New Spice in Your Financial Soup: YOFA Inner Alignment Sessions Q&A

YOFA Inner Alignment SessionsIn this 17-minute recording, I answer Vijay’s question about the YOFA® remote Inner Alignment sessions.

In the recording, you will find a new way to cook up your financial soup.  Below is the question.  Press the play button below the question to hear my response.


Dear Rebbie,
I have been a member since January 2006. I must confess that I do not accept things very easily, but have done so for the last three years. I am also not tuned in to using vibrations and energy like you describe in the ways you suggest- I am awfully lazy in these sort of matters, unlike my wife, Preethi. So, I can’t even begin to comprehend what I am supposed to do in whatever situations you describe. Though I do get worried sometimes at the lack of finances, I am not a defeatist and at most times am optimistic/pragmatic in my evaluation of possible outcomes. So, what can you say to me that will positively enthuse me to change my outlook ? Love, Vijay

[mc id=”626″ type=”audio”]New Spice in Your Financial Soup[/mc]

How my iPhone gets me in the Vorte

The YOFA Gateway into the Vortex


*  *   *

“Creating is adjusting your vibration for what it will attract.”  — Abraham-Hicks

[mc id=”601″ type=”audio”]The YOFA Gateway into the Vortex[/mc]

In this 14 minute recording I talk about how to get into what Abraham (Abraham-Hicks) calls the Vortex.

I also explain how to get free access to the YOFA Gateway into the Vortex so that you interact joyfully with Law of Attraction! (And how you can do this on your iphone without an app.) More details at

This works for:

  • attracting loving relationships
  • attracting money
  • transforming your body
  • physical healing (jhe)
  • spiritual awakening
  • and more

With Love,


Spend 2 hours with Abraham-Hicks: Getting in the Vortex

Abraham-Hicks Hay House Radio


Jerry and Esther and Abraham are making a rare appearance *on your computer* via Hay House Radio – today- March 31

Here are the details:

Getting in the Vortex

Esther and Jerry Hicks
Hay House Live Online Event
March 31, 2010
Show: 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm PDT
Pre-show: 3:45 pm – 4:00 pm PDT
Login beginning at: 3:30 pm PDT

Abraham is back by popular demand!

In this unique live online dialogue, Esther and Jerry Hicks and the non-physical teacher, Abraham, show you how to manifest your ultimate desires and experience the truly rich and blissful life you deserve.

Whenever you attend an Abraham-Hicks seminar, the first thing you’ll notice that sets these seminars apart from all others is that the seminars are interactive on many levels.

The agenda is never pre-determined, but is spontaneously created by Abraham’s response to the participants in the workshop. It is uncanny how Abraham is aware of not only the consensus of questions in the audience, but every individual question that arises in the room as the seminar progresses. The feeling of co-creative harmony is palpable when you attend an braham-Hicks workshop, and Jerry and Esther were delighted to discover that the same holds true of these online seminars.

Abraham can feel you, wherever you are, and will answer your question even if you are not one of the ones chosen to speak to them directly.

Join Esther and Jerry Hicks and Abraham for these two interactive hours. It will be fun!




YOFA Sessions: Getting Results with Autism



Words & Hugs: Getting Results with Autism

As human beings, we have a tendency to compare.  We see things that are different and we want to make a value judgment.  We tend to want to say that when things are different, one is good and the other is bad.  Or, one is right and the other is wrong.  Or one is normal and the other needs to be fixed.

[mc id=”578″ type=”audio”]Getting Results with Autism[/mc]

That is the backdrop of our collective mentality.

Now, enter a growing population of human beings who seem to be decidedly different from most of the rest of us and these people are getting the label of autism.

What happens?

That old programming kicks in.  We see the difference, we compare, and we judge.

We want to say we are normal, we are the way a human being is supposed to be and they are abnormal, less than, and need to be fixed.

The YOFA Unconditional Love Project is a call for a new paradigm.

As we encounter these unusual individuals, let’s cultivate unconditional love.  Let us see not only where our strengths can help them, but where their strengths can help us.

I don’t necessarily think we can stop our deeply rooted tendency to compare and judge.  In fact, even in this conversation you can find the implication that comparing-and-judging is bad and not doing it is good.  That is a comparison and judgment right there.

So we have to come to terms with our own nature that wants to compare and judge.

But what we can do is, once we have automatically compared and judged, we can focus on what is wanted.  Every time we find ourselves making a comparison and a judgment, we can focus purely on what we prefer.

And so, what does this have to do with YOFA® Sessions and autism?

I have been offering remote Inner Alignment Sessions for children and adults with autism.

  • The basis of these sessions is unconditional love.
  • The method is based in the YOFA® system.
  • The results are now ready.

Please download the research report “Words & Hugs: Getting Results with Autism” and forward it to anyone who would thank you for it.

With Love and Appreciation,


YOFA jhe Sessions Q & A

YOFA jhe Sessions Q&A

The YOFA jhe Sessions are remote Inner Alignment sessions.  Here is a question I received after one of the sessions.


how did you do it?

I am feeling great right now! but my only problem with this is that i didn’t do it:/ Which means that i need an outside source to make me feel great. Or am i missing the point? Could you direct me to a better understanding of these sessions? I know that i have gotten these feeling without help before but……I don’t know….help?

Here is my audio answer:

(If you do not see the audio controller, you can access the recording HERE.)

[mc id=”555″ type=”audio”]YOFA jhe Sessions Q & A[/mc]

Energy Healing for Autism



The YOFA Unconditional Love Project


Listen to this 10 minute recording where I explain the project:

[mc id=”544″ type=”audio”]YOFA Unconditional Love Project for Autism[/mc]

From February 13 to March 13, 2010 I am offering free YOFA jhe Sessions (remote Inner Alignment Sessions) for people on the autistic spectrum.

To find out more and sign up, please visit

Please post on Facebook, tweet on twitter, and blog about his project so that the people who are looking for this can find it.

Thank you.

With Love,

Energy Healing: Inner Alignment

Flow is the key to jhe - photo by Daniel Lamonica

Flow is the Key to jhe ---- photo by Daniel Lamonica

I just did today’s jhe session, which focused on physical healing, specifically pain relief, and so I thought I’d take a moment to explain a little piece of the healing puzzle.

It helps to see yourself as a physical expression of spirit, life force, intelligent energy, whatever you want to call it.  Within that energy field that you know of as you, there are avenues of flow.  Just like we can map the flow of traffic on the highways or the flow of water through the rivers, we can map the flow of energy through your system.

This flow represents the foundation of what you usually think of as your “health.” As you cultivate your inner alignment, you fortify the avenues of flow within you and nourish a joyful expression of your essence through the physical material of your body. You know it’s working because it feels good.  It feels right.  You feel more like you (and only you know what that means).

To find out more about how to establish this flow through meditation, please read Rooted in the Infinite.

To find out how to receive remote Inner Alignment sessions (no matter where you live), please click here.

The cultivation of your Inner Alignment is a simple, inner process that can completely change your life.

Wishing you joyful harmonious expressiveness (jhe),

New “Rooted in the Infinite” Website

Rooted in the Infinite


The new Rooted in the Infinite website is up and running.  This is the new home for activities related to the book and meditation recordings that instruct you in this meditation system.

Will you begin (or deepen) your Inner Alignment meditation practice this year?

This system cultivates continual exploration within.  It is a mystical process that yields practical results.  I am honored to be the conduit for this information and I invite you to create a wave of joy in your life with this method.

God bless you.

“LIFE – Living in Freedom Everyday”

kennethbrownKenneth Brown’s promotin for his new book LIFE –  Living in Freedom Everyday is today. Get lots of free goodies when you buy the book today only.


Six simple steps to greatness that will turn your life around!

Kenneth Brown is offering a simple, well-laid-out roadmap to achieving your God-given greatness.

The popular Life and Business Coach, author, and speaker Kenneth Brown has just released his second book, “L.I.F.E – Living In Freedom Everyday”. (What could be better than that?)

Kenneth is giving away a number of free goodies (be sure to look for mine!) when you get his book… and get your copy TODAY, while there’s still time to get in on the Big Give-Away!

She said “it works every time”!

Think SinkWhat if you could get anything that you wanted without having to change your circumstances? What if you could master your mind so that it would actually alter your experience? What if you could be happy and stress-free regardless of what was going on around you? What if 2010 could be your greatest year ever because you discovered the ONE choice that changes everything?

Wouldn’t you be even the teeniest bit interested?

CLICK HERE TODAY to get in on this promotion.

Best-selling author Gina Mollicone-Long has been transforming lives for over a decade now. She claims that she has never seen a problem that can’t be solved in 12 hours or less. Now she’s put her secrets into her newest book called THINK OR SINK.

For less than $15 you can find out her secrets. Plus, when you buy a copy TODAY ONLY you will get over 100 gift bonuses from some of the leading success experts and best-selling authors like Bob Proctor, Mark Victor Hansen, Marci Shimoff, Peggy McColl and John Gray just to name a few. (Look for a full audio workshop from me, too!) These bonuses are worth thousands.

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Are you ready to use techniques that are easy to understand and will make a difference in your life?  Today is the day!