Law of Attraction and Meditation

Let’s talk about the relationship between Law of Attraction and Meditation.  Here I discuss two different ways to use meditation to cultivate a wonderful, satisfying relationship with Law of Attraction.

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01-Why Meditate? YOFA® Meditation Instruction

Click above to download the audio version of this video. Click below to watch the video.

Explore the purpose of YOFA Meditation with me on this video. Once you know clearly *why* you meditate, your practice flows with ease. Why do you meditate?

00 – Permission to Be Yourself – Introduction to YOFA Meditation

Click above to download the audio version of this video. Click below to watch the video.

Let’s get started. This is the introductory video. Even if you know nothing about YOFA meditation, this is the place to begin.  Welcome!

Meditation: Bring Harmony to Your Now Through Your Past

Today is one of the most beautiful days here on Long Island.  I’m in the car with the my trusty laptop, breeze in my hair, dogs in the back seat, and the Long Island Expressway playing the star role of my Z-axis.

The Z-axis is the trail of your life through time and space.

When you align the Z-axis behind you, you bring the pains of your past into harmony. They begin to reveal their gift and you experience relief.

One of my favorite flavors of relief is when I let go of resistance that I didn’t even know I had. A good feeling comes over me as a surprise.

That often happens when I’ve been carrying a pain for such a long time that it starts to feel normal to me. I no longer recognize it as resistance. Then, through one of the YOFA inner alignment processes (either a meditation or a jhe session — yes, I’m on the jhe list too!) that distortion corrects itself.  Then whooosh — the good feeling arrives.

Suddenly a puff of harmonious energy lifts me from behind and it’s like being in a sailboat on a quiet day when suddenly the wind fills your sails and carries you for miles.

The alignment of the back end fo the Z-axis (the past) harmonizes the now and brings energy and joy to the evolution of what we would call the future.

Here is a meditative process you can do to align your Z-axis today.

  1. Close your eyes and sit upright.
  2. Imagine the footprints you have created behind you as you have walked through your life.
  3. Now imagine that trail of footsteps extending backward for your whole life, right up to this moment.
  4. See the footprints right behind you begin to glow with golden light.
  5. Let this light begin extending backward until every footstep of your entire life is glowing with beautiful golden light.
  6. Know that every step you have taken in this life has been perfect and in Divine Order.
  7. Enjoy the feeling of this loving, forgiving light as it bathes every past decision, action, thought, word, and breath of your past.
  8. Whenever you are ready, open your eyes and move forward.
Optional advanced step 9: Carry this image and feeling beyond this incarnation to all your past lives.
For a full description of the Z-axis and how to work with it to bring joy to your past, present, and future, please read Rooted in the Infinite. For best results, use the audio recordings of the meditations. For an ongoing process of inner alignment, become a member of the YOFA jhe Sessions and receive 8 inner alignment sessions per month.

Inner Alignment and Sweet Manifestation

Click the play button above to listen to an expanded exploration on the relationship between inner alignment and manifesting the desires of your heart.  This recording is almost 18 minutes long, so get comfy.  Below is the session update that went out to members today.  The recording expands on this text.

Here is today’s YOFA jhe Session Update:

I did a YOFA jhe Session for you today.

As a result of this session I expect you to find a sweetness in your manifestation. As conditions and relationships and events present themselves to you , you may find that they have been sprinkled with fairy dust – or so it seems.

The power of this session comes from the desires of your heart as they project forward and rain down as manifestation for you to walk into in your next set of nows.

Can you get that image?

It is a cycle of creation in which you create into the nonphysical medium (Abraham calls this the vortex) by the natural flow of your desire. This takes form and, to the degree that you are a vibrational match to the desire, it becomes your lived reality.

It occurs on your Z-axis and it is pulled toward you like one of those moving sidewalks. You have the sense that you are the one moving forward, but the manifestation is actually moving toward you. I describe this in greater detail in chapter 9 of Rooted in the Infinite.

In your relationships, you may find beauty in the faces that you see and a heightened feeling of love for your friends, family members, coworkers, and even strangers on the street. It is a heart resonance that lets you see others more clearly and with eyes of love. As you can imagine, this does good things for all relationships.

In your finances, this session helps you allow more abundance to flow to you. It tunes you to the allowing mode, the receiving mode, that state in which you can receive all that has been lining up for you.

In your body, this session gives you energy.

I am delighted to do this session for you. Thank you for giving me that honor.

With Love,


The Sentence that was Deleted from “Rooted…”

Look inside the book...Today I am sending out a booklet that explains the meaning of “the deleted sentence.”  At this time it is only going to my trusted subscribers.  If you are one of the few who got it, please post your comments below.

Do you think I should make this public?

Thanks in advance for your perspective.

With Love,

When do you take action?

“What is the definition of procrastination? It means: I can feel within my Energy sensor that this action is not in perfect alignment at this time.” — Abraham-Hicks

I know a lot of people who believe that you must push through your resistance, break through your procrastination, and “feel the fear and do it anyway.”

Hmmm.  I have been listening to Abraham for so many years that the pushing through idea just doesn’t cut it.  So when I notice that I am procrastinating, I have taken to aligning my axes in preparation for successful action.

Want to Try This?

The forward flowing Z-axis, the one marked by the path before you, is the place where the block is.  So, to move forward, what you can do is to first tend to the Y-axis.  This is the vertical axis that runs through your upright spine.  After some time in Y-axis meditation, the Z-axis finds its own flow and action becomes spontaneous, inspired, and fruitful.

The Y and Z-axis meditations are fully described in the book Rooted in the Infinite. Look inside the book here.


When Meditation Gets Boring

There is a hot and constant molting process that each of us lives as we shed what has formed to become what is forming.  If we could see this energy transformation it might look like a trail of light.  Each of us a comet with a long trail of experiential skin blazing off of us as we tear into our next reality.comet

Meditation is a moment of standing between the formed and the formless and finding unnamed awareness.  When there is an imbalance in that stance, meditation appears boring.  I think we have all experienced this.  One antidote to this imbalance (which appears as boredom) is the practice of karma yoga.

In the action of service we weave invisible threads that blend us with the whole.  We engage willingly in the field of vibrational congruencies that extend just beyond our awareness.  We don’t know what these congruencies are, but we blend and blend and soon we find our stance.  In that delicate awareness – that zone between the already formed and the yet unformed – we are like wind and wave.  We extend beyond our skin.  Here, we tend the inner garden and find that the science of happiness has nothing to do with conditions.  Its laboratory sits fully in the space where nothing is.  As we come into greater harmony with the field of vibrational congruencies – even though we are not consciously aware of them – we find peace.

Free Meditation Workshop: Empowerment



CLICK HERE to Register for the next f ree meditation workshop (on the phone)

The subject is empowerment.

Power is such a tricky word.

Your personal power might just be the most important jewel you could ever possess.  And yet so many of us lose track of our power every single day.

  • We give it away.
  • We think it means having power over others and so we shy away from it, thinking it is bad.
  • We think it makes us egotistical and so we opt for false modesty.
  • It can get so complicated and the result is we step out of our personal power and we give away our joy.

What you already know

Well, there are many great teachers who you can follow to boost your sense of empowerment.  And I will not bother trying to duplicate what they teach you.

Something you probably don’t know about power

I have something else to share with you and it is at the esoteric center of your personal empowerment. And it might surprise you.

  • But once you understand the spiritual basis of freedom…
  • And once you understand the profound gift it is to give to yourself…
  • And once you know a simple way to activate it in your life…

…You will never be the same.  You can step into your power with renewed creativity every single day.

I will teach you this simple process on the phone in the next 20 minute workshop.  There is no charge for the live workshop.

Will there be a recording?

The recording will only be available in the members site for those who have bought the book Rooted in the Infinite.

Wishing you all your heart desires,

YOFA is the place where Law of Attraction and Meditation meet.

The Healing Energy of Gratitude – Root Chakra Healing

The Healing Energy of Gratitude - Root Chakra HealingIn this brief article, I want to share with you a chakra healing technique you can use any time to promote healing in your body.

You can use this method before or after a session of meditation. You can also use it while running for a bus or driving in your car. This natural healing technique is utterly simple and surprisingly effective. Of course, if you want to get more involved with its complexities, you can. But for now, let’s keep it nice and simple.

It is based on the resonance between two powerful waves of energy that you can easily activate in your awareness. As powerful as any one modality may be in the self-healing toolbox, when you skillfully combine two resonant tools, you increase your results exponentially.

1 – The Root Chakra

We begin with the energy of the root chakra. This energy center is located at the base of your spine – or more specifically, at the base of your torso. This is not a physical structure but a constellation of energy. Like the magnetic field around a magnet, your root chakra also exerts an invisible force. This chakra represents an energetic vortex of influence in the root region of your body consciousness.

Begin this simple process by focusing your attention on this area of your body – the base of the torso. As you do this, realize that it is not your body you are activating. You are awakening this region of your consciousness.

Read the rest of this article HERE

Find out the deeper meaning of (and the secret power in) the words “Thank You.” You can watch the videos from a full weekend course in Ho’oponopono with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len and Joe Vitale. Visit for details.