Inner Alignment and Sweet Manifestation

Click the play button above to listen to an expanded exploration on the relationship between inner alignment and manifesting the desires of your heart.  This recording is almost 18 minutes long, so get comfy.  Below is the session update that went out to members today.  The recording expands on this text.

Here is today’s YOFA jhe Session Update:

I did a YOFA jhe Session for you today.

As a result of this session I expect you to find a sweetness in your manifestation. As conditions and relationships and events present themselves to you , you may find that they have been sprinkled with fairy dust – or so it seems.

The power of this session comes from the desires of your heart as they project forward and rain down as manifestation for you to walk into in your next set of nows.

Can you get that image?

It is a cycle of creation in which you create into the nonphysical medium (Abraham calls this the vortex) by the natural flow of your desire. This takes form and, to the degree that you are a vibrational match to the desire, it becomes your lived reality.

It occurs on your Z-axis and it is pulled toward you like one of those moving sidewalks. You have the sense that you are the one moving forward, but the manifestation is actually moving toward you. I describe this in greater detail in chapter 9 of Rooted in the Infinite.

In your relationships, you may find beauty in the faces that you see and a heightened feeling of love for your friends, family members, coworkers, and even strangers on the street. It is a heart resonance that lets you see others more clearly and with eyes of love. As you can imagine, this does good things for all relationships.

In your finances, this session helps you allow more abundance to flow to you. It tunes you to the allowing mode, the receiving mode, that state in which you can receive all that has been lining up for you.

In your body, this session gives you energy.

I am delighted to do this session for you. Thank you for giving me that honor.

With Love,


Mind Movies and Affirmation Tips

How effective are your Mind Movies?  Are your affirmations working?  Click the play button above to listen to this very quick tip to power up your affirmations for manifestation.

Most important – make sure your words feel good to you as you see them., speak them, hear them, and feel them.  Your word has power.

Manifestation and Missing Pieces

I was just listening to an Abraham CD and it reminded me that one step before the manifestation is the feeling.  We often point our efforts toward the manifestation.  We want the car, or the relationship, or the body condition, right?  So we visualize and affirm and use all our nifty tools to manifest the life condition that we want.

That’s all great, but it’s like putting together a jigsaw puzzle that’s missing half the pieces.  It’s harder than it needs to be while you’re working on it, and when it’s done, it’s a big disappointment.

So what is the alternative?  Focus your efforts on achieving the feeling you would have if that desire were joyfully fulfilled.  Focus on the feeling rather than the manifestation.

In that way, there is joy in the journey, and when you get there, it is even better than you expected.

It basically comes down to placing your relationship with your self and your Source above any other relationship.

My Most Important Relationship Is With My Source… There is no relationship of greater importance to achieve than the relationship between you, in your physical body, right here and now, and the Soul/Source/God from which you have come. If you tend to that relationship, first and foremost, you will then, and only then, have the stable footing to proceed into other relationships. Your relationship with your own body; your relationship with money; your relationship with your parents, children, grandchildren, the people you work with, your government, your world . . . will all fall swiftly and easily into alignment once you tend to this fundamental, primary relationship first.

Law of Attraction: How vs. What

In this episode of “Quick Tips for Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire: Bite Sized Applications of Law of Attraction” we explore a process for getting into the allowing mode.

Step three of the manifestation process is what Abraham (Abraham-Hicks) affectionately calls, “Lettin’ it in.”  From the desire for a new car to the desire for inner peace and connection to Source, the process is the same.   Today we focus on one way of lettin’ it in.


PS – After you do the process with me in the podcast, check out what Dr. John Demartini has to say in this video.

Heal vs. Cure

In this episode of “Quick Tips for Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire: Bite Sized Applications of Law of Attraction” we do a healing process together.  It’s all about the journey toward wholeness and the revelation of unconditional love.  Join me?

Getting Past the Weight Loss Faucet

This is for you who have yo-yo dieted, lost and gained and who are tired of fad diets, will power, and feeling defeated.  SIgn up for updates at See you there…

I recorded this today to get you on the inside track. Have a listen:

[mc id=”964″ type=”audio”]Getting Past the Weight Loss Faucet: The YOFA Weight Drop Workshop[/mc]

What if Your Mother Bugs You on Mothers Day? – Mothers Day and Law of Attraction

YOFA Law of Attraction Training.




PLEASE NOTE: The recording below is not me reading this text.  The content of the post is in the recording.  The recording is about 17 minutes long, so get a cup of tea and prepare to transform your relationship with your mother (and everyone else). Enjoy!

[mc id=”700″ type=”audio”]What if Your Mother Bugs You on Mothers Day? – Mothers Day and Law of Attraction[/mc]

This recordings offers a bit of an unusual approach to Mother’s Day.  In fact, as you listen, you will quickly realize that this did  not start out as a Mothers Day topic.  But through a few spontaneous twists and turns, this topic becomes the aspect of Mother’s Day that no one ever talks about.

Law of Attraction

A new reader of Rooted in the Infinite recently posted a comment on my Facebook wall that reminded me of the 3 statements that I offer about Law of Attraction right at the beginning of the book. (Thanks Rob):

  • It is eternally consistent
  • It applies to all things physical and nonphysical
  • It sits silently at the center of your world holding everything together

People have written to me about the challenges they have during family gatherings.  They particularly write to me to let me know that the YOFA jhe Sessions help harmonize their relationships so that family gatherings are more love filled.  How can you apply the principles of Inner Alignment, Law of Attraction, and Unconditional Love to your Mothers Day celebration as well as to every other relationship every other day of the year?

Transforming Mothers Day into A True Celebration of Love

Any human relationship will have conflicts, challenges, and difficult moments.  And of all the types of relationships, the mother-child relationship may just rank as one of the most complex and profoundly influential (in both directions). Mothers Day is a time to feel the awesome connection that  you have with your mother (even if you are a mother and more focused on your children).  And yet we often get caught up in silly, superficial obstacles to experiencing that love connection. Please listen to this 17 minute recording and let me know how you are able to apply this – either to your relationship with your mother – or to any other aspect of your life.

Happy Mothers Day to all.

Love is the Answer,

How my iPhone gets me in the Vorte

The YOFA Gateway into the Vortex


*  *   *

“Creating is adjusting your vibration for what it will attract.”  — Abraham-Hicks

[mc id=”601″ type=”audio”]The YOFA Gateway into the Vortex[/mc]

In this 14 minute recording I talk about how to get into what Abraham (Abraham-Hicks) calls the Vortex.

I also explain how to get free access to the YOFA Gateway into the Vortex so that you interact joyfully with Law of Attraction! (And how you can do this on your iphone without an app.) More details at

This works for:

  • attracting loving relationships
  • attracting money
  • transforming your body
  • physical healing (jhe)
  • spiritual awakening
  • and more

With Love,


Inner Peace Regardless of Circumstances


Scroll Down to Listen to this Post

It’s easy to be peaceful when the sun is shining, the butterflies are fluttering, and the birds are singing.

A peaceful day, a peaceful feeling.

But when you can remain inwardly peaceful even as your world is rocked by challenges, you become a true liver of life.

We can all begin to cultivate this unrockable peace in small ways. These incremental contributions to our energetic stability add up and in time we become well established in peace.

[mc id=”460″ type=”audio”]Inner Peace Regardless of Circumstances-Quick Tips for Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire: Bite Sized Applications of Law of Attraction[/mc]

And while it may seem nearly impossible to reach that pure state of peace that has many names in many languages, we don’t have to make that huge leap all at once.   We can take small, deliberate, steps.

And the notion of a small expansion of peace within us seems quite doable.  There are no obstacles to taking a small step.  And these easy, small steps toward inner peace combine to create a state of profound aliveness.

Many people feel turmoil and try to attain inner peace by calming down the inner noise.

We will approach this differently.

Rather than addressing the upset and trying to get it to conform to peace, we will address the peace.

By looking for the peace that inherently lives within you, you set a wave in motion.  You engage Law of Attraction on the subject of inner peace and you eventually find the seed of peace that lives within you.  And then it grows and blossoms.

Here is a contemplative meditation that I recommend to begin this process:

Sit upright with eyes open or closed.  Ask yourself silently, “Where is the peace at the center of me?”

Then sit and let your awareness explore the dimensions of consciousness that you are.  Let yourself discover the seed of peace within you.

This is a profound beginning.


PS – Is losing weight one of your goals for the New Year?  Find out something you probably don’t know about how to burn fat. The Free recording is here.