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"I Have Complete Control Over My Own Thoughts… You can find yourself in an endless loop where you explain that you feel negative because of the negative behavior of someone else. But if, instead, you take control of your own emotions and you think an improved thought because it feels better to do so, you will discover that no matter how the negative trend got started, you can turn it around. You have no real control of what anyone else is doing with their Vibration (or with their actions, for that matter), but you have complete control over your own thoughts, Vibrations, emotions, and point of attraction."
— From "The Vortex" – Abraham-Hicks
So many people think of staunch stoicism when the idea of controlling the mind enters a conversation. It’s like you must become the general of an army to control your thoughts. It sounds like really hard work. You need a uniform or a badge and as you start policing your thoughts they just get more outrageously misbehaved.
Abraham (Abraham-Hicks) offers a completely different approach to the notion of controlling your thoughts. And in my experience it is way more effective. Rather than conjuring law enforcement images with our thoughts as the criminals, Abraham’s approach inspires the fresh breeze of freedom. It conjures bread crumb trails through the forest, flowing streams, and now, the Vortex.
By using what some might call the power of the subconscious mind, Abraham maps out a plan based on joy. Some people call it the power of the subconscious mind because they recognize that it takes no conscious effort. It seems to happen all on its own.
The ease of including Law of Attraction in your plans makes controlling your thoughts natural, spontaneous and almost effortless. It does takes some effort to set the wave in motion, but once you take conscious control of your focus, the rest happens thanks to Law of Attraction.
Want to read "The Vortex" with me?
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Leave a comment below if you have the book (or are planning to get the book), and you’d like to have a place here on the YOFA blog to follow along, post your comments and insights, and move through the book together (after all, it is all about relationships!)
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I am reading The Astonishing Power Of Emotions. I LOVE it !!! I have been watching and reading everything on the web having to do with the teachings of Abraham. Wonderful !!!
So happy to hear what everyone has to sya. Can’t wait to begin.
Hi! Just joined and excited about what is happening. Have “happiness tips” on things you can do to ditch the grumps and start moving in the right direction!
looking forward to being part of the teamwork
Irene London UK
Hi my name is Simone, I’m from Ohio and I’m in the process of reading the Vortex:-)
Hi from Austalia.
I love the book and look forward to being part of this group.
The better it gets, the better it gets….2010 I got in…thank you for being here…go humans go!
As TUT would say (Mike Dooley) WOOHOO.
Thank you so much for these wonderful insights. By listening to your first call I understood things in another way that is so much clear to me about the inner being. And I love the 2 question process.
I have been a fan of Abraham for 10 years now.
I’ve read most of the books & another way that I get my daily dose of the Vortex is that I listen to the cd’s in my car.
It’s also a privilege for me to be part of the study groop with everyone.
Thanks We are all one!
I’ve read the book twice. The first time things started happening so fast, I could hardly keep up with them! I asked for it to slow down just a bit and started to sink! I read the book again and having been caught up and stranded in the volcanic cloud chaos in Europe, I see just how we can experience the contrast and yet still come through it in the vortex. My solutions to my situation were breathe-taking.