New Year’s Resolutions: The Missing Piece

People make New Years resolutions.  Some people call them goals.  Some call them intentions.  But most of us make them.  We can’t help ourselves.  We are so profoundly drawn to the clean slate.  We so dearly want another chance to succeed. We love the idea of having our past failures wiped clean off the surface and starting anew. We love getting a glimpse of a reality where it looks like we can actually  win.  We simply love all that.  I mean, who wouldn’t?

But if you’ve had the same New Year’s resolution year after year and you barely get past January, maybe March, before it’s forgotten or cluttered with feelings of failure again, then it can be difficult to get excited about that clean slate.  We stop believing in it.

The Missing Piece of the Puzzle for Success

But what if you could know deep down that this time it could work.  What if you could believe with utter conviction that you can succeed this time?  How eager and encouraged would you feel?  How much  time would you put into getting clear about your intention?

People who succeed do not all have the same plan or the same strategies or the same action steps.  They didn’t all go to the same school or study with the same guru.  But they all reach a point where they have a vision and a knowing and an unwavering trust that this is going to happen for them.

You may have all the education, the strategies, the action  plans, but if you do not find yourself in a place of knowing your success, right down to the core of you, then you are missing the most important piece.

Find Your Inner Knowing

When you know your truth, the truth of your success in whatever area you want it, you do not get stopped by the conditions that seem to be in your way.  You stay on the path, you modify the path, you trust the journey and you keep going.

Oh, and by the way, when you can envision yourself living the reality you desire, you are  well on your way.  Let the power of your imagination guide your actions.

Take conditions out of the equation and ask yourself, “What would it take for me to know I could succeed this time?”  Ponder this. Find your inner knowing of your success.  Then watch your actions take flight.

The Mechanisms of Manifestation

This is all about your empowerment in the manifestation process.  Law of Attraction is always working, but sometimes we don’t recognize our part in the creation of our reality.  This recording is here to remind you that you are powerful and you can create the fulfillment of your desires.

Free WebinarCLICK HERE for free webinar

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Start Creating Your New Reality Today

Click the Play Button Above to Listen…

We’ve all heard that “You create your own reality,” but what does that really mean? With this recording  you can start digging deeper into your own knowing on this subject.  Be sure to listen to the end to hear about my Extreme Thanksgiving Discount.  Here are links to resources mentioned in the audio:


Instantaneous Manifestation

Click the Play Button Above to Listen…

In this recording, I reveal the power of instantaneous manifestation.  Be sure to listen to the end to hear about my Extreme Thanksgiving Discount.  Here are the links mentioned in the audio:


Thanksgiving Empowerment Process & Special Discount

The Holiday Season has begun!

Click the Play Button Above (9 Minute audio) and Step Into Your Empowerment for Truly happy Holidays!

  • Use this quick, simple process to make this the best holiday season ever.
  • Get my special Extreme Discount for one week ONLY!

CLICK the Purple Vortex to Join the YOFA jhe Sessions for only $9!!!!

Sound Vibration & Law of Attraction

Your voice vibrates into your reality.

Your voice and the words you speak vibrate into the field around you creating a pattern that Law of Attraction then responds to.

Your voice helps you manifest your desires.

Yes, the actual sound that comes from your vocal cords is part of your manifesting power.

Do you ever think of yourself as a musical instrument?

Every muscle and bone in your body contributes to the sound and vibration
of your voice.

* And your voice speaks the song of your heart.

* And your heart offers the message of your soul.

* And Law of Attraction responds to your vibration.

Sound Vibrates Potential into Reality

When the sounds, words, and songs of your voice are pure and in resonance with your inner truth, amazing things happen in your life.

You see this in the power of prayers, affirmations, mantras, chants and other deliberate use of the power of sound.

So here is the question of the day…

What reality is the tone of your voice  vibrating in you?

And what notions are your words bringing forth into manifestation in your life?

Speak and sing your reality into being with the joy and love that you desire in your life.

With love,

Erase Your Pain – FREE Webinar

Click to Register

I was just listening to an Abraham CD. Here are the words that jumped out at me:

(In response to a man asking about an unwanted body condition:)

“That’s the most important question ever, “How can I be living something that has my almost complete awareness, and create a different grid? [Meaning …and a attract something completely different?] And we acknowledge: It’s not an easy thing. But it is the work.” –Abraham-Hicks

Bull’s eye!  This is exactly what I have been working on.  I have been discovering…

How to take the most difficult things you are living — the ones that are so hard to shift — and to melt them like butter, to dissolve them, to erase them, and ultimately…to FREE YOU so you can live your joy.  And I want to share this with you.

My Invitation to YOU….

I am inviting you to find out how to erase the pain that “has your almost complete awareness” and start living the life you intended.  You are invited to the next YOFA webinar where we will start doing just that!  There is no charge for the webinar, but I want you to play a game with me. Will you?  I’m asking you to imagine that you paid a hundred dollars for this seminar. (Really you pay nothing!)  But I want you to set aside the time, give it your full attention, and make it your intention to get $100 worth of value from the presentation.

Of course it’s up to you. But it costs you nothing and you might get a big shift….

Choose the Best Time for You…

Ok, so what do you do now?

  1. Click Here to Register for the webinar
  2. Mark your calendar and block out about one and half to two hours for this webinar.
  3. Share this link on Facebook, twitter, in emails, on the phone, and in any and every other way you can think of. (Why? Because you will help people you don’t even know.)


Erase Your Pain

This is about erasing joint pain, relationship conflicts, financial struggles. You name it. We can get started erasing it right on the webinar.

Go register now because space is limited. Ok?

Looking forward to reading your comments on this ground breaking webinar…

Love & Blessings,

PS – Pay attention in the early part of the webinar becauseI’ve included some old, never before seen, pictures of me in the webinar. You definitely don’t want to miss these! 😎

PPS – Pay attention to the very end because I’ll be making an offer that will make your jaw drop.





First “Yes!” Call Since the Spring Goes Slightly Haywire

Today I did the first YOFA Energy Sessions teleseminar in months.  Now, I have been leading teleseminars for years.  I’ve studied with some of the best.  I think I’m pretty good at this.  (Guess where this story is heading!)

I’m sorry to say that most of the people who intended to be on this call got blocked in one way or another.  In fact, I might not be exaggerating when I say it was probably easier for a football player to get….wherever football players need to get to, than it was for most people to get on this call.   Well, maybe I am exaggerating.

Fortunately, some people did beat the odds and found their way onto the call and I have been getting some great feedback on the actual energy session.  But hey, I actually talked for 17 minutes not realizing everyone was listening to music on hold.  And when I say everyone, I mean the folks who figured out who to get on despite the wrong conference ID I sent out.  Crazy!

Here’s some of the feedback on the actual energy clearing session results:

While on the call, I received a surprise rebate check on my property taxes. I was stressing as to how I was going to have enough money this month, and this made a great difference

Thank You and Blessings


Here’s another one:

I can’t thank you enough for the free energy clearing today. I feel as though a cloud has lifted. My thinking is much clearer. My dinner tasted wonderful. I feel balanced and energized. I am amazed at the results. Please let me know if you plan to do this sort of thing again!

Many thanks ~

Ann :-)

Thank you to all who made the extra effort to be on the call and who waited for me to join the call for real.  The YOFA community is awesome.