The Mechanisms of Manifestation

This is all about your empowerment in the manifestation process.  Law of Attraction is always working, but sometimes we don’t recognize our part in the creation of our reality.  This recording is here to remind you that you are powerful and you can create the fulfillment of your desires.

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Inner Alignment and Sweet Manifestation

Click the play button above to listen to an expanded exploration on the relationship between inner alignment and manifesting the desires of your heart.  This recording is almost 18 minutes long, so get comfy.  Below is the session update that went out to members today.  The recording expands on this text.

Here is today’s YOFA jhe Session Update:

I did a YOFA jhe Session for you today.

As a result of this session I expect you to find a sweetness in your manifestation. As conditions and relationships and events present themselves to you , you may find that they have been sprinkled with fairy dust – or so it seems.

The power of this session comes from the desires of your heart as they project forward and rain down as manifestation for you to walk into in your next set of nows.

Can you get that image?

It is a cycle of creation in which you create into the nonphysical medium (Abraham calls this the vortex) by the natural flow of your desire. This takes form and, to the degree that you are a vibrational match to the desire, it becomes your lived reality.

It occurs on your Z-axis and it is pulled toward you like one of those moving sidewalks. You have the sense that you are the one moving forward, but the manifestation is actually moving toward you. I describe this in greater detail in chapter 9 of Rooted in the Infinite.

In your relationships, you may find beauty in the faces that you see and a heightened feeling of love for your friends, family members, coworkers, and even strangers on the street. It is a heart resonance that lets you see others more clearly and with eyes of love. As you can imagine, this does good things for all relationships.

In your finances, this session helps you allow more abundance to flow to you. It tunes you to the allowing mode, the receiving mode, that state in which you can receive all that has been lining up for you.

In your body, this session gives you energy.

I am delighted to do this session for you. Thank you for giving me that honor.

With Love,


Prosperity Quiz

There are no wrong answers!  Just insights to be gained and action to move you toward manifestation.  But be sure to do this before midnight tonight to get the most value out of this.

Prosperity Quiz
Click the answer that best describes you for your financial recommendations. 

(1) How do you know what you know?

(2) How do you take action?
I asked you what area of your life you most want to get aligned. You told me loud and clear.  Financial Prosperity.  Well here are two opportunities – one is practical, the other is metaphysical:
  1. Energy Alignment for Prosperity Click to see promotion
  2. To Turn These Times Of Economic Chaos Into Massive Wealth Click to see promotion
Both are running BIG promotions that end tonight.  I urge you to check this out while you can get such drastic savings.

Vibration and Manifestation

YOFA-TSOGR WorkshopCLICK HERE TO REGISTER for the next Prosperity Workshop

Do the YOFA jhe Sessions get results every time, all the time?  I just made this recording to explore why some people get instant manifestation and others don’t  – and why, in the bigger picture, the results come, whether they are instant or not.

Law of Attraction is always consistent. And in this recording, I explain why it doesn’t always seem that way, and how the jhe sessions can help.

We have one more prosperity workshop in the 5 year birthday celebration for the YOFA jhe Sessions.  Have you marked your calendar yet?

The Final jhe Celebration Workshop is Tuesday (tomorrow).
December 13, 2011
8:30 pm Eastern (5:30 pm Pacific)
Find your time zone here
No Charge


Today’s YOFA jhe Session

I did a YOFA jhe Session for the jhe birthday members today.

This session promotes the manifestation of prosperity in your life.

As a result of this session you may find something that you have been asking for,
possibly for a very long time, suddenly pops into your reality.

If this does happen, it will be very noticeable and recognizable as a result of this session.

If nothing like that pops through for you, that’s fine too.  It is more of an encouraging sign than of inherent value.

The point here is that you are shifting your energetic alignment for the allowing of
prosperity to flow into your life.

This is less about isolated bursts of manifestation and more about making prosperity a way of life.

And today’s session clears up some of the fog that has been blocking your access to prosperity.

Watch for spontaneous moments of increased appreciation of what you do have.  This heightened sense of appreciation draws to you more of what is wanted.

Also, watch for unusual opportunities to advance your station in life.  Opportunities
are now flowing in your direction and they are yours to recognize and claim.

Sessions vs. Workshops

To clear up some confusion about these sessions, this email is an update for a remote energy alignment treatment that I did for you.

  • This is what I call a jhe session.
  • These sessions are not scheduled.
  • And you do not have to be available for them.
  • I do them purely energetically and they reach you wherever you are.

The workshops we will be doing on the phone are something different.  There, we engage the conscious mind.

  • These are actual meetings.
  • They are scheduled.
  • And you do have to be available to participate.
  • Of course, if you cannot make the date, you will get the recording.

Thank you for celebrating the birthday of the YOFA jhe Sessions.

We still have 2 more workshops before our celebration comes to a close.  You can still sign up here if you have not done that already.

With Love


How to Predict Your Financial Future

Let’s switch things up.

I’ve been talking to you a lot about energy alignment for prosperity.

Now let’s talk about the nuts and bolts of prosperity.

This is *definitely* not my field of expertise.  But I know someone who *is* a major expert.  In fact, he discovered something extraordinary.  He found a “map” back in 2007 that’s allowed him to basically predict the financial future. (I know, it sounds impossible.)

I’m about to watch his videos. You can watch all three videos (no charge)
along with me this week by clicking here to go to his site

It’s kind of unusual for me to send you info that is not energy related. But this came along right while we are focused on prosperity. Don’t you just love Law of Attraction?

Attract Money



“Winning the Inner Game of Money”


Simple fact: You can attract more money than you are currently attracting.  But not if you keep doing everything the way you have been doing it.  Same actions, same thought patterns, same results.

Date: Tuesday, November 23rd

Time: 6pm PST and 6pm EST.


Good News: You can learn to start winning the game of money this Tuesday night for free. (That is VERY good news!)

If you’re fast enough to reserve your seat in the encore, John will teach you . ..

  • How to OBLITERATE subconscious blocks that have been forcing you to stay at your current level of wealth and success, no matter hard you’ve tried to fight against them . . .
  • And will show you his secret formula (that’s worked for hundreds already) which will allow you to double or even triple your income in the next year.

The reaction to John Assaraf’s amazing “Winning the Inner Game of Money” webinar was so OVERWHELMING that John’s decided to do 2 more special ENCORE presentations.   This will be a replay of John’s webinar but John will be interacting with you live on the webinar….

Isn’t it time to break the pattern that has been getting you nowhere? I mean, wouldn’t you love to start seeing the money that Abraham keeps telling us is in our vibrational escrow?

Well, this is a crazy, amazing opportunity to learn from John Assaraf (he’s the guy to takes the Law of Attraction teachings and fine tunes them for wealth). And this webinar is absolutely free. But you have to make sure you get registered before it fills up.

In this webinar, John Assaraf will show you:

*    How your subconscious mind is like a
SUPERCOMPUTER . . . how past experiences and
doubts “program” your mind for a lower level of wealth
and success than you want or deserve and how to replace
the “bad software” in your mind (that was “installed years
ago when you were a kid) so that you can finally reach the
heights of your potential.

*    Why intelligence has NOTHING to do with how much
wealth and success you’ll attract into your life . . . why
being “too smart” can actually hold you back . . . and how
to “take the brakes off” your subconscious idea of wealth
so you can double or even TRIPLE your income this year.

*    The “formula” your subconscious mind uses to decide
how much wealth you “should” have . . . how you got
“stuck” at a certain level of success far below your potential
and how to instantly “raise the bar” deep in your mind to
free you to finally attract the life you want.

*    Why it’s not your fault if you haven’t attracted everything
you want into your life yet . . . and how to use a deeper
understanding of the human brain to cause yourself to
automatically take the simple wealth and success attracting
actions that make millionaires.

And much more.

Over 50,000 people were on Thursday night’s 2 webinar’s and it was bursting at the seams so again they there are only a limited number of spots available for this special encore presentation.   So to avoid being disappointed, please act now to secure your spot.


All Love to You,