Mothers Day Meditation

Flowers14Imagine or remember a time of particularly beautiful connection with your mom from childhood (or any other time). 

Hold that feeling until you are soaked with it. 

Silently flow it to your mom.

Whether your mother is on the earth plane or beyond, she will feel it in her essence.

What could be better than for her to be bathed in your love today, Mothers Day?

Go deeper:

Hilda Charlton’s Story

When I was in high school (a very long time ago) I used to
go to Hilda’s Satsang meetings.

The energy was very high around Hilda and I remember that I
used to shake in my meditation.

I simply could not control the shaking.

Hilda was an amazing being to be around.

Well, I thought I’d point you to a little of Hilda’s message
if you’re interested.

This is an excerpt from one of her books. From reading it, it seems like a transcript
from one of her meetings.

Which brings this to mind…

Some people might wonder why in the world I call what I do “The Yoga of Alignment” when it doesn’t seem to be
anything like yoga.

Good question.

Actually it came to me in mediation many years ago – I can’t
even remember the exact context- but I know it had to do with Rooted in the Infinite. And so, “The Yoga of Alignment” became the
subtitle of the book.

Many potential publishers told me that name was no good
because the book does not seem to be about yoga.

But it really is. Just not in the way most people think of yoga.

Anyway, I bring it up here because as you read this segment
from Hilda, you’ll see where my roots are.

In the “Metaphysics of
workshop on Monday, April 21, we’ll be talking about this excerpt
and the essence of manifestation.

If you’re in the “Results” membership, this would be a good
one to attend live.

How is what Hilda is saying related to what we’re learning
from the Abraham-Hicks teachings?

Your comments are welcome (below).

With Love and Appreciation,


Get the f ree eCourse “7 Secrets for

Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire” –

You’ll get the first lesson

PS – Thanks to those of you who posted feedback on the
“Narrative Meditation” project. I’ve
reviewed the comments and I’m still pondering the whole thing. I’ll let you know…

streaming audio meditation

Yofaheadphones  Have you signed up for the free download but then couldn’t get the file to play?

Since one person had this problem, I thought there might be some others who encountered this glitch.

So, now you can listen to "Peace on Earth" as streaming audio on the download page.

You can get it for free here:

It will only be there until Tuesday.

That’s when I’ll sit with all your comments and decide which way to go with this.

So far, I think it’s a go.

I can also see that this is not for everyone.

These articles provide a contemplative process with each recording on a different subject.  And since these articles were not written as meditations – they were written as articles – the effect of the audio version varies.  It straddles the line between conscious and unconscious.  Each individual article may lean more to one side or the other but either way they give you a way to include your conscious thinking process in your inner alignment journey.

I thought that by reading these articles to you it would free you up to get a little deeper into your own inspiration on the subject.

And from reading your comments, I see that some of you are really getting that in a  big way.  And I’m thrilled to read your comments.  It lets me know that my intention is being fulfilled in your receiving of this.  I love when that happens.

Only a couple of days left – so if you’re going to tell your friends about the free download, please do it now!  The more feedback I get, the better.


With Love and Appreciation,
Get the f ree eCourse "7 Secrets for
Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire" –
You’ll get the first lesson

PS – If you bought the “in the rough” version of the 6 articles, hold on to your email receipt. It will get you a discount to something. (Not sure what yet!)

Narrative Meditation



Thank you all for the very enlightening feedback on the
podcasting question. You guys are

I love the span of comments.

One person got me to LOL.

He told me in an email that he’s still trying to turn the
dial on his push button phone… no podcasts for him I guess!

And then on the other end of the spectrum, some of you have
offered me plugins and marketing advice. Very cool!

I am truly grateful for all of it. I won’t be answering each entry or email but please know that I
appreciate every single comment.

And I can see that this technology is certainly not for
everyone yet.

So I decided to do something I’ve never done before.

  • Since it will take me a while to master even the most basic
    podcasting skills…
  • and since many of you are not into it anyway…
  • and since I’m pretty excited about this new little project
    of mine (which I’ll talk about further down in this post – look for the flower)…
  • and since (this one is a BIGGY) I have a way of collecting
    unfinished projects on my computer…
  • and since it’s possible that this new project will become
    one of those unfinished ones and you’ll never get to hear it…

…here’s what I’ve decided to do:

I set up a very primitive webpage where you can get a little
hint of what it’s all about and a free download.

You can see it here:

Also, for a short time (until Tuesday, April 15th) I’m
offering the recordings I’ve made so far.

This is all very rough and so the price is very low. If you guys like it, I’ll put it on my list
of things to polish up and I’ll eventually turn it into something a bit more
presentable (and podcastable).

So this is probably the only chance you’ll get to buy these
recordings “in the rough.”

(Be sure to tell your friends before I take the page down.)

I’ll also be able to gauge where this goes on my
hard-drive-clean-up list of unfinished projects. If lots of you buy the rough version and like it, I’ll move it up
on the list. If not, that will be
valuable information for me, too. So I
figure it’s a win-win.

In any case, I hope you’ll listen to the free sample recording here:

this all about?

I’m definitely getting clearer about this new material –
actually it’s old material but with a whole new purpose.

may have read some of my articles on spirituality and Law of Attraction in phenomeNEWS over the
past 7 years, but here’s something that you might not know about me.

I often go into a different level of access when these articles are coming
through. Not always, but most of the time. I tap into something and it leads me to write something that I had no
idea I was going to write.

I know this for a few reasons, which I’ll maybe share with you another time.


Anyway, I realized that that access to inspiration can be contagious.

so, when I read them, these things I used to call articles can possibly become

they might even be able to form a vortex through which you, listening to them,
can tap into your own state of inspiration.

At least I think that’s true. I hope you’ll tell me once you listen to them.

Is this of any interest to you?

Would you have a use for this type of material?

Please let me know what you think by listening here:

now, I’m calling this “Narrative Meditation.”

like an oxymoron.

well, give it a try and let me know if you think I should keep recording these

comments on this blog will help direct my next step with this.


Love and Appreciation,



the f ree eCourse "7 Secrets for Manifesting

Heart’s Desire" – You’ll get the first lesson



YOFA Podcast?


a bit overwhelmed.

usually think of myself as pretty computer-tech savvy (being an Aquarian and
all!) but, I’ve got to tell you that I’m scratching my head a lot these days.

learning how to podcast some of my material. (I’m actually taking an excellent
podcasting course.  If you want to know more about it, send me an email
and I’ll tell you about it.)

like a good avenue for me right?

like it should be pretty simple, right?

tell me it makes life very convenient for you guys.

get the recordings you buy (or free ones) automatically, effortlessly and all

I’m all for making your life easier.

I’ve got to tell you, I still don’t really understand most of this process.

yet at least. . .

I am inspired to get this thing going.

I started creating a new series of recordings just for this purpose. (who knows
when you’ll ever get to hear them because I want them to be delivered by

something surprising happened.

discovered something that I didn’t even know was there.

finding money in an old coat pocket, I found tremendous value hidden somewhere
I hadn’t expected it. (It’s still very new so I’m not ready to talk about it

I’m very excited about it and I can hardly wait to share this with you. (I like
things to be a little more clear for me before I start talking about them. But I
will tell you more soon.)

to the podcasting issue – at this moment, I still have trouble even navigating
my iPod (very embarrassing!)

for all you iPod/podcast-lovers out there, can you give me some
advice/instruction or simply encouragement?

post a comment here.

do you love about accessing podcasts?

what kind of podcasts do you subscribe to?

will read all your posts at the edge of my seat.

help is much appreciated as I venture into this new branch of technology.

tell you more as soon as I get a handle on this thing!

Love and Appreciation,



the f ree eCourse "7 Secrets for Manifesting

Heart’s Desire" – You’ll get the first lesson



PS – Have you signed up yet?  I’m this
week’s expert interview at Gem Parenting, You can
listen in.

Uncommon Gratitude

Istock_000000405779xsmall Happy Thanksgiving!

In the spirit of profound thanks-giving I am offering "Uncommon Gratitude"

It is designed to help anyone who wants to access gratitude in every moment of their lives regardless of circumstances.

This lesson is free and available to all:

Please post your comments here and let me know how it works for you!

With Love and Appreciation,
Receive the free e-course, 7 Secrets for
Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire at

Authenticity, Mastery, and Compassion Seminar – Final Session

Iboulder Can you free yourself for one hour on Monday?

The July 2007 "Authenticity, Mastery, and Compassion" seminar series is coming to a close. 

I hope you have enjoyed our Monday get-togethers on the phone and the web.

You can still attend the final session on Monday, July 30th at 3pm Eastern Time.

Click on the link below to post a question, and return to this page on Monday to listen in:

= = = = = = = = = = = = =

These seminars have truly expanded my perspective on:

*** What it means to be authentic

*** What is the simplest way to approach mastery

*** And what is the nature of true compassion.

It may seem strange to you that I am endorsing my own seminar as if I were a participant. 

But that’s the way it goes for me. 

Your questions mingle with our topic in a way that sometimes brings forth something that I have never heard before and never thought before. 

And this particular series has been unusually revealing in that way. 

And so, I am grateful for your participation because the new insights that have come through as a result of this series have been helpful to me!

Some of you have written to me to let me know it has been of value to you, too.

Here is one email I received:

= = = = = = = = = = = = =

Thank you Rebbie for Monday’s webcast. Thank you for answering my question with such care, loving concern, and deep thoughts. As I was listening to you, your words and your soothing voice opened up an understanding that went way beyond what my mind could apprehend. I felt lighted, electrified, and wisely guided.

= = = = = = = = = = = = =

Whether or not you attended the first three sessions, you are welcome to join in on Monday.

Simply go to

on Monday at 3 pm Eastern time

Check the event time in your time zone here:

Your friends are invited too, so please send them the link.

With Love and Appreciation,

Receive the free e-course, 7 Secrets for
Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire at

Oprah and Esther

Within the first few minutes of listening to Oprah’s conversation with Esther Hicks, a delightful breeze of relaxation blew through me.  It was an “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh” moment. 

“The Secret behind ‘The Secret’” was a refreshing context and I was glad to hear the icon that is Oprah acknowledging my beloved teacher Abraham.

Don’t go flipping through your TV listings wondering how you missed this show.  It was not on TV.  It was on XM Radio.  Maybe Oprah is checking to see if something this “weird” can work on her TV show?

I think it can.  But then again, I’m kind of weird.

How about you? Do you think the world of Oprah is ready for Abraham?

You can post your comments below and also let Oprah know how you feel here: 

If you missed it, you can still tune in on April 5th and April 12th for the next two segments of the interview.  You can listen right on your computer.

Just sign up for free trial membership to XM Radio here: 

For more information, you can visit: or

If you’re anything like me, you love the feeling of a truth coming into the light.   

And I don’t know anyone in the media whose spotlight can match Oprah’s.

And I don’t know anyone in the world of teachers whose truth can match Abraham’s.

The details of the radio shows are posted on the Abraham website here:

I’ll be listening with you!

With Love and Appreciation,

YOFA Holiday Gift for you December 22, 2006

Gift04clipart80 I have a gift for you.

It’s an unusual one. 

It is a gift that you pass along, backward in time.

Let me explain.

  • You wouldn’t buy a scarf and gloves for your great great great great great great grandmother for Christmas.  Would you?  Of course not.
  • Your great great great great great great grandfather does not need a sweater for Chanukah.  Does he?  Of course he doesn’t.

The quickest way to tune into the true spiritual tone of this holiday season is to offer a gift to those who have no physical needs.

I am talking about your ancestors.

They may no longer walk this earth in physical form, but they live on in you and in me in ways that subtly make us who we are.
And what your ancestors could really use this holiday season is
honor and love.

So let’s give it to them.


On December 22, I will be leading a YOFA Workshop by Phone for the purpose of honoring your ancestors:

  • as your gift to them
  • and to your family line
  • and to your children and their children.

Here are the Details:

YOFA Workshop by Phone:

Honor Your Ancestors

Heal Your HeartGlobe_1

Friday, December 22, 2006

8:30 PM Eastern Time

No Charge

Register here:

The phone line is limited to 249 participants.

If your heart lit up at the thought of doing this, please sign up now.

With Love and Appreciation,

To begin an inner alignment practice for spiritual awareness, Healing, and joyful manifestation, work with the exercises in the Practice Section of my new book "Rooted in the Infinite."   

You can get an instant F ree download of the beginning of
The book at

Intro to this Blog

Hello Friends,

This is a quick introduction to this YOFA Blog to help you find your way around and get what you are looking for.

  1. If you want to find out about me and what YOFA is, click on the word "About" in the sidebar.  And yes, that’s me smiling away in the upper left corner of the page.
  2. I particularly like the Category list (also in the sidebar).  I’m sure this list will grow, but for now, you can find and participate in discussions about books, recordings, and other points of focus that bring us into greater alignment with our inner truth.
  3. The Affirmative Contemplation section is a meeting place for those who are working with the meditation recordings in the I Am Love collection. 
  4. The 101 Great Ways… section serves to deepen our use of the tools offered in the book.

I’ll tell you more as it all evolves.
