
About admin

Dr. Rebbie Straubing is a workshop leader, Abraham Coach, and spiritual writer. She is the author of "Rooted in the Infinite: The Yoga of Alignment" ( and co-author of 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life ( Her articles are published regularly in phenomeNEWS and can be read on her website, . Rebbie evolved The Yoga of Alignment (YOFA) from a mystical awareness of the relationship between consciousness and the three dimensions in which we live. She teaches a natural and simple mystical approach to daily life that anyone can use to cultivate their own direct access to the Infinite. She draws deep insight from her experience as a chiropractor and from her understanding of the subtle energy that moves in the healing process. She is a long time student of yoga meditation and has been a student of the teachings of Abraham-Hicks ( since 1993. This is the strongest current of influence in her system. Rebbie is a teacher of teachers. Her mystical approach cuts through appearances, clarifies the mind, frees the heart, and nurtures the soul. Her work may take many forms, but it is always about that. Visit her websites: -- The umbrella site for all YOFA offerings - Audio recordings that get you meditating in 3 minutes. Instant download, streaming audio, or order the physical CD. - Remote inner alignment sessions for bringing joyful harmonious expressiveness (jhe) into all aspect of your life. -- 7 Intense streaming audio sessions on The Art of Joyful Manifestation. Like a private training with Rebbie. -- Attract the relationship of your dreams or harmonize the one you're in. Nurture your children with love. (coming soon) A hands "off" healing method for lay people to help their loved ones heal. (coming soon) Law of Attraction coaching for professionals, executives, coaches, chiropractors...

Energy Healing: Workshop Recording

Wow, it’s been a long time since my last post.  I simply haven’t had much to say lately.  And yet, I woke up this morning and thought, I think I’ll lead a workshop this morning.  So I sent out an email at 10:30 am announcing a workshop at 11 am (I love the Internet!) and voila, here is the recording.  I hope you enjoy it.

The topic is energy healing, or better said, self healing and your energy body.

[mc id=”1085″ type=”audio”]yofa-healing-6-13-2011[/mc]

If you do not see the audio controller you can download the mp3 here.

Visualization for Manifestation

lampHere is a visualization tip.

Most people focus on what they want and then proceed to visualize it as done.

For example, a woman wants a relationship with a man and so she visualizes herself with him in different circumstances and evokes the feeling of the relationship.


A man wants more clients, so he visualizes his appointment book full and he imagines himself in his office, seeing clients throughout the whole day.


Someone is experiencing physical pain and he or she imagines the ailing body part radiant with love and light.

This is all great, effective, and powerful, but it can be better.

Before you create your visualization, consider not only what you want, but also why you want it.

Then, be sure to include the fulfillment of the “why” in your visualization.

How To Make Your Visualization More Powerful

The desire for money may really be for the purpose of freedom.  If that is the case, be sure to include the image and feeling of freedom in your visualization for manifesting money.

The desire for a relationship may be for the reason of feeling loved and appreciated.  Be sure to include images and feelings of mutual love and respect in your visualization for manifesting a relationship.

The desire for healing might be fueled by a desire to travel or dance or to simply walk your dog or do your normal daily routine.  Be sure to include those activities in your visualization.

In summary, when creating a visualization for manifestation, ask yourself what you want and why you want it.  Include the images and feelings of both in your visualization.

Love and Blessings,

PS – The best visualization tool (imho) is running a huge promotion right now.  It ends tonight.  If you want to really step up your visualization for manifesting, go check it out here before midnight.

PPS – Law of Attraction wants to bring you together with the fulfillment of your desire.  This helps.  Go get it here.

Unconditional Love for Autism

It’s national Autism Awareness Day.

Please share this link with your friends who are living with the reality of autism.

They can sign up their child for f ree yofa inner alignment sessions (jhe sessions) on the sidebar of that website.

Love is the Answer,


PS – Your friends can also download the research here:

Joe Vitale and John Assaraf and Bob Proctor, Oh MY!

There is still a little time left.

I recently sent you a link to a video to help you manifest your desires but the sign in page was not working.  Sorry about this technical glitch.

If you were one of the thousands of people who could not get in to see Joe Vitale yesterday, you can still get in today.


These videos will be coming down soon so be sure to watch Joe Vitale, Bob Proctor, John Assaraf, and the rest of them in this video series as they give you the golden nuggets of success.  (There is no charge for any of this.)

Take notes!

With Love,
PS – While you’re on that page, be sure to click on the top menu to see the Bob Proctor video.  Good stuff!

Answer to Question About Drug Addicted Son

I recently sent out an email about the power of visualization.

In a “PS” I asked a question.. Here is one f the answers I received:

to your question: What would you most want to use your powers of visualization to manifest?

to me, that have a teenager in drugs at home, i would love to see him healthy, happy and free of addictions. How could i manifest that?

i’m searching for the response within, reading whatever i could find in internet about personal accountability and self-growth, and seriously working to have myself improved, more loving, more understanding, more open-minded… but i would appreciate with my life if somebody out there has a response for it.

I’m not sure why i’m giving you this info or even replying to an email i know most likely it was tailored to be sent massively, but somehow i felt the question came directly to me, and to nobody else… and i had to respond from the hearth.

Bendiciones (Blessings)

My heart softened when I read this email.  Can you feel the authenticity and sincerity in this message?

And so the answer is actually in the question.  It is the same authenticity and sincerity that is expressed here that is also the solution to this problem.

I get many emails but I am highlighting this one because it so clearly expresses the dilemma in which so many of us find ourselves.

Our pain comes from the pain of a loved one.  And it seems we must change them in order to heal our own hearts.  Since we cannot change another, we feel powerless and stuck in an impossible situation.

I’d like to suggest a paradoxical two-part approach to this issue.  It is paradoxical because the two parts would seem to contradict each other.  But when you can find the harmony between them, you can move mountains.

The two parts of this approach are as follows:

  1. Accept your son exactly the way he is.  Love him unconditionally and do not try to change one thing about him.
  2. Envision your son exactly as you believe he would be in his true happiness and see it as true.  Ignore all evidence to the contrary and let him live in your heart as the happy, loving, loveable, free, joyful version of him that your heart knows.

You may be wondering how you can do both of these at the same time.  It is actually easier than you might think.

In your acceptance, you release resistance and you love him unconditionally.  You do not allow any behavior or appearance to have more power than your love for him.  Look at him, either with your eyes or in your mind, and systematically accept everything about him.  Love his hair and his clothes and the way his shoes look and the look in his eyes.  Find love in every aspect of him.

In order to do this you must give up your idea of the meaning of things and go directly to your love.

Once you have done this, step two becomes much easier.  Once you access your unconditional love for him in his present condition, you can easily see him happy and strong and independent in your mind.  You can see it because the love in your heart paints that picture easily.

You can see it like a cartoon that lives inside of him. It is a potential version of him and the more you see it, the more you strengthen it.  You bring it out in him by merely seeing it and relating to it.

And the best part is that since you are totally accepting of him as he is, there is no resistance in your vibration.

Miracles come of this.

Thank you for writing.

I wish you love,

Energy Antidote to Fear Prompted by Watching the News about Japan’s Nuclear Disaster

seiza1In this article I will give you a simple inner alignment meditation that you can do anytime you feel anxiety, fear, or a sense of doom as a result of hearing frightening updates about the nuclear reactors in Japan.

There is a collective consciousness of fear of nuclear disaster that hums in the background around our planet – but it is usually kept in check.   There is usually a sense of a norm that allows other things to occupy our minds.  But when the news is filled with updates of radiation leakage from nuclear reactors, that hum starts to throb and it can easily set off an emotional meltdown.

Whether you feel overwhelmed with compassion for those who are in the thick of it, or fear for your own life and that of your lived ones, now is the time to commit to your vision of a joyful journey on this planet.

But how do you hold to a vision of joy when faced with images of smoking nuclear reactors, images of devastation, and news of more to come?  It’s hard to make that leap.  We need a stepping-stone between the feeling of doom and the feeling of light-hearted joy.  We need an adapter, a connector, some way to more easily move ourselves energetically from resonance with the problem to resonance with the solution.

The Pure Heart of Creativity

In the same way that you can pivot on your feet and change the direction of your journey, and you can move your eyes and change the direction of your gaze, you can also move your thoughts and change the direction of your manifestation.

When events in the world are extreme, it can be easy to cave in and feel defeated but there is an error in that logic.  It’s going backward round the circle.  (Like if you tried to track time by going counterclockwise, two o’clock would come before one o’clock and you would not show up for one appointment on time.)

Let me explain.  If you let world events determine your thoughts, your outlook and your emotional state, then you are letting what has already manifested determine your vibratory offering for the next reality.  This is  going counterclockwise round the manifestation clock.

But if you recognize that your thoughts create your reality, then there is no disaster big enough to interfere with your clockwise motion from consciousness to manifestation.  By committing to your knowing of the forward motion of creative thought, you can do more for this world than all those who are walking in the opposite direction, looking outward to find what is inside of them.  You, by taking the time to look inward first, create your world from the pure heart of creativity.

Inner Alignment Meditation

  • Sit upright and close your eyes.
  • Imagine yourself standing looking at the problem.
  • Imagine the problem becoming somewhat transparent like an apparition.
  • Imagine yourself walking through and past the problem.
  • When you are on the other side of the problem continue to walk forward.  Move toward the image of a beautiful earth.  Let the desire of your heart for the earth and its people guide your steps.
  • See the flowers blooming, the sky bright and blue. See children laughing.  Know that you have the power to create this reality.

This Z-axis meditation is based on the YOFA system of Inner Alignment.  I teach this system of meditation in the book Rooted in the Infinite.

Energy Antidote to Fear Prompted by Watching Videos of Japan’s Tsunami

YOFA MeditationIn this article I will give you a simple inner alignment meditation that you can do anytime you feel anxiety, fear, or a sense of losing your emotional stability as a result of watching video footage of the tsunami in Japan.

Here we are, on the other side of the globe, and yet we are all connected and we feel major earth shifts energetically.  Some of us more than others.  But when we see the videos of the devastation… when we see cars and houses washing by and crashing into each other, all subtlety vanishes and the feeling in your gut can be hard to shake.

Why Get Yourself In Alignment Now

Your inner alignment right now is of great value to you and to your world.  Your emotional stability during this crisis can be the greatest gift you ever give yourself.   This is a rare opportunity to achieve a new level of mastery.  By taking this extremely unwanted occurrence and transmuting it into a spiritual gym, you get a powerful workout and build your spiritual muscle in a way that can lift you to a new level of inner stability and freedom.

This stability will serve you through the rest of your life, for sure.  But it also does more.  You become a point of stability for others.  As their energy fields are thrashing about, sloshing about, and reeling from the tidal wave images, you become a place of high ground that assists them in finding their own stability.  Not necessarily through your words or direct guidance, but from your mere presence.

How to Find Your Stability

Once you have seen the images of the tsunami, even if you stop watching them, the images can repeat themselves in your mind and each time they do, they can have the effect of uprooting you energetically.  If these images persist, you can feel a combination of powerlessness, fear, and dread.

One antidote to this feeling of overwhelming anxiety is to establish a more stable inner root.  By doing this you do not erase the images but you become more stable and more able to deal with the world you are now living in.

The following inner alignment meditation is designed to fortify your energetic rootedness so that you maintain your emotional stability through this crisis.

Inner Alignment Meditation

  • Sit upright and close your eyes.
  • Sense a vertical column of light running right through your spine.  Imagine this column of light to have the density of a wooden pole, like a broom stick.  Imagine that this pole of light is made of peaceful glowing energy and it is sitting right at the center of your body.
  • Now follow the bottom of this pole down into the earth and notice that it continues straight through to the center of the earth.  Its profound essence of peace sets the tone for the entire planet and it extends its peaceful glowing essence into every cell of your body.
  • Notice that this stream of glowing peace is 100% pure and cannot be shaken by physical matter.  It remains a pure light of peace regardless of the movements of the earth, or the waters, or your body.
  • And both you and the great Mother Earth have direct access to this stream of glowing peace essence at all times and in all places.
  • Take as long as you like to come into greater and greater awareness of this stream and return to it whenever you feel the need or desire.

This stream is always vital, vibrant, powerful and available.  With continued practice, your awareness of it will become more reliable and more useful in all aspects of your life.

This Y-axis meditation is based on the YOFA system of Inner Alignment meditation.  I teach this system of meditation in the book Rooted in the Infinite.

How Your Thoughts Can Heal You with Bruce Lipton

_medium_bruce-lipton_56092CLICK HERE

for instant access to the


Would you like to know why EFT works and why it’s so effective?

Well Bruce Lipton, a cellular biologist and best selling author, is about to explain to you why he considers EFT to be like “super learning”.

In this fascinating video Bruce will explain to you how your thoughts can make you sick, broke and unhappy, why regular “positive thinking” doesn’t work and how you can use EFT to reprogram your mind to get what you want in life.

You can watch the video here

Bruce Lipton is a cellular biologist who has spent years studying how our thoughts effect us in all areas of life.
His scientific studies are so shocking and revealing and have such wide ranging ramifications that the established communities have gone to great lengths to keep them hidden, especially the medical community.

Bruce Lipton has out-right said that the majority of medical studies done today are inaccurate and misleading and he has the proof to show why.

If you’re ready for some mind blowing information on how your thoughts effect all areas of your life and how you can use EFT to be healthy, wealthy and happy then I highly suggest watching this video.

Here are a few of the things that he discusses:

-Why positive thinking is not enough to change your life (And what he says does work)

-How the unconscious programming you received in childhood is effecting you today (And what you can do about the programs that aren’t serving you)

-The one simple belief that traditional medicine is based on that is 100% false.

This video is guaranteed to be one of the most  eye opening videos you’ll see all year.


P.S. – This video is part of the fr*ee Tapping World Summit Video series being released over the next few days leading up to this enormous event starting on Feb. 21st (Last year over 100,000 people attended this event online)

If you missed the first video with Jack Canfield on how your past traumas and negative emotions may be keeping you from attracting what you want in life you’ll get access to that video as well when you see this one. Both are very powerful…

Click here for instant access.

The Meaning of “Relationship”

“The clearer I get, the better you look.”
Dr. Rickie Byars-Beckwith

Rickie glided her message in on a wave of laughter (see quote above).

I guess there were about 200 of us in the room. The message was strong, multi-layered and true. The clearer we all got, the better we all looked to each other. With this light little phrase, Rickie summed up just about everything we need to know about relationships.

We tend to think that our relationships are the way they are because of the other person. We fall in love because the other is so wonderful or we blame the other for all our problems. We try to change them or we try to make them like us. We exert all kinds of efforts in the direction of the other.

Rickie’s little dictum reveals all that wasted energy and redirects us, in a light and playful manner, to the truth. “The clearer I get, the better you look.”

While pondering Rickie’s comment and looking at the word “relationship,” I found some clues about the nature of relationship in the word-fragments. I enlisted the help of Webster and some images began to form. I’d like to use these word-fragments here to reveal the beneficial vibrational template within the word and to use it to nourish all our relationships.

Word Fragments

You may find other patterns within this wonderful word. Here are the ones I’d like to highlight by breaking up the word something like this:
Re – elat – ion – ship
And now we’ll add Webster’s contribution:

  • Re-: again: anew
  • Relate: to respond favorably
  • Elate: to raise the spirits of
  • Ion: an atom, group of atoms or molecule that has acquired a net electric charge by gaining or losing electrons from a neutral configuration.
  • Ship: a large vessel built for deep water navigation


Now let’s translate all this into something we can use to improve our relationships. Let’s begin with the word “ion.” In order to make this work for us, we need to understand the relationship between atom and Adam. As the atom is the fundamental and original form of matter, Adam is the fundamental and original human being. They are branches of the same idea. Atom and Adam refer to the same thing. So we will replace the word
“atom” with the word “Adam” and we will generalize the word “Adam” to “person.”

The ion’s electrical charge, due to a loss or gain of electrons, translates easily to the human realm. As we lose our sense of wholeness and neutrality, we seek others. We move toward many of our relationships hoping that through a balancing of charge we can again feel whole, neutral.

When this is done well, the result is elation. We respond favorably to each other, over and over again and this allows us to navigate successfully, with spirits raised, through the deep waters of life. We can now construct a new definition of relationship, working with the word itself, from the inside out.

New Definition

Relationship is the repeated elation that occurs when people respond favorably to each other in their search for wholeness while navigating through the deep waters of life.


So the big question is, how can we do this so effectively that the true blessing of relationship flourishes in our lives? How can our relationships bring ever-new elation and steady seafaring through the ups and downs we encounter?

Rickie gave us the answer clearly and directly. By becoming clear within ourselves, all our relationships rise to their highest potential. We cease looking for the other to change and we spend our time appreciating. We turn our focus inward and open our hearts outward. Then, even though we may still feel “charged” and we may still seek balance and neutralization through our interactions with others, we do it from a place of clarity and stability. Pretty soon, you get very clear and everyone else starts looking very good.

To find your soul mate, follow the Law of Attraction system “27 Days to Finding Your Soul Mate

To feel more love and joy in your current relationship, follow the expansion of the same program. (Just skip the part for finding your soul mate and move right into the part for making your relationships work.)

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