
About admin

Dr. Rebbie Straubing is a workshop leader, Abraham Coach, and spiritual writer. She is the author of "Rooted in the Infinite: The Yoga of Alignment" ( and co-author of 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life ( Her articles are published regularly in phenomeNEWS and can be read on her website, . Rebbie evolved The Yoga of Alignment (YOFA) from a mystical awareness of the relationship between consciousness and the three dimensions in which we live. She teaches a natural and simple mystical approach to daily life that anyone can use to cultivate their own direct access to the Infinite. She draws deep insight from her experience as a chiropractor and from her understanding of the subtle energy that moves in the healing process. She is a long time student of yoga meditation and has been a student of the teachings of Abraham-Hicks ( since 1993. This is the strongest current of influence in her system. Rebbie is a teacher of teachers. Her mystical approach cuts through appearances, clarifies the mind, frees the heart, and nurtures the soul. Her work may take many forms, but it is always about that. Visit her websites: -- The umbrella site for all YOFA offerings - Audio recordings that get you meditating in 3 minutes. Instant download, streaming audio, or order the physical CD. - Remote inner alignment sessions for bringing joyful harmonious expressiveness (jhe) into all aspect of your life. -- 7 Intense streaming audio sessions on The Art of Joyful Manifestation. Like a private training with Rebbie. -- Attract the relationship of your dreams or harmonize the one you're in. Nurture your children with love. (coming soon) A hands "off" healing method for lay people to help their loved ones heal. (coming soon) Law of Attraction coaching for professionals, executives, coaches, chiropractors...

We Are Erasing Pain

…and replacing it with joyful harmonious expressiveness.

Have you heard?

The new YOFA study is all about erasing pain.  Chronic pain.  Severe pain.  In order to bring the YOFA Energy Clearing sessions to peak effectiveness, I’ve decided to launch a study seeking a very tangible result: pain relief.  I’m talking about knee pain, low back pain, etc.  Nothing subtle or ambiguous about this!

And the best part is that this pain relief is not a masking of pain as is usually the case with pain relief products and services.  This method corrects the underlying energetic misalignments that cause the pain.  Once the magnetism that holds the  pain in place has been cleared, the problem is corrected and the pain is gone.

This unique YOFA method has achieved some very noteworthy results.  Now I am testing a new improvement in the technique to see how quickly and thoroughly we can make these corrections.

For those who have applied to participate in the YOFA Energy Clearing study for people with severe, chronic pain:

Watch for an email from me letting you know if your application has been accepted and which group you are in.

Follow the instructions in the email in order to secure your place in the study.

Group 1 – Participants receive individual remote sessions over the phone.

Group 2 – Participants receive individual remote sessions announced by email.

Group 3 – Participants receive group remote sessions announced by email.

Let’s start clearing the energetic cause of your pain and see how well we can get that pain to evaporate.

Please leave a comment below.  Where do you have the most pain?

You Have the Power….

Click the play button above for a quick tip (maybe a reminder!) abut how to take command of your life and live in your joy.

Click here for your FREE Guest Pass to the next YOFA Energy Clearing Call which will take place on Friday, May 17th at 8 pm Eastern.

(If the date has already passed, you can use the same link to get your guest pass to the next call.)

The Solution to Every Problem

Click play to listen to a quick YOFA highlight of a powerful Abraham quote.


Abraham-Hicks official site

Abraham-Hicks Books

YOFA official site

Rooted in the Infinite

YOFA jhe Sessions

Energy Clearing Session for Physical Wellness – Today

YOFA Energy Clearing Sessions

Clear Your Energy and Feel Better Immediately: YOFA Energy Clearing Sessions

Whether you have severe pain, or you simply want more vitality, or anything in between, there might be help for you today at 3pm Eastern.

Of course I cannot promise miracles, but sometimes they do happen*.

What Happens on a YOFA Energy Clearing Call?

  1. On the physical level, you dial in and listen. You can share if you like but you don’t have to.  You can dial in via Skype from anywhere in the world for free.
  2. On an invisible level, you open yourself to a clearing of your problem.
  • Like untangling a ball of yarn, or a head of hair, or a tangled mess of wires, we are untying knots that have accumulated in our energy fields.
  • Like opening a window and letting out smoke, or fumes, or dust, we are airing out and cleansing our energy fields.

By doing this, we are getting to the root of many problems and eliminating their cause. Once the cause is gone, the problem vanishes.

Get your Free Guest Pass and dial in at 3pm Eastern today.  If you are reading this after the call, you can still get your Guest Pass and you will be invited to the next session.


I look forward to meeting with you later. Whether you speak or remain silent on the call, I am honored to work with you in this way.

With Love,

*Disclaimer: This is offered for general well being and does not diagnose nor treat medical conditions.

Law of Attraction and Meditation

Let’s talk about the relationship between Law of Attraction and Meditation.  Here I discuss two different ways to use meditation to cultivate a wonderful, satisfying relationship with Law of Attraction.

You can subscribe to this podcast at


Midbrain Miracle Webcast Encore Presentation

Did you get a chance to catch the landmark Show on Dec 22nd?

If you did…fantastic stuff right?

If you did not…you can catch the RE-Vised RE-Webcast on January 5th.

There were thousands of viewers for the 3M LIVE Show from all over the globe partaking in the LIVE teachings of the Miracle Sounds.

In fact, even those that saw the LIVE Show will benefit from the RE-Webcast.  You see, apparently Dr. Pillai had even more he wanted to share with the audience.  Time was running out, so the coordinators of the show asked him if he would do a second mini- LIVE Event.

He said “Yes”!

On January 5th, an Encore LIVE presentation and a RE-Play will be Webcasted.  ALL NEW Midbrain Teachings from Dr. Pillai PLUS highlights from the LIVE Show on Dec 22nd.

A highlight of the show  was when Dr. Pillai introduced a new sound with a meditation he has never shared before- ‘mmmm’.  I was told by the coordinator of the Show that indeed Dr. Pillai has never taught this before even to his closest students.

On this RE-Webcast he will teach us 5 More New Techniques that will awaken our midbrain!

There is no need to RE-registered if you had already registered for the LIVE Show.  You’ll receive some short videos with highlights from the show plus your Access Details.

If you haven’t yet registered, then CLICK HERE and sign up now.  You won’t want to miss this RE-Webcast with Bonus New Teachings.

This is your invitation to join us for the

Special RE-Peat, RE-Vised Sequel of MidbrainMiracleMethodtm

San Diego January 5th 9:00 am PT
New York January 5th 12 Noon ET
London January 5th 5:00 pm GMT
Chennai January 5th 10:30 pm IST
Singapore January 6th 1:00 am SGT

When Dec 22, 2012 arrives and we are still here…

I’m so excited to share this with you.

Dr. Pillai Teaches You How To Master Your Life LIVE on Dec 22nd…

This is for real.

Dr. Pillai is a meditation Master from a lineage of saints called the Tamil Siddhas.   The Tamil Siddhas were a revolutionary group who demonstrated that to be a master, you have to master your mind, and you have to master your body, too.   They used meditations and herbs to live to be hundreds of years old, they knew how to cure diseases, they could manifest objects out of thin air, they could predict the future of anyone… they were true Masters.

Save Your Seat for Dr. Pillai’s LIVE Spirituality and Science Talk Show for How to create a limitless life… in all areas – via Webcast.

Click Here to reserve your spot

Dr. Pillai is actually the first Master from his lineage to leave India, much less travel all over the world!   For the past 20 years, he’s been revealing secret techniques from his lineage.  But just now, he’s really unveiling the techniques that can teach you to be a Master too. Dr. Pillai is also the Guru of Wayne Dyer.   Most of you have heard about his book called “Manifest Your Destiny”- and it’s dedicated to Dr. Pillai as “Sri Guruji”.  Wayne had some incredible results with Dr. Pillai’s “Ah” meditation for manifesting, and since then he’s taught the technique to millions all over the world who have also had incredible results.

This is THE thing to do on Dec 22nd…

Dr. Pillai is giving a Free Live Online Event on Dec. 22nd, which is a really special day.  I’ll share about that later.

You Can Register For The FREE LIVE Event Here.

With Love and Eager Anticipation,
PS – Please share this with your Facebook friends who are interested in renewal, transformation, and living without  limitation.


The Best *Digital* Gifts

The tipping point has come.

We used to think giving someone a sweater or a DVD that was gift wrapped with a bow was a more substantial gift. Giving something digital was like giving nothing.

It’s still like that for some, but for a growing number of people, that box and that wrapping paper says, “Here is a gift you don’t want and don’t need, and it’s more clutter to collect

YOFA Recommendations for Digital Gifts

dust for you.”

For those plugged in people, a digital gift is the way to go.  It’s useful, it’s juicy, and it integrates seamlessly into their lives.  A digital gift enriches their lives – as a gift is meant to do.

Who is this for?

For the conscious individual.  But not just any conscious individual.  This is for the recipient of your gift who always has headphones dangling from her ears or who is glued to his laptop.  For those electronically oriented enlightenment enthusiasts, here are some gift ideas:

The Science of Getting Rich Membership

This 7 month training offers mystical insight into how to attract universal abundance. With a combination of audio and video recordings, your friend receives new insights each month in this transformational training. (Recordings delivered by yours truly)

Cost: $9/month for 7 months – Total $63  Click to find out more

Zero Limits Live From Maui

Let Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len teach your loved ones how to get to the INCREDIBILE & EUPHORIC state of “Zero” – (this is where you clear yourself of past limitations and open yourself up to a world filled with UNLIMITED POSSIBILITIES)

This mind blowing transformational course takes you right into the seminar room in Maui with 8 full length digital videos.

Cost: $149  Click to find out more

Affirmative Contemplation Recordings: I Am Love

Here is a simple tool anyone can use to cultivate a space of Awareness and Divine Love ?in everyday life.  The meditation recordings  offered here help you build a bridge between the pace of your daily life and the inner peace you seek.

Your friend will receive access to 6 audio meditations of varying lengths and for a variety of purposes.

Cost: $7  Click to find out more


Manifest Peace on Earth

What are you doing on 12/12/12?

YOFA Energy Clearing for Peace on Earth

December 12, 2012
8 pm Eastern
Find your time zone here

Get your free guest pass here

Manifesting Peace

The manifestation of peace on earth (like any other manifestation) begins with the matching vibration.

However, most of the time, when we attempt to cultivate the vibration of world peace, well, we don’t really know where to begin.

So many of us decide we will visualize world peace.

Have you tried this?

As we try to visualize our entire world at peace, it can feel like a fairy tale and our logical minds quickly chime in to tell us how impossible it is.

This conflict in our vibration — wanting peace, but not believing it is possible — holds the energy of wars in place. But how do we believe something that we *want* to believe is possible, but we simply don’t really believe?

(You may have experienced this same snag in your plans to manifest a wonderful relationship or financial prosperity, or anything else. When your desires and
your beliefs don’t match up, it’s a slow road to manifestation.)

There is a Way

In the YOFA energy clearing sessions we have been
bypassing the conscious mind, as well as the vibrational
habits that keep stubborn manifestations in place.

We have been doing this for the spiritual evolution of
our personal human journey.

On 12/12/12 we will be applying this same process
to our world for the sake of Peace on Earth.

I have often likened the energy clearing process
to peeling an onion.

Well, even though the onion of world peace can be daunting,
I have decided to start peeling it. Will you join me?

Dial In and Be a Presence for Peace

You are invited to join me and add your presence
and unique energy signature to a special clearing
session for Peace on Earth.

Dial in at 8pm Eastern on Wednesday, 12/12/12 and join
me and others as we unite our energy to clear the patterns
that hold wars in place and allow the flow of energy that
expresses as kindness, respect, and cooperation between
people, even though they may hold values and beliefs that
are different from each other.

Thank you for being a member of the YOFA Community.

With Love,

PS – Please invite your friends and family
members who want to believe that world peace is
a possibility.

And get your free guest pass to the YOFA Energy
Clearing Session for Peace on Earth here: