Dr. Rebbie Straubing is a workshop leader, Abraham Coach, and spiritual writer. She is the author of "Rooted in the Infinite: The Yoga of Alignment" (http://RootedintheInfinite.com) and co-author of 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life (http://www.yofa.net/resources/101ways.htm). Her articles are published regularly in phenomeNEWS and can be read on her website, http://YOFA.net .
Rebbie evolved The Yoga of Alignment (YOFA) from a mystical awareness of the relationship between consciousness and the three dimensions in which we live.
She teaches a natural and simple mystical approach to daily life that anyone can use to cultivate their own direct access to the Infinite.
She draws deep insight from her experience as a chiropractor and from her understanding of the subtle energy that moves in the healing process. She is a long time student of yoga meditation and has been a student of the teachings of Abraham-Hicks (http://abraham-hicks.com) since 1993. This is the strongest current of influence in her system.
Rebbie is a teacher of teachers. Her mystical approach cuts through appearances, clarifies the mind, frees the heart, and nurtures the soul. Her work may take many forms, but it is always about that.
Visit her websites:
http://YOFA.net -- The umbrella site for all YOFA offerings
http://AffirmativeContemplation.com - Audio recordings that get you meditating in 3 minutes. Instant download, streaming audio, or order the physical CD.
http://AlignmentforHealing.com - Remote inner alignment sessions for bringing joyful harmonious expressiveness (jhe) into all aspect of your life.
http://VirtualWorkshops.net -- 7 Intense streaming audio sessions on The Art of Joyful Manifestation. Like a private training with Rebbie.
http://GreatRelationships.net -- Attract the relationship of your dreams or harmonize the one you're in. Nurture your children with love.
http://HealWithYourHands.com (coming soon) A hands "off" healing method for lay people to help their loved ones heal.
http://VibrationalCoaching.net (coming soon) Law of Attraction coaching for professionals, executives, coaches, chiropractors...
In this talk, you will find out how stress creates back pain and what to do about it. I’ll reveal to you a roundabout pathway (that you probably don’t know about) that might be turning your stress into back pain or neck pain. If you suffer from pain in your spine, this might be part of what is causing it. You’ll also find out how the Spine Wave Sessions can help.
Manifest more joyfully and more accurately by tuning in to the song of your vibration. Let’s explore the subtle frequencies that determine the quality of the life experience you create.
Sometimes frustration and annoyance can lead to very useful discoveries. And for me, the best aha! discoveries are when a pattern reveals itself to me.
Okay, so there I am sitting at the keyboard with my pandemic resolution to learn some scales on the piano. Seems like a doable and worthwhile goal, right? Wrong! Worthwhile, yes. Doable, embarrassingly, no. I really don’t want to tell you how long I sat there trying to play the simplest of all scales, the all-white-key C scale, with both hands, up and down two octaves. It was totally demoralizing. I mean, isn’t this the first thing little kids learn to play on the piano? It should not be this hard!
Well, fortunately, along came a pattern to the rescue. It was like magic. As soon as I saw the symmetry of the fingering I could play the scale instantly. It was like night and day.
Very often, our focus on the details of what we are doing blocks us from mastery. When we take a step back and open ourselves to a perception of the pattern, everything falls into place. It reminds me of those 3D images where you have to let your eyes go out of focus in order to see the third dimension. Sometimes we have to let go of our tight focus in order to see the big picture.
It definitely worked for me in a miraculous way with those piano scales. In fact, I was so blown away by how instant the transformation was in my ability to play scales that I decided to teach my method. If you want to find out more about that, head on over to http://e-jamm.com
Whether or not piano scales are on your mind, I want to offer you this quick thought. When you feel frustrated, stuck in a rut, or blocked from moving forward in any way, take a step back, go a little out of focus, and see if a pattern reveals itself to you. You might just have a mini miracle.
In today’s episode we cultivate the power of concentration in our YOFA Meditation process and explore the value of extreme state shifts. We do a brief meditation with the Yogas Citta Vrtti Nirodhah Chant.
In today’s episode we cultivate the love energy of the heart chakra in our YOFA Meditation process. If you have a copy of Rooted in the Infinite nearby, you can follow along. Find out more about YOFA at http://TheYogaofAlignment.com
In today’s episode we go a little further into the YOFA Meditation process. Today’s meditation uses the healing power of fire to energize and optimize the energy of the physical body. If you have a copy of Rooted in the Infinite nearby, you can follow along. Find out more about YOFA at http://TheYogaofAlignment.com
This is Part 2 of a series. If you missed Part 1, CLICK HERE.
Wow, it’s been a while since my last blog post/podcast episode. But these are crazy times and the more we can steady our inner alignment, the more we can access our inner truth and innate joy regardless of circumstances. So here is a very basic root chakra meditation to the “I Am Light I Am Whole” chant. If you are feeling challenged these days, this is a great way to start recovering your balance. And if you want to take this even further, find out how to get your first month of membership free in The Journey 2U