
About admin

Dr. Rebbie Straubing is a workshop leader, Abraham Coach, and spiritual writer. She is the author of "Rooted in the Infinite: The Yoga of Alignment" ( and co-author of 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life ( Her articles are published regularly in phenomeNEWS and can be read on her website, . Rebbie evolved The Yoga of Alignment (YOFA) from a mystical awareness of the relationship between consciousness and the three dimensions in which we live. She teaches a natural and simple mystical approach to daily life that anyone can use to cultivate their own direct access to the Infinite. She draws deep insight from her experience as a chiropractor and from her understanding of the subtle energy that moves in the healing process. She is a long time student of yoga meditation and has been a student of the teachings of Abraham-Hicks ( since 1993. This is the strongest current of influence in her system. Rebbie is a teacher of teachers. Her mystical approach cuts through appearances, clarifies the mind, frees the heart, and nurtures the soul. Her work may take many forms, but it is always about that. Visit her websites: -- The umbrella site for all YOFA offerings - Audio recordings that get you meditating in 3 minutes. Instant download, streaming audio, or order the physical CD. - Remote inner alignment sessions for bringing joyful harmonious expressiveness (jhe) into all aspect of your life. -- 7 Intense streaming audio sessions on The Art of Joyful Manifestation. Like a private training with Rebbie. -- Attract the relationship of your dreams or harmonize the one you're in. Nurture your children with love. (coming soon) A hands "off" healing method for lay people to help their loved ones heal. (coming soon) Law of Attraction coaching for professionals, executives, coaches, chiropractors...

Abraham-Hicks Study Group: The Vortex – Jerry’s Preface/Stable Footing/Your Intention

Focus: Pages xi-xvii Preface by Jerry Hicks

Jerry describes the "hub" of the Abraham teachings as follows:

"The basis of life is freedom; the result of life is expansion–and the purpose of life is joy."

We interrupt this broadcast…

Well, I wrote that yesterday in preparation for this post, but as life would have it, some blessed contrast caught my attention between then and now.  So, with Jerry’s quote as a backdrop, let me tell you what just happened.

I was riding in my friend’s car, "The Vortex" and pencil in hand, re-reading chapter one.  Basking in the wonderful feeling of our upcoming study group, appreciating the pull to read even more carefully because of my role in all this, I was marking up a storm in the book.

Beautiful day, we stopped, I got out of the car, lost my footing, injured my ankle and was now back in the car seat, ice, moans, groans, and having a harder time finding my way back into The Vortex.

Once the pain came down to a dull roar, I picked up my book again.  "Hmm. Where was I? Let me start reading again to remind myself what’s important here."

I found the last line that I had read and underlined.  There it was on page 9. – Oh by the way, although I probably will not get around to posting this today, today’s date is 09/09/09:

"Without exception, the flawed premise or unstable footing that most people stand on is because they care more about what someone else is thinking about them than how they themselves are feeling." – from The Vortex – Abraham-Hicks

Well, there was my first big "step one experience" to "kick" off our group with a bang.  Now I am excited.  Better understanding what "unstable footing" really means, I can see I’ve got my work cut out for me. I call it "work" but it is thrilling to anticipate the journey of caring less what others think and tuning more into how I feel.

So let’s begin with these two notions:

  1. "The basis of life is freedom; the result of life is expansion–and the purpose of life is joy."
  2. "Without exception,the flawed premise or unstable footing that most people stand on is because they care more about what someone else is thinking about them than how they themselves are feeling."

Those who want to be actively involved in this group, please do 2 things right now:

  1. Since there are so many people interested in this group, please register here so that I can communicate with you more easily:
  2. Start getting your hands in the clay and comment below.  Make a rough statement of your intention.

    The focus offered in this book can generate a complete transformation in your life.

    Start pondering these 2 quotes (above) and write your thoughts in the comment field below.  Since this is a process, your comment does not need to be a finely crafted purpose statement for your life.  Write down a "work in progress" rough sketch of your intention in reading this book and in intensifying your reading by joining in this group. Make it as general or specific as you like. You can and will continually amend your intention.

    By writing, you sharpen your focus and tune your point of attraction. 

    You also heighten your inner guidance. Pay special attention to how you feel as you write. I love when something I think is true for me feels wrong when I write it. It gives me clarity about a place where I am off track and I can look more purely into my heart for what my true desire is. This is a great way to more finely tune in to your Inner Guidance.

As always, I am deeply honored that you join me on this journey.

With Love,

Abraham-Hicks Study Group: The Vortex – Step One – Get the Book

Wow.  What a great response to the idea of a study group. Okay.  We’re on.

If you just landed here, to fill you in, yesterday I sent out a mailing suggesting a blog-based study group focused on the Abraham-Hicks book The Vortex. I said if we had 20 comments on yesterday’s blog post by the end of the week, I’d do it.  If we had 40 comments I’d lead a live teleseminar.

Well, within 2 or 3 hours we had 40 comments. Now there are even more. Thank you for so clearly expressing your interest. I hear you!

So, here’s the plan:

Since so many of you already have the book, we’ll get going very soon.

Today I want to cover 2 main points:

  1. Get the book if you don’t already have it.
    • Special offers when you buy the book:
      •   Even if you already bought the book, you might still be eligible.
  2. The focus/purpose/aim of this study group.


  • Hay House has very generously put together some audio bonuses when you buy the book from them.
  • Hay House has also organized some tasty bundles at discount prices
  • If you prefer to buy the book on Amazon or B&N (or if you already did) you can still get bonus recordings and enter a contest to win Abraham goodies. Click here and scroll down and click on the book. In the middle of the page you will see the words "Hay House is offering a variety of prizes and gifts to celebrate the release of The Vortex"


It’s kind of funny to use the word "study" because this is far from an intellectual pursuit.  We are involved in an experiential/vibrational process as we immerse ourselves in this material.  And yet the word "study" pleases me because it implies deliberate focus.  And that is closer to the point.

One way to describe the purpose of this study group is to use the power of our virtual connection with each other to create a hum.  Like a vibrational choir – one that you hear with your heart rather than your ears.  That hum is in harmony with the Vortex of Creation that is individual for each one of us and yet rings out in the richness of all of our relationships.

A simpler way to say it is that the purpose of this study group is to encourage us all to get in the Vortex.


We tend to read passively.  This blog now offers you another option.  You are invited to read, digest, move the message through the uniqueness of your life, and then share something that others will read. You also have the good fortune to be able to read what other wise travelers experience with the book as they comment here. I’ll offer the structure and do my best to answer questions, but this is your show. You get to shine your light here.  Get to know each other. Have some fun. Let’s see how it goes!

If you like, you can begin your comments with a one word category. Here are some suggestions:

  • Question – This will be helpful to me so that I can scan through and get to questions as quickly as possible.
  • Aha – Good for sudden realizations.
  • Sharing – How it is working in your life.
  • Pondering – Think out "loud" as you process

You can also indicate the page(s) that prompted your comment.  That way the others in the group can refer back to the book for greater insight into your comment.


Please comment with any format related suggestions, questions, or celebrations.

See you in the Vortex,

Abraham-Hicks: The Power of the Mind

CLICK HERE to Join this YOFA "The Vortex" Study Group

"I Have Complete Control Over My Own Thoughts… You can find yourself in an endless loop where you explain that you feel negative because of the negative behavior of someone else. But if, instead, you take control of your own emotions and you think an improved thought because it feels better to do so, you will discover that no matter how the negative trend got started, you can turn it around. You have no real control of what anyone else is doing with their Vibration (or with their actions, for that matter), but you have complete control over your own thoughts, Vibrations, emotions, and point of attraction."


From "The Vortex" – Abraham-Hicks

 So many people think of staunch stoicism when the idea of controlling the mind enters a conversation.  It’s like you must become the general of an army to control your thoughts.  It sounds like really hard work. You need a uniform or a badge and as you start policing your thoughts they just get more outrageously misbehaved.

Abraham (Abraham-Hicks) offers a completely different approach to the notion of controlling your thoughts. And in my experience it is way more effective. Rather than conjuring law enforcement images with our thoughts as the criminals, Abraham’s approach inspires the fresh breeze of freedom. It conjures bread crumb trails through the forest, flowing streams, and now, the Vortex.

By using what some might call the power of the subconscious mind, Abraham maps out a plan based on joy.  Some people call it the power of the subconscious mind because they recognize that it takes no conscious effort.  It seems to happen all on its own.

The ease of including Law of Attraction in your plans makes controlling your thoughts natural, spontaneous and almost effortless.  It does takes some effort to set the wave in motion, but once you take conscious control of your focus, the rest happens thanks to Law of Attraction.

 Want to read "The Vortex" with me?

CLICK HERE to Join this YOFA "The Vortex" Study Group

Leave a comment below if you have the book (or are planning to get the book), and you’d like to have a place here on the YOFA blog to follow along, post your comments and insights, and move through the book together (after all, it is all about relationships!)

Post a Comment Below if You Want a Blog-Based Study Group for "The Vortex"

5 Ways to Express Gratitude


We often think of gratitude as "gratitude for" something.

A very pure of expression of gratitude has no "for" after it.

It is a state of being that floods its joy on anything and everything that enters its field of awareness.

Many people find power and wisdom in using a gratitude journal, writing gratitude letters, and cultivating an attitude of gratitude.  Are you one of them? These folks have discovered an express route to happiness.  Gratitude is the key to a joyful and harmonious life.

Here I want to show you a fun way to find a state of gratitude within you and not only feel it, but express it.

The added benefit of these forms of expression becomes a perpetual motion machine.  As  you express your gratitude in these ways, you prime the pump of your talents.  Your face becomes radiant and your true light shines through your personality. People respond to you in loving and generous ways and your life flourishes.

Of course, the result of all that is that you end up with more to write in your gratitude journal!

This gets gratitude cycling through your life in a way that is self perpetuating.  It’s like a spiritual ecstasy perpetual motion machine!

Here is the very simple technique…

Ponder these 5 questions and as the answers erupt in you, gratitude will be your experience.

5 Questions That Lead to a State of Gratitude:

What can I do differently today?

Consider how you can take a different route to work or prepare a meal in a different order or with foods you’ve never tried before.  Adding something new can shake up an old pattern and open you to heightened experience that floods you with gratitude.

How can I express myself more joyfully today?

 Here’s one.  How about if you extend love to the person on the other end of the phone as you say "Hello!"  Yes, before you even know who it is!

 How can I dance more today?

This is my favorite one.  You can really be creative with this one.

What can I say today that I have never said?

Grab a dictionary and find some new words that make your mouth (and your mind)  feel good as you say them.

What can I praise today?

This one is endless.  Go crazy with it.

 Pick one of these at the top of your day and let it sprinkle its scintillating suggestion throughout the activities of your Monday. Pick another on Tuesday.  I wish you much dancing, colorful joy, and a splendid new vocabulary.

Want to meet H.H. The Dalai Lama?





I was once wandering around in a bookstore in Cape Cod. I was in a funk.  Couldn’t find my joy.

I foud a tiny little book by the Dalai Lama.  It appealed to me because it was so small and I didn’t want to read very much.

That little book completely flipped my mood.


 I was once flipping the channels in a mindless moment with the TV.

I found a show that was telling the story of how Richard Branson,famous billionaire, founder of Virgin Atlantic Airways, never finished High School. 

This caught my attention.

I pondered the unlikeliness of that life story. It helped me realize that anything is possible.

Why am I telling you about these two seemingly unrelated moments of influence in my life?

Because The Dalai Lama and Richard Branson (unlikely pair?) along with other big names are getting together for a major event and you are invited.

Check out the free teleseminars here:


YOFA jhe Sessions email: Life is getting better and better

yofa-jhe-watermelon.jpgRegistration for The YOFA jhe Sessions ends again tonight!

Heal, Get Happy, Prosper
Find out more and sign up here

Get these bonuses:

CLICK HERE to see current
bonuses worth $94

I love all the email I receive from the members of the YOFA jhe Sessions.  I love hearing the concrete details of how these abstract, hard-to-describe, invisible, remote inner alignment sessions are are working in your life. 

It’s like planting a seed.  An apple seed looks nothing like an apple.  A watermelon seed tastes nothing like a watermelon.  And yet, the full, colorful, delicious fruit lives somehow in that seed.

The jhe sessions are like seeds and they come into individual fruition for everyone on the list in very personal ways.

Here is a fun little sequence of emails I recieved from one of the members of the jhe Sessions that illustrates this:

June 3

Hi Rebbie,

I am having a busy but very good day.  I actually think I look different.  I have not been told I look great in a while but I was today – and with no makeup!  My allergies seem to have calmed down. And I weigh a pound less…
My buyer who was dragging his feet finally made a counter offer. Yeah!

June 4

If the "wave of alignment" gets better I just might soon have heaven on earth!  Two contracts are almost ratified – and without tons of energy.  I’m believing life is now getting better and better. 

June 24

My general impression is that "this stuff definitely works!" I won’t say I really understand any of it, but, who cares?  I know my life seems to be going MUCH better.  Most things seem easier and my responses are more balanced when I am under pressure. (I sell real estate so it can be stressful at times.) I feel more serene and organized – lighter. 

July 2

Since I signed up for the jhe sessions, I feel like my life is becoming better every day.  Thank you for doing these sessions from the bottom of my heart.

July 22 (after writing to me about having a difficult day)

Thank you, Rebbie – I had a major shift in my energy between 5 – 6pm so it definitely helped.  I did not know until just now that you had done the session.  Thank you – you are such a blessing….

 People often wonder how the YOFA jhe Sessions can possibly translate into money, financial abundance, and a manifestation of material prosperity.

In this examnple, you can see that it is always through a mingling of joy, lightness, ease, and a releasing of resistance that true prosperity comes.  You can also see that it travels through the pathways that are already in motion in your life. Here it is through real estate. Who knows how the manifestation of joy, healing, love, and prosperity will emerge in your life?  Sign up here. Check the bonuses worth $94 here.

With Love and Appreciation,
(Thank you Janet for permission to print these letters.)

Strength and Inspiration: The YOFA jhe Sessions are Now Open for New Members



Sign up for the
YOFA jhe Sessions




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The YOFA remote inner alignment sessions that I call the YOFA jhe Sessions are now open for new members. I will only be accepting new members for a few days, maybe a week.  So, please tell your friends and loved ones, now is the time to sign up. 

I’ll be answering as many questions as possible over the next few days.  If there is something you need to know to get clear about whether or not this is right for you, please post your questions right here as a comment on this post.

Here is the email update I sent to the members today. You will receive 8 sessions per month when you sign up as an Active or Inner Circle member.

I did a YOFA jhe Session for the Active and Inner CIrcle jhe members today.

I expect you to feel the result of today’s session in two main areas of your life.

The first is in the vitality and well being of your body.  This would conventionally be called physical healing. The effects of this session on your body occur due to an alignment of your natural, innate ability to heal from within.

For your body, the effects to expect from this session are primarily*:

  • A feeling of increased energy, strength, stamina.

    • If you are dealing with fatigue or depression, the beneficial effects of this session can come through as sudden bursts of feeling like "you" again (the "you" who you love being).  While these moments may come and go, they are signs that you are coming into alignment with your joyful true self.  If you are already strong and healthy, you may feel this effect of today’s session as greater coordination and power in your muscles

  • Balancing of the energy of the immune system for greater immunity to pathogens.

    • While this is not a medical treatment, this session can boost the energetic level of your immune system.  If your body is actively fighting an infection, this session can help you win.  If you are strong and healthy, this session can help keep you that way.

  • Greater clarity of vision. 

    • This session supports the energy of the eyes and your ability to see clearly.

The second effect I expect you to notice as a result of today’s session is a dissolving of the negative aspects of ego and a rising of your magnificent, unique, individual expression.  I sometimes call these the negative vs. the positive aspects of ego, but that can get confusing since many people hear ego and can only think of the negative. 

So, for simplicity’s sake, let’s call this access to inspiration.  This session opens the channels for you to commune with the essence within you and bring forward sparkling, dynamic, unique, spontaneous, elegant, powerful, effective, beneficial, radiant forms of expression.  It all comes down to you fulfilling the reason for your incarnation.  It is about you fully being you.  It is a joyful experience for you and a blessing for others.

In your relationships, you may notice the effects of this session as bursts of appreciation within you for the people you love.  If you have been taking any of them for granted, you may find a blazing awareness of your love for them.  You don’t have to say anything.  They will feel it and your hearts will recalibrate to each other.  This always leads to a deepening of love and an expansion of communication.

In your work, you may notice increased effectiveness, precision and power.  You may be quicker to make decisions, more confident in your abilities, and take on more responsibilities as a leader (with ease). 

Thank you for being a part of this jhe session.

With Love,

* Disclaimer: This is not meant to diagnose nor treat medical conditions.  The effects described here are purely energetic.  Please consult your health care professional for health-related concerns.

Please be sure to check the YOFA jhe Sessions guarantee before signing up.

I’d be honored to see your name on the jhe list. Sign up at while registration is open.

Today’s YOFA jhe Session:
How Apparent Problems Dissolve into Nothingness

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgSIgn up for
YOFA jhe Sessions

Listen to Rebbie here:

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I did a YOFA jhe Session for you who are on the YOFA jhe list today.

As a result of this session, I expect you to feel noticeably more at home in your body, in your life, and in the broader evolution of you soul.

I also expect things that have felt like major obstacles in some area of your life to begin to dissolve.

The effect of today’s alignment transcends the desires of this lifetime and brings your current awareness into harmony with the desires and intentions that you have set in motion previously.  Even in innumerable past lifetimes.

The effect is one of feeling embraced, swaddled, and loved – especially loved – by your past incarnations.  Like you have this invisible team of "yous" cheering you on, understanding why you do what you do and nurturing your development into the you you desire to be.

The way you may notice this as in an unusual richness in your experience. You may feel things more deeply, see things with more detail, perceive more connections between things, understand things more profoundly, love more purely.  It can feel like the tapestry of your ancient journey is revealing some of its golden threads that let you feel connected with the timeless beauty of your essence.

When you connect a little more than usual, even unconsciously, with the broader design of your soul’s journey, something wonderful happens. 

Things that you have been perceiving as stuck, as unchanging obstacles or solid problems start to reveal their lightness.  They begin to float like bubbles suspended in the air.  They can even begin to pop like bubbles.  And then, they are gone.

The reason this can happen is simple.  The problems never really were solid.  As you come into alignment with your soul’s truth, you see more truly. And what appeared as in impossible to solve problem turns out to be a distortion.  Like a funhouse mirror.  And once your energy field is better aligned, and accurate perception is restored, you see a clear pathway to the solution of what seemed to be an insoluble problem just a moment ago.

Now the question always is, how directly will you feel or manifest the results that I am describing here.

I’m sure there is a range from very obvious, full-blown manifestation to more subtle or even imperceptible changes in the configuration of your energy field.

The jhe Sessions are a cumulative process and so sometimes the sessions are working underground, other times they are at the point of full fruition.

At the very least, I expect you to feel greater, ease, comfort, and a feeling of being lovingly held in spirit.

At the other end of the spectrum, you may have a major breakthrough with something that has been troublesome for you – maybe for a very long time.

However this session shows up in your unique life journey, it is my intention for it to be profoundly beneficial to the experience and expression of the love in your heart.

With Love,

YOFA is based on the book "Rooted in the Infinite"
Find out more at

Inner Alignment and Aging:
Free YOFA jhe Session Re-Opened

YOFA on aging





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As inanimate physical things become old, one of two things happens.

They either become junk or they evolve into to treasured antiques: things of great value.

As we get older, you and I, the physical body may also show signs of age.  The question is, "How do you feel about those changes?"

As you notice a few wrinkles, gray hairs, "love handles" or even some aches and pains that you never had before, how do you relate to your evolving physical instrument?

There are innumerable pills, lotions, and programs that promise to keep you looking and feeling young.

The question I’d like to highlight here today is (whether you use those youth promoting plans or not), "How do you feel about yourself, right where you are, right now, gray hair, love handles and all?"

I post this question because, I think you’ll find that the very first step toward looking great and feeling great at any age is very simple.

It all starts with loving yourself.

And I don’t mean this in a way that means that you think you’re better than everyone else.

I mean this in the purest way that means that by loving your experience of being you, it brings you into alignment with a mystical doorway.  It is an opening that allows you to truly see others and truly love and appreciate others.

Without loving yourself in this pure and unconditional and non-comparative way, it is virtually impossible to love anyone else. 

Unless you assume the shape of love, love cannot fit through you.

So it becomes a very basic, very primary, and a very high priority to find a way into this pure love experience that has you at its center. This is true at any age, but it takes on new challenges, offers new rewards, and reaches new depths as we get older.

And the interesting thing that happens is that where you can stay young, you do, and where you age, you age gracefully and beautifully.

I’m sure there are many ways to cultivate this pure, unconditional, non-comparative love.  In the YOFA system, the way we go about it is through a process of inner alignment.

As you become more tuned to your essence, who you are as love, becomes more and more of who you are as you. Love flows through your personality, your face, your individual expression.

And once love is able to flow through you and to you, all aspects of aging come into greater harmony.  The way you look, the way you feel, and the way your body adapts to its natural evolution.

One of the simplest, easiest ways to bring yourself into alignment with your essence is with the YOFA jhe Sessions.

These are remote inner alignment sessions that bring you into alignment with the best aspects of you.  There is absolutely nothing for you to do.  Well, it is beneficial if you stay open and receptive, but it takes no time or effort on your part.

Simply sign on to the list and I send you an email each time I do a session.

I have just re-opened registration for the free jhe list. 

Sign up now at

I’ll be doing the next monthly free session soon.

Here is an email I received recently from a participant in the free jhe sessions:

"I have been on welfare and taking advantage of your FREE generous YOFA healings for quite some time >>> perhaps two years even. Anyway I now have a great new job and I would like to buy your full compliment of YOFA healings since I have experienced so many wonderful positive shifts from your energy work on me these past two years. Not all YOFA healings are felt. But 90% of them jack me up every time. I just love how much better I feel and how life shifts around me. Your descriptions after each YOFA healings are very accurate and help me understand what I see changing in the world around me.
So …

…I trust your heart and intentions to take this chance. Your healing work is worth it in the cumilative upwards shift in the quality of my life.
One more thing. Thanks so very much for all the FREE YOFA shifts you donated to the betterment of my life while I was dirt poor. It helped immensly."

Hope to see your name on the jhe list the next time I do a YOFA jhe Session!

With Love,