Abraham-Hicks Study Group: The Vortex – Rampage of Appreciation


I Can Always Enter My Vibrational Vortex of Creation… The key to getting inside your Vibrational Vortex of Creation; of experiencing the absolute absence of resistance; of achieving complete alignment with all that you have become and all that you desire, and of bringing to your physical experience everything that you desire – is being in the state of appreciation – and there is no more important object of attention to which you must flow your appreciation than that of self. — Abraham Excerpted from Abraham’s newest book, The Vortex, Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships

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Even the slightest shift toward appreciation creates a big wave.  I’m always amazed at how a little time spent shifting my vibration on a subject that’s bothering me can completely and instantly alter my experience.  It brings harmony and even fun to stressed relationships.  It eases even the toughest challenges.  It melts problems.

And the fastest way there is by finding things to appreciate.   

What do you appreciate today?

27 thoughts on “Abraham-Hicks Study Group: The Vortex – Rampage of Appreciation

  1. I appreciate that I, my husband and my 2 grown children continue to see the world and live our lives through our view as artists even though society and our extended family can not understand how we manage to survive financially in this economy. But we have for 40 years and continue to do so. If we hold true to our instincts, our needs are emotionally huge but financially small and we find a creative way to thrive. Life is good.

  2. I appreciate the crispness of Autumn air. I appreciate the beauty of nature all around me. I appreciate the love of my family and friends. I appreciate so much.

  3. Mine too!

    I am thankful for my Vitalea vitamins. I am in the here and now because I feel better!

  4. I love that great video!! and I loved straining to hear it over my chubby dog’s persisitent panting.and I love i-know-whos funny face and I love that I want him to love me too and i love oneday and i love that sometimes i love today and i love the fall so much and i love love love friends who really really friend

  5. ha ha ha ha ha.. ‘i love you.. get out..’ how fun to laugh… how wonderful to go to the loo and not need loo paper!.. how wonderful to the get the garbage out to the street in time for them to pick it up (garbage day)… how fabulous i’m signed up for soft pastel and watercolour classes.. how amazing i got a mandolin off ebay and voila – the night school was offering intro to mandolin, so i just went to my first class and can actually play some chords woohoo!.. It’s still summer and warm in my neighbourhood.. i live on the most fabuous little street with these huge old oak trees that i drive under every day – i love driving my car -varrooooom…. i must be the luckiest person in the world.. ok i shut up now 🙂

  6. I appreciate that I have food, more than I can handle and enough that I can share. I have so much appreciated the beautiful weather and getting outside. I appreciate that I have friends and all kinds of web and e-mail connections. I appreciate that I have met new friends by joining book groups, a LOA group, with one thing and another leading me to something else that is self enlighting and soul growing. And so it is good.

  7. I appreciate my cat curled up beside me so soft and warm.
    I’m appreciating the soft air of this autumn evening and the gentle breeze that wafts through my window as I type.

  8. I so appreciate that I have plenty of food, and enough money to pay my bills. I appreciate that my old car continues to run really well. I love the gentle rain falling right now and the long slow glide into autumn. I love my ablutions and I love how fun that word sounds as I slowly settle into my nice warm, fragrant bath…I so appreciate my soft comfy bed and the restorative power of sleep, and my big fuzzy kitty snuggled up next to me.Oh so many things I appreciate!

  9. I appreciate so much that things always seem to work out well for me.
    Just when I need the right sort of help or inspiration it just seems to appear from my Abraham tapes or Rebbie’s posts or my supportive family and friends.

  10. I’m so grateful for delicious, healthy food, for a warm house, for loving friends and family, for living in a country where I am free and at peace.

  11. I love being who I am, as I am, wherever I am – wholly free to unabashedly be in The Vortex 24×7 sans apology. I love self-secluding at my option, basking in solitude until I want to socialize, be out among others. I love being the Avowed Eccentric, the Mystic, the Crone being asked for a Spiritual Band-aid [to make it all better].

    I love hearing others’ spontaneous I LOVE YOU after an enlightening visit and I love being awakened with just the right answer to a dilemma. I love being untethered [to time or space]. I love that all my needs are met in right and perfect timing + that I was shown [4+ decades ago] an unwavering faith ensures they always will be.

    I love my Cosmic Chefs who often deliver in odd ways to keep me giggling at their raucous sense of humor plus I love telling Weather Angels to play nice then watching storm clouds withdraw, go elsewhere without pelting me.
    I love this sojourn of contrasts; I love its adventure and I love that others love spelunking as much as I do.

  12. I appreciate that I have a job that pays for all my living expenses and allows me the time to do self-healing and study. I am grateful to have found the Feldenkrais method to learn pain free movement and awareness training. I am thankful for the healing codes which I use to reduce stress and to heal. I am thankful for the Abraham-Hicks teachings, Yofa, and all the wisdom teachers of the present and the past. And I am most thankful for Source, the Divine, for my willingness to learn and change for what is most optimal for the circumstance. Thank you all and thank me!!!

  13. I’m grateful that a friend cared enough to tell me about this site. I’m thankful for every moment of my life and all the gifts that come my way. To enumerate those gifts would take many pages. So, I’ll just say I’m grateful for all the Universe sends my way.

  14. I am grateful for this lifetime on the Planet Earth, for a chance – and constant encouragement – to support change and the connection of all life.

    I am grateful for Spirit’s loving and open arms, that take me in, draw me in, even when I have wandered off path.

    I am grateful for this piece of land, on a lake in Northern MN that allows me to be surrounded by nature, and purity of essence.

    I am grateful for Rebbie and that she continues to walk her path.

  15. I love car rides, Leonard Cohen, pets that greet me when I arrive home, friends who are true friends and children who love me, a husband who loves me, the opportunity to live my dreams, possibilities.

  16. I love knowing I am so blessed I will never experience anxiety again. I love knowing what peace is I love being in a peaceful loving state. I love accepting all the experience of life has to offer me and I love knowing I am creating for ever more abundant loving peaceful joyful health prosperity creativity beingness sharing spreading star power whirling through spirals of bliss in the Dance of life!

  17. I appreciate new opportunities and growth, I appreciate my family and their love and continual support, I appreciate my pets and their love and the endless entertainment they provide !!, I appreciate technology and the ability to communicate with others so easily across the world, I appreciate the advances in medicine, I appreciate the beautiful, sunny, spring day and the ability to work in the garden, I appreciate the ability to walk and go for walks and enjoy the neighbourhood, I appreciate life 🙂

  18. I Love when a negative situation at work turns positive just by helping someone see a different way. I love rainy days curled up with a book a cup of coffee. I love seeing evidence of the world moving toward alignment.

  19. I’m grateful for the basics such as food and shelter, grateful for the sun that warms the earth, grateful for the four cats that share my home, grateful for a job interview next week, and grateful to friends and family who give me love and support.

  20. Today it’s this Abraham-Hicks daily quote. “When you find yourself critical of the way anyone has attracted or is using money, you are pushing money away from yourself. But when you realize that what others do with money has nothing to do with you, and that your primary work is to think and speak and do what feels good to you, then you will be in alignment not only about the subject of money, but about every important subject in your physical experience.” I am grateful for having discovered EFT for diffusing/eliminating the knee-jerk reactions I used to have around the subject of money. I read this quote and it was not triggered. I am grateful for the path that’s been presented to me that includes so many healing modalities, and those people in my life that have had such a positive influence on me to keep following this path. I am grateful for all the fun and joy I experience when the dots get connected. I love those Aha! Moments.

  21. I love waking up and breathing in the clean crisp air. I love that Autumn has arrived and the Autumn sun feels so delicious on my skin. I love being here on University life and loving everyone in my life. I love that I can change my mind about anything and feel good no matter what I am doing. I love having a beautiful home and family. I love that I have work and enjoy everyone I work with. I love that I can be of service and make a difference here. I love that I am aware of my emotions and feelings. I love that now I have tools to help me feel good no matter what the conditions are around me. I love listening to uplifting people and I love looking for the good. I love the contrast that comes up because then I know I can expand. I love this moment in time. I love the gratitude I feel.I love……

  22. I love being in this physical form on this planet. I LOVE my biological sisters and brothers that I have been given and am grateful for my spiritual ones too

  23. I appreciated the lovely ride home with friends today. Was out of town for w/end and it was splendid! Great company, great conversation/laughs and sunshine all the way home!

  24. I love having time at the end of the day, and better yet, through it..to let it all catch up and laugh, smile, let the happiness in and flood over you! This is in sharing the moments. I am so grateful for my sil and the means to talk about the day with her…so grateful for brothers who truly care, and are with me–checking in– each day. For a funny father, absent-minded with age, who laughs at himself. For a safely returned daughter. For a mother being restored. So grateful–what a special time this is–one standing upright like the monolith in 2001 Space Odyssey–all encompassing.

  25. i’m garteful for my 2 lovely children .. seeing how happy they are, i’m grateful for the food, for my house, for shelter and warmth for the forthcoming holiday for friends for being healthy , going to the gym , having classes to go there ,

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