Lovingly Laughing (at myself)

Frontcoverbook1web_4 Every once in a while I bare my soul at a workshop. 

Well, not really my soul.  More like my ego.

No, it’s not exactly that either. 

It usually happens when I’m going through a rough stretch physically or emotionally.  I sit there before the beautiful faces of my workshop attendees and I think, If they really knew what goes on in me, they’d never come to my workshops

Then, in an act of impassioned integrity, I proceed to tell them all my crazy problems….. Just in case they want to know.

Last night’s workshop in NY was one of these.  Fortunately, the wonderful folks who come to my workshops seem to put up with my explosions of un-asked-for honesty with kindness.  (In fact, thank you to those who sent me emails today about how much you got from last night’s workshop!)

We actually had a few good laughs.

My point is this:  Sometimes it’s just good to laugh at yourself.  And if you can get an audience while you’re doing it, so much the better. 

I encourage you to catch yourself in a moment when you might judge yourself.  See what it would take to turn this into a comedy routine. 

Laugh at yourself with Love.  It’s fun.

And if you want a really good example of how to do this, turn to page 170 of your bright red copy of 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life.  There you’ll find Laura Lallone’s chapter called "Just Like Chicken" and I think you’ll get the idea loud and clear.  She’ll have you laughing out loud as you come to a place of greater self-appreciation and acceptance.  I recommend it.

If you haven’t ordered the book yet, you can still get the book plus all the amazingly-unbelievable-outrageous free bonuses by clicking here:


Until we meet again…

Lovingly Laughing,


PS  As of this moment there are 177 beautiful people signed up for tomorrow’s (7-19-2006) YOFA Workshop by Phone.  There is still room for you and your friends to dial in.  Find out more and register here:   


Wholeness and Relationships

Frontcoverbook1web_1 Dear Friend,

Have you gotten the book yet?

If so, turn to page 321.

The wholeness process offered in the book 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life is particularly useful in relationships.

So often, when we experience conflict, disappointment, or betrayal in a relationship, we jump immediately to blame.

We may even attack the other verbally or physically, or if we have the power, militarily.

The YOFA Wholeness process offers a completely different option. In the moment of sitting to do this process, we take complete responsibility for our world.

We acknowledge the vibrational framework to which our reality adheres. We understand that we create our own reality.  And with that comes relief and empowerment.

In this Wholeness process we change our magnetism. Once that is accomplished, our relationships must change. It cannot be any other way.

The next time you sit to do this process, I invite you to feel the relief it offers when you unleash its healing power on the subject of a troubled relationship.

When you get whole on the subject of your relationship with that person, amazing shifts occur.  First they occur in you.  Next, they start manifesting in your actual relationship.

Free Workshop – You’re Invited!

The next free, process oriented YOFA Workshops by Phone call is scheduled for July 19, 2006. You can sign up here:


Hope to "see" you there.

Love and Blessings,







Receive the Free eCourse, 7 Secrets for Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire at http://www.yofa.net/7secret.html


Getting Whole on a Subject

Frontcoverbook1web_3 It’s how you create the most satisfying manifestations.

It’s how you feel the best you can feel in your moment.

It’s how your train yourself into clarity and alignment.

I’m talking about getting whole on a subject.

This has become one of my favorite phrases and if you’ve come to any YOFA workshops, you’ve probably heard it many times. 

When you get whole on a subject you enlist the power of your whole being.  That’s the power that moves mountains.

Wholeness is the subject of my chapter in the new book 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life.  In this chapter you’ll learn how to do the process.  You can use this process everyday like I do, or you can keep it in your emotional emergency kit for those moments of overwhelm and upset.  It works either way.

Of course I recommend using it as an ongoing tool for discovering yourself and fine-tuning your inner alignment.  It’s more fun that way.  But in a crunch, it can help you out of a tight emotional spot.

How does it work? 

How does it actually change your life?

I’ll give you the secret right here. 

  • It helps you find your heart’s true desire on any subject. 
  • Then it helps you train yourself into alignment with that truth on that subject. 
  • Then, as you know if you have been studying Law of Attraction, once you become such an utter and complete match to that which you desire, it must come to you.  (Check out the official Abraham-Hicks website at www.abraham-hicks.com for everything you could possibly want to know about Law of Attraction)

As with all YOFA systems, it is almost so simple that you may want to pass it by.  I hope you’ll take it with the deep intention with which it is given.  The more purely you do this process the more purely the fulfillment of your heart’s desire manifests all around you.

You can learn this process by buying the book (and getting the $1500 worth of free bonus goodies) here: 



By attending a free workshop by phone here:


Whether or not you decide to buy the book, I’d like to invite you to attend the free workshop.  You can participate from anywhere on the globe. It will take place live on the phone on July 19th 2006 at 8:30 PM Eastern Time.

You can find out more and sign up here:


I invite you to do both, get the book and show up at the workshop.

Hope to hear your voice on July 19th.

Love and Blessings,



Receive the F ree eCourse, 7 Secrets for
Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire at



Getting Started

Frontcoverbook1web Hi Friends,

Ok, it’s time to crack open the book, 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life.  There are so many empowering resources in this book, it is really mind-boggling.  In time we’ll be looking at a number of them here and passing them through the YOFA lens.

To start out with, flip your book open to page 321. 

That’s where you’ll find my chapter. The Wholeness Process offered here can literally change your life.  And it can do it over and over again on any subject from the most “mundane” to the most “lofty.” 

In fact, when you become whole on a subject, the relative position between mundane and lofty loses its meaning.  Whole is whole.  You are completely made of what you become whole about.

So, whether you stubbed your toe and you want it to stop throbbing, or you seek spiritual enlightenment, or you want to manifest a relationship, or you need more money, by becoming whole on the subject you catapult it toward manifestation.

I hope you get a sense of how powerful this is. 

It is a key to knock-your-socks-off manifestation.  The kind that leaves you with your mouth hanging open.

If you don’t have the book yet, you can still get the outrageous bonus package when you order the book here.

I’ll be writing more about this process soon so check back here if you want to go deeper and develop more expertise with this process. 

I’ll also be offering a free workshop by phone where we’ll all do this process together.  If you want to get an announcement when that is scheduled, you can sign up for the Workshops by Phone mailing list here:


You can unsubscribe at any time and I will never give your info away.

More soon…

Love and Blessings,






Receive the Free eCourse, 7 Secrets for Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire at http://www.yofa.net/7secret.html


Our New Book: 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life

Dear Friends,

I want to tell you about a new book that I have the privilege to be a co-author in.

The book is titled 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life, and it is a compilation of 101 articles with practical, solid advice on how you can finally take action and improve your life.

I am extremely excited to be a part of this, and am equally excited to be a contributing author along with Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, Denis Waitley and many other leading Self Improvement experts.

To get more information, go to http://www.yofa.net/resources/101ways.htm

I’ve devoted a section of this blog to the book so that we can read it together, discuss it, and put it to work in our lives as a growing community.

This book was created by David Riklan, the president and founder of the #1 Self Improvement website in the world, SelfGrowth.com. He has tapped into the minds of the greatest experts of our time and pulled together something that will blow you away.

It’s a complete collection of 101 insider secrets that can show you how to instantly and positively improve your life!

David has also bundled the book with life-enhancing tools! He calls them "bonus gifts," and he has created a package of $1,500 worth of absolutely free gifts that you get by purchasing just one copy of our book.

These bonus gifts aren’t the typical items you may have seen in other campaigns. That I can guarantee!

Every single one of these gifts has enormous value and has been cleverly created to give you value beyond anything comprehensible.

David is so confident you will love it that he is backing it up with a completely solid guarantee.

Go there and take a look for yourself – and make sure you check out the bonuses. I nearly fell off my chair when I saw what he put together. You may want to be sitting down yourself, because it could knock you over…with joy!

Here’s the link for you to go directly to his offer:



Rebbie Straubing