believe it will come today….can’t wait!
    An injury I have which has left me unable to work seems to be undergoing accelerated healing right now…I can feel this. Also, I feel my confidence increasing in my own healing abilities, and have decided to do healing sessions while my injury is still healing…until I can return to the kind of work I do(massage therapy). Perhaps this is one reason I created the injury!
    There is so much more going on that I will not be specific about…with my loved ones…but I am passing the healing on to them and know it is helping.
    Thanks, Rebbie, for your powerful assistance thru the jhe sessions.

  6. Rebbie,
    I’ve been feeling positive, healthy, and have seen some positive development in my creative work. However, my sleep has become inconsistent. The slightest noise, or temperature change wakes me up. I wonder if this is a sign of a shift, or a healing crisis of some sort. I’d love to know what you think it is.
    Thank you for your great work!

  7. I am in much greater alignment with my higher consciousness than before. I feel marvellous things coming my way, and I am experiencing flow like light golden honey… I AM flow. Thank you so much for this wonderful experiment! In light and gratitude. xxx j

  8. Dearest Rebbie:

    I am a tad late in adding my experience to your blog, but I know you understand.

    I can only relate that my experience with “jhe” has been nothing short of amazing! I have never felt such a wonderful sense of calm and peacefulness as I feel now. I also feel a strong healing (which is very, very important to me at this time!)in my emotions and in my thoughts. The stress that I have felt has diminished greatly (to almost nothing)and I have gained clarity whereas before I felt confused and negative as a result.

    I cannot begin to thank you, Rebbie, for the “jhe”…you have made such a difference in my life!

    Lastly, your book is WONDERFUL! I keep it with me at the office and study and practice during my lunch hours! Thank you for this gift of knowledge as well!

    Many blessings to you!


  9. I was recently praying for my mother’s health (strange ailment that was probably nothing serious; I wanted to make sure it was nothing serious) and for employment for my out-of-work father. Yesterday I found out that my mother’s thing is indeed nothing serious and that my father had gotten a 1-month job that will tide him over for a while, with a possibility of the job being extended. AND, I’ve recently begun realizing I’m worth a lot more than what my office job pays me and begun to even more intensely envision leaving the office job/world entirely in favor of financial independence and the creative professional success I desire.

  10. Dear Rebbie, I have had a cleaning out frenzy for the last few weeks. So much so that I find myself looking for more drawers and cupboards to clear out. I feel better than I have in years since I started with the Secret, The teachings of Abraham and now with you. Thank you for your jhe sessions

  11. Dear, Dear Rebbie, Thank you so very much for the work you are doing. I can definitly feel the effects already. I am feeling so very much better, physically, mentally and spiritually. I feel so lifted and light. I know positively now everything is working out just right in my life. I send you Love and Light. Lovingly, Marilyn

  12. Thank you Rebbie…appreciate GHE’s nurishing…partnering with you enables me to reach some cobwebs that I wasn’t fully aware of…literally & figuratively…my word for 2007 is elasticity & letting the pendulum swing fully for a change…slowing down more, focusing mind fully & relishing the silence that I can easily ignore..trusting my life more…being a stand for vibrant stillnes juicily shared…thank you muchly for waving your magic wand!

  13. It is amazing that with the last two sessions, I have actually felt the improvements in my life before you have done your session. I am sure the energy of you even preparing your sessions is finding me. Thank you for sharing your amazing gift and love with us!!

  14. Dear Rebbie,
    Astonishing. I have to admit I was not thinking about your sessions or the results, just noticing more and more lightness and a gentleness around what is normally a slightly difficult relationship. I was even starting to think in a more compassionate way, and noticing I was doing so. Then I got the email today that said

    “As a result of today’s session, in addition to the
    previously stated benefits of YOFA jhe Sessions, you
    may find a ***softening in difficult relationships***.

    You may find your heart opening to the plight of others
    as your compassion expands and your defensiveness diminishes. ”

    I couldn’t believe it. It’s as though I was reading exactly what I had been thinking… WOW!
    Bless you!

  15. After today’s session 19/1 ,

    Funny you should say “You may find your heart opening to the plight of others as your compassion expands and your defensiveness diminishes ” .. this is so for me.

    Just before your email arrived I put old stuff behind me and contacted an old friend on her birthday .

    I also feel more open and willing to share myself with the world. Braver, more courageous.

    Thank you Rebbie
    Namasté ! Love Light and all good things to you and your work ,

  16. Although I enjoyed my job, I have been hoping for something even better and for more money. As of Tuesday I ws laid off, but a better job opportunity came the same day. I’ve applied and so far it looks good. Here’s intending that next week will bring the best news so far.

  17. Thank you so much for this session today! My *difficult* relationships are much smoother and I also experienced a sense safety in speaking my truth in several situations. Wonderful!

  18. A thousand blessings, dear Rebbie … we are feeling the movement in our energy: as an inner bouyancy, and even more so a peaceful, supportive grounding. Quite wonderful, and quite timely!
    We are enormously mindful of what you are doing, and equally grateful that you are!

  19. I had such a strong sense of well being this morning. Thanks.
    I was thinking how nice it would be to receive $10,000 checks in the mail each day. When I got to work, my client gave me a check for 7 weeks work. A nice hunk ‘o change. And he said he’d been thinking about how much he likes to write checks, and how much he’d like to write me a check for $1,000,000.

    I’m right on the verge. I can feel it. ~~~~*:-)~~~~~ (me doing a happy dance.) We’ll be havin’ a party. Everybody singin’. Dancin’ to the music on the radiooooooooooo.


  20. Okay. This is my third try at posting. An amazing positive experience with a usually scary chronic medical issue…since you don’t want to know details I’ll just say that Abraham’s teachings of reaching for that better thought finally have hit home. I know now that I must actively practice this when in the midst of my “episodes”, not just when I am feeling normal. It worked!!!!
    I love the book. Your prose is amazingly juicy and goes down like chocolate pudding, giving me shivers all the way. Mmmmmm. Thank you, Rebbie. You are selfless but receiving the world in return…

  21. Dear Rebbie,
    Since I signed up I’ve been experiencing a different life energy, I’m finding myself joyful, at peace and the most important I’m now being able to intimate connect with people without fear. Thank you so much… for your amazing energy.

  22. Yesterday I noticed alot more compassion about a situations I was not having alot of compassion about. Relationships seem lighter and I feel more at peace. thank you thank you

  23. Dear Rebbie,
    On Friday morning I found it difficult to get going. I felt soo tired all day. Because of this I decided to leave some errands for another day and went home, had a bowl of soup and went to bed by 8:30PM. The next day I awoke so refreshed and energetic worked a full day and then went to the gym! I think my body just wanted to be still for the jhe and I thank-you Rebbie. Daisy Coss

  24. It is clear to me that causality is invisible. We can never know what causes what.
    On the other hand, there are no conincidences.
    With that said, here is what is showing up in my life:
    The 3 people with whom I spent the most time, on-line and off, have basically left my life, 2 of them totally. It was time.
    An entire new world has opened up including a possible partnering relationship. I am being offered new jobs and have been dropped into a whole new circle of wonderful and talented people.

    I am watching the show and can hardly wait to see where it is all going!
    Thank you Rebbie for whatever your sessions on our behalf have contributed!

    Blessed be
    in Loe and Light,

  25. Dear Rebbie,

    I have put off writing even though I have been feeling the effects of your healing. While there has definitely been some clearing out of unnecessary items, and a view of good things to come, everytime, after a temporary feelgood session things go straight back to almost worse than they were before. This is quite depressing. I am definitely sending for your book, and hopefully this will help me to continue with your wonderful healing. The best session for me was the softening of difficult relationships.There was absolutely no doubt about this one working! This has continued for the last 3 days but seems to be reversing back to square one now. I would be really grateful if in your future sessions of JHE you could please repeat this one again! With gratitude and blessings for your selfless and generous healings.

  26. I definitely felt aligned and centred all weekend. I suffer badly from anxiety, being totally ungrounded and fear attacks. But this weekend i felt really well and full of thankfullness and compassion.

  27. After initially thinking that I did not feel the effects that I did with the first jhe, I have become aware in this past week that there IS a significant change in my body .. an upliftment in my being overall! It fells really good so once again Rebbie many thanks and blessings for you!

  28. Aloha,

    Yes indeed. I did receive an unexpected financial benefit from your efforts. It was not a lot, but any unexpected financial gain is great!

    I also confirmed a separate job completion date which I will be paid for as soon as it is done.


  29. Dear Rebbie,
    Working toward expression of my true purpose. Thank you for the energy and the boost in the direction of my intention.

  30. Namaste Rebbie!

    Joy, Harmony and Balance have been the hallmarks of this month’s sessions so far. I have been working on some core issues for freeing blockages to my joyful manifesting, and have been making HUGE leaps and bounds since the last sessions. To make things a little more interesting, I was anticipating a check in the mail on the 30th, and it came, delivered by courier, a week early! Yay! Your experiment has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that distance alignment and healing can occur, and that the vibrations we send out ARE TRULY the ones we Attract!
    COOL! Thank you for your unconditional Love, and your beautiful Gift!

  31. I was hesitate to join this as it was almost the end of January but the universe said “go ahead” and I am so glad I listened. I have felt such peacefulness and clarity in the last few days since joining. Thank you ever so much.

  32. I feel a sense of inner peace that I haven’t felt before. Also great physical tiredness & a mini-flu for the last few days. But my inner space is amazing: all that wondering & doubting about what my right path in life is has simply disappeared. I know I’m right on track, right where I am, I no longer question my own existence. And a lot of work is flowing in (I’m a freelancer), which is wonderful. And I have great connections with friends, family, customers… Thank you so much for the time & energy you give to us in this experiment.

  33. I have noticed since you have started concentrating on prosperity that I am now facing my financial challenges instead of running from them. Also, I recently became Yoga Alliance certified to teach and have been teaching free for awhile and was offered a paid gig starting next week! I love it.

    I have also noticed some interesting physical releases. Thank you!!

  34. I was inclined to think not much has changed, but I do feel that I’m a bit more at ease with myself and hopeful for the future. And my dentist only charged me $250 for a procedure originally quoted at $670. It’s not a complete resolution of the problem at hand, but a small and unexpected gift.

  35. Hi Rebbie, For me what I am sensing *so much* is a feeling of being completely alright with where I am, and fully knowing that all is as it should be… and that great abundance/prosperity is always around me (in fact it IS me!) and always coming my way. I am so feeling a knowingness of this right now… love, lynne

  36. thanks for the welcome cash flow at a time most unexpected to me, and though i was surprised to receive this cash, didn’t connect it to anything in particular until i read your email indicating thw work done for increased prosperity!!! happy surprise indeed! thank you for including me in this wonderous work.

  37. Rebbe,

    A strange thing is happening…..I used to drink 15+ cups of coffee per day and sins your sessions I drink 2 a day, my body just dont want more! Thankyou!!!!Thankyou!!!!

  38. Hallo Rebbe, and Thank You for your generous sendings. I’m convalescing, and enjoying your energetic support in this.
    Had listened to an Abraham-Hicks ‘Living the Art of Allowing’ cd just before your mail came re ‘being happy where you are and tasting the fulfillment…. ‘ – synchro-nicety!
    No specifics to report; simply a generally improving sense of well-being, for now. Thank you, again.

  39. Thank you Rebbi! I am in the process of purchasing a duplex (for rental income). My offer was accepted, and the house appraised at $10,000 more than the purchase price! Thank you again!

  40. I am stunned!! I can’t believe this!! During your sessions on prosperity i had something wondereful happen and it did feel as if it just “fell into my lap”. I can now quickly finish a project I thought was going to take many months to complete.

  41. Aloha Robbie,
    Each day I feel a shift in EVERYTHING and EVERYWHERE. I have released 12 pounds since the beginning of this “Healing session” began, been offered, not one but, two jobs (completely out of the blue, as they say). And my general health has improved. Not to mention my mental, emotional and spiritual health. I feel a contentment with my life that I haven’t felt in many years.

    My relationship with my daughter has been transformed, I can feel her love and respect in ways i never dreamed possible.

    My son is a prison inmate in California and i asked if I could include him in the experiment, he was thrilled to be part of any kind of healing experiment. I spoke with him on Saturday January 27th and he is doing well. He feels safer, more confident and strong. His health is improving and he feels a new sense of commitment to remaining clean and sober and reconnecting with his family. A residual of the healing is that his wife has agreed to a family visit, and there is healing in the marriage and with the children, too.

    Mahalo nui loa Robbie for all you are doing for me and my family. The peace, contentment, joy and grace are palatable in our home and relationships and we are so grateful. We can’t wait wait for the next experiment. Mahalo again and again for your great work!!
    A hui ho,

  42. as of last week… things like clients have come in walking off the streets…disregarding the sign of cheaper services in front of the shop
    this is so cool
    Thank you

  43. Dear Rebbie,

    Yes, financial prosperity is definitely manifesting in our lives, right since the 24th and 25th!As you said things are just dropping into our laps, and yes, we are definitely happy right where we are. Thank you and bless you from both of us. With love.

  44. Rebbie,

    I waited till now to read everyone elses post and to post myself. I wanted to be free of anyone elses offering so they would not cloud what was happening. When I first enrolled I started having headaches, though they quickly went away. Then came this anger that just welled up from nowhere, which I’ve worked through. From their came a peaceful feeling and a knowing that all is really well. I’ve been in this state for weeks. As with the prosperity, my hubby has been offered a wonderful new job, $10,000 more in pay, I’ve joined a great job opportunity that came and I still have another to join. So everything is going great and moving in a wonderful direction. Thank you so much for all the sessions that you did and I can’t wait to see what happens next.
    Deb K.

  45. I have actually slept through the night – the last two nights. Thanks for any and all you do with all of us in mind .. in heart.. in spirit.

  46. Thanks, Rebbie. I’ve had
    some concerns about the way
    my job is going, but every now and then (and this morning was one of those times!) I feel at peace, knowing all will be well.
    If that’s you, I thank you and bless you!!

  47. My husband and I have been expecting a sum of money, although when it was to arrive was unknown. It was expected sometime in the next few months. Instead… it arrived last week, just as you were starting the jhe experiment with prosperity.
    Very profound!

  48. Thanks, Rebbie, for your inspiration, motivation and love of life. It’s contagious — in the best sense of the word.

    I’m on the lookout for miracles. Yesterday I did notice a big shift. I found an inner guide who appears as a violet mist and she’s extremely kind and loving. I’ve worked with other guides but none a sweet and gentle as this one. What a treat! My sense is that I’m truly shifting from the inside out. Thanks so much for facilitating this process.

    With gratitude and appreciation,

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