Harvesting the Richness of the Moment

This is an excerpt from a YOFA Meditation and Healing Workshop. In this episode, we explore how we can harvest the wisdom and healing from each moment through YOFA Energy Sessions and YOFA Inner Alignment Meditation.

One of the participants in this workshop mentioned a meditation I had created for parents of children with autism. You can do that meditation along with this video:


If you have difficulty meditating, take this FREE webinar: How to Meditate so that You Raise Your Vibration and Begin Transforming Your Life in 9 Minutes

The Situation is the Guru

This is an excerpt from a YOFA Meditation and Healing Workshop. In this episode, we explore how we can extract wisdom and healing from each moment through YOFA Energy Sessions and YOFA Inner Alignment Meditation.


If you have difficulty meditating, take this FREE webinar: How to Meditate so that You Raise Your Vibration and Begin Transforming Your Life in 9 Minutes

Energy Healing: Workshop Recording

Wow, it’s been a long time since my last post.  I simply haven’t had much to say lately.  And yet, I woke up this morning and thought, I think I’ll lead a workshop this morning.  So I sent out an email at 10:30 am announcing a workshop at 11 am (I love the Internet!) and voila, here is the recording.  I hope you enjoy it.

The topic is energy healing, or better said, self healing and your energy body.

[mc id=”1085″ type=”audio”]yofa-healing-6-13-2011[/mc]

If you do not see the audio controller you can download the mp3 here.

Getting Past the Weight Loss Faucet

This is for you who have yo-yo dieted, lost and gained and who are tired of fad diets, will power, and feeling defeated.  SIgn up for updates at www.WeightDropWorkshop.com See you there…

I recorded this today to get you on the inside track. Have a listen:

[mc id=”964″ type=”audio”]Getting Past the Weight Loss Faucet: The YOFA Weight Drop Workshop[/mc]

Free Meditation Workshop: Empowerment



CLICK HERE to Register for the next f ree meditation workshop (on the phone)

The subject is empowerment.

Power is such a tricky word.

Your personal power might just be the most important jewel you could ever possess.  And yet so many of us lose track of our power every single day.

  • We give it away.
  • We think it means having power over others and so we shy away from it, thinking it is bad.
  • We think it makes us egotistical and so we opt for false modesty.
  • It can get so complicated and the result is we step out of our personal power and we give away our joy.

What you already know

Well, there are many great teachers who you can follow to boost your sense of empowerment.  And I will not bother trying to duplicate what they teach you.

Something you probably don’t know about power

I have something else to share with you and it is at the esoteric center of your personal empowerment. And it might surprise you.

  • But once you understand the spiritual basis of freedom…
  • And once you understand the profound gift it is to give to yourself…
  • And once you know a simple way to activate it in your life…

…You will never be the same.  You can step into your power with renewed creativity every single day.

I will teach you this simple process on the phone in the next 20 minute workshop.  There is no charge for the live workshop.


Will there be a recording?

The recording will only be available in the members site for those who have bought the book Rooted in the Infinite.

Wishing you all your heart desires,


YOFA is the place where Law of Attraction and Meditation meet.

Free Teleseminar: The Key to the Inner Garden


Listen to this post here:

[mc src=”http://blogaudio.s3.amazonaws.com/ts-res-jhe-7-21-09.output.mp3″/]

CLICK HERE to sign up for Free Teleseminar:

Inner Alignment: The Key to The Inner Garden

I have 3 things to tell you about today.

  1. The first is about the free teleseminar and webcast I’ll be offering this Friday, July 24t.  It’s all about how to cultivate the inner garden and how your talents and abilities blossom when you do that.
  2. The second thing I want to tell you about is this month’s Results Workshop
  3. And the 3rd is that I’m about to reopen registration for the jhe sessions.

So let me begin by telling you a little bit more about the free teleseminar and how to get all the access information.

On this call we are going to be exploring the nature of the garden that you are.  And I think you’ll find that as you cultivate the inner garden, a wonderful thing happens. 

That thing is that you get happy. 

It’s often an instant occurrence.  As soon as you begin the process, there is an instant opening of the gates.  By deciding to cultivate the inner garden you automatically enter the inner garden and it is a beautiful experience.

So on this call, you’ll have an opening.  You’ll start to turn the key, you’ll find a place in yourself that is magnificent and just waiting for your tender loving care to bring it forward in your life.

There is no charge for this call.  If you have unlimited long distance it is completely free.  If you don’t have unlimited long distance, you can listen on the web and you won’t have any telephone long distance charges.

I do this every once in a while and I hope you’ll be able to attend this one.  To get the phone number to dial in and the page for the webcast, simply go to www.rootedintheinfinte.com.

Enter your name and email and you will get the access info in an email.  You’ll also get the first chapter of the book Rooted in the Infinite and we’ll be discussing this chapter on the call.

If you’ve already signed up to download the sample of the book, you will get the access info for the teleseminar. You don’t need to sign up again.


Advanced Law of Attraction Workshop:

July "Results" Workshop focuses on Inner Guidance

The second thing I want to talk to you about is the monthly results workshop.  This is an advanced Law of Attraction group coaching membership.  Each month I create recorded material for you to work with and then we get together on the phone where you can get personal coaching from me on how to apply the training for that month.

The July material is posted and I’m very excited about this month’s topic.  It’s all about what we perceive as good and bad, wanted and unwanted, and how to tune in to your inner guidance so that no matter what is going on in your life, you know how to experience your journey as exhilarating, joyful, and satisfying. I’ve prepared 6 screen capture video segments and it is available instantly for members.  If you are not a member, you can join at http://yofa.net/results.

Remote Inner Alignment Sessions:

YOFA jhe Sessions reopening soon

And the 3rd things I wanted to let you kwon is that I will be reopening registration for the jhe sessions very soon.  If that is something that interests you or someone you know, please watch for my announcement about that.

I look forward to meeting you on the phone on Friday July 24th.  Again, you can sign up for the free teleseminar at http://rootedintheinfinite.com/

Tell your friends. This free workshop is guaranteed to move you into more joy in your life.

If you can’t make the live call, the recording will be up for about 24 hours, then it will go into the members area for those who have bought the book.

Thank you for our time and attention.  I look forward to cultivating your greatness with you.

With Love,


Law of Attraction: Love Your Resistance?

simple.gifEvery month I give an online workshop for a small group of advanced students of Law of Attraction.  The workshop consists of recordings, processes, and then a live teleseminar/webcast.

In the last workshop, I had the participants draw a map of their journey in a way that promotes profound compassion for your past.  This process grew out of a realization I had that involved B.B. King, yogurt, TImes Square, and the Catresian coordinates. I won’t take you through the whole trail of events but the short version of the story is that there is trememdous power in embracing past resistance.  We don’t often think kindly toward our negative staes, but there is a time to love them and it is simple: always love past resistance in the now.  The result is major release of resistance in the now.

Here is an email I received about this workshop :

Dear Rebbie:

I want to say THANK YOU to you, Kathy and Grace for a FANTASTIC workshop last night.  It was perfect for me.  I had not completely finished the homework due to scheduling but I had done enough to understand what was going on with the drawing of the picture etc.  Having done a Visioning seminar this past weekend in Chicago with Michael Beckwith and Rickie Byars Beckwith, I was in a strange zone and I guess not courageous enough to be live on the phone with you all.  I went online instead.  So the experience of Kathy’s cruise helped me tremendously.  I am still in a zone and have to go through the uncomfortable feelings to get to the next step in my expansion, but I wanted to express my deepest and sincere gratitude to you for all you give me.  I may be silent during this time but I am here.

Have a magnificent day.


Linda’s email reminded me that not everyone wants to share and participate, and there are those moving quietly and privately through this material.  And so this is a quick note to let you know that whether you participate on the call or not, you are included in the space of the workshops and your energy contributes to the advancement of everyone’s process.

Once again, that part is invisible, but it’s there. 

The great authenticity you bring to your own private work with the lessons uplifts the whole group. Thank you to all who are part of the YOFA Results Workshop — vocal or silent.

  • To register for this workshop and go through the full process with the recordings.  CLICK HERE
  • To become a monthly member CLICK HERE


Law of Attraction: Transforming Pain into Joy

YOFA Transforming Pain into Joy MapGet instant Access
to this online Workshop here:

 The journey of past suffering can lead you to joy. It can lead you to the fulfillment of your dreams. The suffering that you have experienced in your life is rich with potential. In fact, it carries within it the exact blueprint for the joyful fulfillment of all your heart’s desires.

In the April YOFA “Results” Workshop you’ll be creating a map – a very personal map – that leads you to the joy that is encoded in your past pain.

There is an inter-dimensional shift that occurs when you see the Z-axis journey of your life (your unique timeline) as a simultaneous picture that includes the manifestation. (For a full explanation of the metaphysics of the 3 axes, please refer to Rooted in the Infinite) Your journey becomes deeply meaningful and you recognize that the pain of the past requires a completely different treatment from the pain of the present. And when you apply that treatment, the pain transforms into relief.

We will go through this process step by step in the April “Law of Attraction Gets Results” online workshop. In the recordings, I use the example of wanting a relationship, but you can apply this to anything from the desire for material wealth to the desire for spiritual enlightenment. The process applies to any journey.

Once you sign up, you get instant access to the recorded workshop (audio and video). Then we’ll meet on the phone together on April 27th. If you can’t make it to the live call, you’ll get the recording.

I’m especially interested in the material for this month’s workshop because the subject of past suffering is frequently the cause of much of our current suffering. And yet, it is really like a goldmine that we are sitting on without any awareness of it.  Once we realize the value and wealth of our journey, it nourishes and strengthens us in our now.

You can begin the process immediately, any time of the day or night. 

Get instant Access to this online Workshop here: LAW of ATTRACTION WORKSHOP

I call this YOFA workshop series "Results" because we uncover the subtleties and nuances of Law of Attraction that produce noticeable results. All are welcome. Become a member and get a discount every month.

With Love,