Abraham-Hicks: The Power of the Mind

CLICK HERE to Join this YOFA "The Vortex" Study Group

"I Have Complete Control Over My Own Thoughts… You can find yourself in an endless loop where you explain that you feel negative because of the negative behavior of someone else. But if, instead, you take control of your own emotions and you think an improved thought because it feels better to do so, you will discover that no matter how the negative trend got started, you can turn it around. You have no real control of what anyone else is doing with their Vibration (or with their actions, for that matter), but you have complete control over your own thoughts, Vibrations, emotions, and point of attraction."


From "The Vortex" – Abraham-Hicks

 So many people think of staunch stoicism when the idea of controlling the mind enters a conversation.  It’s like you must become the general of an army to control your thoughts.  It sounds like really hard work. You need a uniform or a badge and as you start policing your thoughts they just get more outrageously misbehaved.

Abraham (Abraham-Hicks) offers a completely different approach to the notion of controlling your thoughts. And in my experience it is way more effective. Rather than conjuring law enforcement images with our thoughts as the criminals, Abraham’s approach inspires the fresh breeze of freedom. It conjures bread crumb trails through the forest, flowing streams, and now, the Vortex.

By using what some might call the power of the subconscious mind, Abraham maps out a plan based on joy.  Some people call it the power of the subconscious mind because they recognize that it takes no conscious effort.  It seems to happen all on its own.

The ease of including Law of Attraction in your plans makes controlling your thoughts natural, spontaneous and almost effortless.  It does takes some effort to set the wave in motion, but once you take conscious control of your focus, the rest happens thanks to Law of Attraction.

 Want to read "The Vortex" with me?

CLICK HERE to Join this YOFA "The Vortex" Study Group

Leave a comment below if you have the book (or are planning to get the book), and you’d like to have a place here on the YOFA blog to follow along, post your comments and insights, and move through the book together (after all, it is all about relationships!)

Post a Comment Below if You Want a Blog-Based Study Group for "The Vortex"

109 thoughts on “Abraham-Hicks: The Power of the Mind

  1. I just put my order in today for “The Vortex”, and would love to have the opportunity to participate in a study group! That would keep me on task and help me learn more through others. I’m in full support! Thank you!

    Kelly C.

  2. I think your posting comments about “The Vortex” is a great idea! I will participate online if you do it! Thanks!

  3. I just finished reading this book. I was really excited to learn of its publication as I was eager to read what Abraham had to say specifically about relationships. Having already read 3 or 4 of the Abraham books, I felt that what was really new with this one was not so much the focus on relationships per se, but rather that it took readers yet another level ‘deeper’ into understanding how our thoughts affect our vibration/point of attraction. What I see the Abraham material as doing is helping/inspiring/guiding us into greater and greater levels of responsibility for our thoughts via greater understanding of how the vibrational universe is an ‘indicator’ of your current thoughts and beliefs. If you DON’T read this book, you won’t miss anything if you have really read/listened to the rest of Jerry and Ester’s work and make diligent attempts to DO the work. If you DO buy the book, you will have another opportunity to consolidate the gains you have already made. If it is the FIRST law of attraction book you read, there is enough background material to start you off and get you off and running. Abraham and the Law of Attraction materials are like yummy food to me – I cannot ever have enough! If you do the work, you will get the results. Basically, they are teaching mindfulness, in a very fun and precise way.

  4. I’ve got the book but haven’t started reading yet. Thought I’d wait until after the holiday weekend with all it’s travel and other interruptions. So I will be diving in this week. I think having a study/discussion group is an awesome idea.

  5. Abraham wrapped up the Emotional Guidance System so thoroughly in “The Vortex” that I feel compelled to start reading the entire A-Hicks series from the beginning again. There’s so much I “missed” the first time around.

  6. Love the book! I so appreciate how it expands with the thoughts of those that have flowing along with them for years and with people who will match picking up one of their books for the first time.

  7. I love the whole concept, highly attractive by itself (easy, strong, practical) and I will certainly buy the book as soon as I go back to the USA, in 30-40 days.
    Regards, Rodrigo

  8. I’m intrigued, and considering this… It might be an interesting gift to myself for my birthday.

  9. Vortex.. like the end of the rainbow, the favourite station on the radio.. ya i’m in baby, dance, skip, twirl
    xox 🙂 h

  10. I am reading this with my partner and I agree that this is a great recap as well as an opportunity to work together!

  11. I have the book and am about half-way through. The Vibrations from the book (without even opening it) are almost enough to change a person. Yes, count me in on the “Vortex” blog. And, thanks for offering.

  12. A study group is a great idea. I was planning to get the book this week, and I like this idea because we can all perhaps delve deeper into the material than we could on our own.

  13. I’ve started the book and I would love to be able to discuss it with others. We have been brain washed for so long, we need all the help we can get from Abraham. Thank you!

  14. I am ordering the book today. Would love a group discussion, study group. Looking forward to it. Gene

  15. The Vortex has been on my planned reading list, and I can’t think of a better way to augment that read than to join you in a book study. I will pick-up the book on the way home from work today.

  16. I got the book, started it! Love it. I am going on vacation tomorrow and plan on reading the whole thing there! 🙂

  17. Cool. we have the 20 🙂 I don’t have the book yet, but I’ll go get it and would love to read and have an opportunity to ask questions. Thanks for offering this.

  18. Have started reading The Vortex and as all of the Abraham/Hicks materials it holds volumes of teaching in regards to relationships. I would love to hook in to a study group on this book.

  19. Greetings from Turkey. We just received our copy yesterday and started reading it. Yipee! We could not wait to sink our teeth into it. Every night,I read out loud to my wife. I so appreciate the we share the same passion for knowledge. We are excited about participating in a study group as well. We are interested in spending even more time in the vortex. Sometimes it is the little things that “spits” us out. probrably most times. Looking forward to what is to come

  20. Hi. I just received the book today!! Sincronicities? hehehe I’m from a spanish speaking country and usually I wait for the book to be in spanish but with this one, I couldn’t wait. I preordered on july, it took longer because I bought the hardcover which came out later. I haven’t started reading it and love the idea of a study group.
    I’m really interested in improving my friendships and also be able to get a mate.

  21. Getting book today. Would love studygroup/seminar. Sometimes the realization that I can control my thoughts/emotions and that that is the most important part sounds freeing and empoweringand hopeful..and other times..that concept leaves me feeling guilty and overwhelmed..like “oops oh yeah..i could have tried to focus on myself more instead..duh..as if I forgot to zip my fly duh..” After the flop of a new relationship this weekend… I say, “Let’s read !”

  22. Great idea to set this study-group.
    Do you know if “The Vortex” is already translated to other languages?

  23. I’d love to buy the book and participate in a study group as well!
    It’s totally synchronous with recent changes for me. I cut, at least for now, my ties with my birth family so that I can focus on healing. Part of that healing is changing patterns of thought/behavior connected to family and learning to release in loving, joyous ways.
    The timing is perfect – please count me in!

  24. Fregards from the San Joaquin Valley in California. I plan to buy the Vortex soon. I listen to audio recordings of Hicks-Abraham from our local library and have read 2 of their previous books. I trust Hay House to recomend all the best. I would love to participate in a study group. I found the Oprah – Eckhardt Tolle computer tele-seminar series to be most extraordinary with people calling in from all over the world. I was able to get my husband interested because of the visual presentation. Something along that line would be really great.

  25. I am planning to buy the book soon. I receive the cd every other week and love to listen to, read most of the books. I would love to participate in a study group.

  26. Great idea! Will order the book soon. I think it will be wonderful as this way of being excites and catches hold of us all. The thought just feels so-o good!

  27. Just boujght the book yesterday and have started reading it. Very interesting.
    Blog sounds good


  28. RE: The Vortex Study Group
    I purchased the book 1st day it was available. I have started reading the book; and have listened to the accompying CD a couple of times already.
    I would be extremely interested in participating in a study group. I would anticipate that a great synergy would evolve from the input of other similar minded individuals enhancing the learning experience expotentially.
    Thank you for extending such a wonderful opportunity! With warmest regards,
    ron ardis

  29. Yes- I definately want to join in on this. Going to find the book today. I’m going to see Esther and Jerry in TO at the end of the month!

  30. Yes, yes, yes!!! My book should arrive any day and I can’t wait to start it. The blog would be fantastic, as I don’t anyone else reading it. Thanks so much.

  31. Yes, nice to coorespond with others who enthusiastically look forward to Abraham’s inifinet wisdom. I know i do! Currently listening to the C.D.version as i am traveling in my car for my day job. YOFA thanks for the opportunity!

  32. Am on my second read through of this book, which I asked our library to purchase (they bought SEVEN copies for the region – go Auckland, NZ!!) LOVED it, especially the CD in the back where Esther’s enthusiastic channelling really lifts me every time. Particularly enjoyed the False Premises when I discovered a few I had lurking around……and ‘a belief is only a thought you keep thinking’ – and the idea from that which came home to roost was, start thinking a better feeling thought and IT will become a belief…..well being to all, in the flow. I now have to own this book, it emanates a powerful energy just being in the room! InJoy 🙂

  33. I bought the book. I listened to the CD on the way home from VT this weekend. Very nice. I must confess, I did not like it that the two questions recorded at the end were both taken from men. Anyhow, I am looking forward to reading the book and will participate in the blog. Thanks.

  34. Just got my copy of the book yesterday, listening to the CD as I write. This is great stuff and I would love to be part of the blog. Thanks.

  35. I have not yet purchased the book but am very interested in participating in joining in with people who are interested in the wisdom and guidance of Abraham
    Sending you gratitude

  36. I will order the book asap and write my thoughts on it. I’m a person who will read the book from cover to cover in a sitting. If it’s real long I’ll have to take a break and go to work for a bit.
    Plz N’ Thnx, Bogie

  37. I would love to participate. I’ll order the book right away. Thank you for opening this up for all of us.

    Peace and blessing, D.Dee

  38. I didn’t think I’d be interested in their latest book, since it has to do with relationships but after reading a few excerpts I did become interested so I’ve oredered the book and would love to be a part of you’re group.

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