Circle the Globe with Love and Light

I created this chant for the upcoming “Inner Guidance Revealed” program, but it’s simply not ready yet.  I always forget that these things take longer than I expect to get all the pieces in place.

This inner guidance program is the first of my trainings that will actually include some of my music and I’m excited about this new energy in my work.  I’ve been wanting to include music in the YOFA experience for a long time now.

But it wasn’t ready.

And now that it is flowing, I didn’t want to wait for the inner guidance training to be complete before I released at least one of the songs.

So here is the “Journey” chant, offered as a holiday card, from me to you.  

Thanks for all the emails I’ve been getting! I’m so glad you guys like the chant!  You can also leave comments here or directly on YouTube.  Thanks, and Happy Holidays!


Sound Vibration & Law of Attraction

Your voice vibrates into your reality.

Your voice and the words you speak vibrate into the field around you creating a pattern that Law of Attraction then responds to.

Your voice helps you manifest your desires.

Yes, the actual sound that comes from your vocal cords is part of your manifesting power.

Do you ever think of yourself as a musical instrument?

Every muscle and bone in your body contributes to the sound and vibration
of your voice.

* And your voice speaks the song of your heart.

* And your heart offers the message of your soul.

* And Law of Attraction responds to your vibration.

Sound Vibrates Potential into Reality

When the sounds, words, and songs of your voice are pure and in resonance with your inner truth, amazing things happen in your life.

You see this in the power of prayers, affirmations, mantras, chants and other deliberate use of the power of sound.

So here is the question of the day…

What reality is the tone of your voice  vibrating in you?

And what notions are your words bringing forth into manifestation in your life?

Speak and sing your reality into being with the joy and love that you desire in your life.

With love,

Mind Movies and Affirmation Tips

How effective are your Mind Movies?  Are your affirmations working?  Click the play button above to listen to this very quick tip to power up your affirmations for manifestation.

Most important – make sure your words feel good to you as you see them., speak them, hear them, and feel them.  Your word has power.

email: Affirmative Contemplation Recording “I Am Love”





I receive so many emails that I want to share with you.  Usually, I don’t actually post them.

This message is about the long version of the Affirmative Contemplation recording "I AM Love."  I’m posting this email for those who might want to use this recording in a similar way

Dear Rebbie:
I felt compelled to send this to you.  Yesterday, I had some oral surgery performed.  I decided to go to a holistic dentist where he performed an extraction and a bone graph.  Anyway, I had local anesthesia only and was awake the whole time.  Although I was offered many choices of movies to watch for relaxation, I opted for something which showed nature scenes.  Knowing that I may feel a little nervous, I also brought my MP3 with me.  I put on the 20 minute version of "I Am Love" and played it over and over.  It lasted 2 hours, but I wasn’t as afraid as I could have been because I felt like you were with me the whole time.  It comforted me very much and even now I am moved to tears.  Lately, this has been happening a lot to me.  I’ve been manifesting a few things too which I think is incredible! 
The most important thing I wanted to say is that I thank you sincerely from the bottom of my heart for all that you do.  I appreciate you and I am grateful to be connected to you in this way.  When I hear your recordings or take part in your workshops, it’s as though you are speaking directly to me.  The road ahead is still a long one, but I like the path that I am on. 


One Minute Meditation Video

This video is entered in a contest!

Want to help?

Yes, I know, it’s very unusual for me to join a contest.

But since I was invited to enter a one-minute video to the shiftinaction contest, I did.  And you can help me.

Step One: Watch the video

Watch it above, and you can see all the entries here:

Step Two: Send a note about my video

Send an email about my video to the YouTube account

Scroll down to "Connect with shiftinaction"  You’ll see it on the left. And send them a message that mentions my video.

(You have to have a f ree YouTube account –  It’s easy to set up and then you can have more fun on YouTube. You don’t need to have videos.)

Thanks for joining in on this contest! It helps me get the word out about YOFA.

The soundtrack of this video is the first minute of the 3 minute version of I Am Love.


Aligning yourself with Divine Love is what we’re doing and this video is a one minute tool to help you make it real.

With Love,

YOFA Healing Meditation: Love



This video meditation offers a fundamental spiritual healing process that can augment any mode of healing and can be added to any regimen. 

Actually, rather than "healing" I prefer the words "joyful harmonious expressiveness" or "jhe."  The movement toward jhe is a movement toward wholeness.

Jhe is the natural state of your body. 

In fact, your body is always moving toward jhe.  This video takes you to joyful harmonious expressiveness (healing) by bringing you to wholeness on the vibration of love. This is the essence of spiritual healing.

No matter what problem you may be experiencing in your body, this simple meditation provides a soothing energy template for profound and thorough jhe (healing).

For best results, do this meditation three times a day:

  • In the morning before getting out of bed.
  • Sometime during the day while watching the video.
  • At night before sleep.

Related Resources:

Affirmative Contemplation
For more audio meditations like this one, get the Affirmative Contemplation collection.
Get the digital version here.
Get the physical CD here.


YOFA jhe Sessions
Remote healing, or distance healing, is only part of what the jhe sessions provide.  I like to call them remote inner alignment sessions. They promote jhe in:

  • your body
  • your relationships
  • your finances
  • your emotions
  • your spiritual awareness
  • all aspects of your life

Click here to start transforming your life on the jhe list.


Rooted in the Infinite
This book is the official manual of YOFA Meditation.
Listen to me read excerpts from the book here.


In the process of developing your jhe (healing), I wish you great satisfaction and a deep knowing that the value  of the journey always outweighs the momentary suffering.


With Love and Appreciation,

Subscribe to YOFA videos on YouTube:

PS – Please share your experience with this video meditation by posting a comment here.

The video is back

Pclr009 I’ve got the Affirmative Contemplation video up and running again. It gives you a glance at the inside of the members’ area.

You can scroll on over to it on this blog or simply click HERE to see the video.

And have you listened to the teleseminar yet?  That’s free, too.

Listen to the teleseminar/webcast HERE.

One more thing.

Want to hear samples of the recordings?


Once you start working with the recordings, I encourage you to set a conscious intention to bring forward the most satisfying version of you.  That is the purpose of these recordings:  To bring you into alignment with your essence so that you live a joyful and fulfilling life experience.

Love and Blessings,

Receive the F ree eCourse, 7 Secrets for
Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire at

Where’d the video go?

011_041 Please accept my apologies!

I had so much fun making the video with this cool new free software but I didn’t realize it had limited airtime.

It’s gone for now.  It may reappear, but for now it is inaccessible.

I’ll be investigating new ways to do this sort of thing for you.

Meanwhile, you can sill get the recording from the Affirmative Contemplation teleseminar and Webcast.  There’s no charge and you can listen to streaming audio or download the mp3.

Thank you for your patience as I explore new technology!

With Love and Appreciation,


Receive the free e-course, 7 Secrets for

Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire at


quick video tour

I thought I’d take you on a little video tour of the inside of the members’ area of the Affirmative Contemplation website.

It seems funny to call something a member’s site when it only costs $7 to get in.

But nevertheless, it IS a members’ site and the folks who are already members may enjoy this quick tutorial, too.

After you watch this short video, you can help me out by leaving a comment on any of these subjects:

  • Did the video play smoothly on your computer?
  • Was this helpful?
  • Would you like to see the inside of some of the other YOFA members sites?
  • Do you use affirmations?
  • How long have you been meditating? (Or wanting to…)
  • Let me know if you want more of these videos…

Here it is:

(Click here to see the full screen)

FREE Teleseminar – Affirmative Contemplation


How to do it.

What it does for you.

Please register HERE.


Wednesday, January 9, 2008

5:30 PM Pacific

8:30 PM Eastern

Please register HERE.

Find Your Time Zone Here

Combine the power of affirmation 
and contemplation.

There is no limit to what you can
be or do or have.

Affirmative Contemplation

This method leads you to
become the magnificent being
you came here to be.

It can be used toward the
development of:

  • spiritual awareness

  • healing

  • financial abundance

  • loving relationships

  • the fulfillment of your heart’s desires

Begin 2008 with Clarity, Intention,
and a Focusing of Your Innate Power.

Free Admission

Please register HERE.

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