This is all about your empowerment in the manifestation process. Law of Attraction is always working, but sometimes we don’t recognize our part in the creation of our reality. This recording is here to remind you that you are powerful and you can create the fulfillment of your desires.
I was just listening to an Abraham CD. Here are the words that jumped out at me:
(In response to a man asking about an unwanted body condition:)
“That’s the most important question ever, “How can I be living something that has my almost complete awareness, and create a different grid? [Meaning …and a attract something completely different?] And we acknowledge: It’s not an easy thing. But it is the work.” –Abraham-Hicks
Bull’s eye! This is exactly what I have been working on. I have been discovering…
How to take the most difficult things you are living — the ones that are so hard to shift — and to melt them like butter, to dissolve them, to erase them, and ultimately…to FREE YOU so you can live your joy. And I want to share this with you.
My Invitation to YOU….
I am inviting you to find out how to erase the pain that “has your almost complete awareness” and start living the life you intended. You are invited to the next YOFA webinar where we will start doing just that! There is no charge for the webinar, but I want you to play a game with me. Will you? I’m asking you to imagine that you paid a hundred dollars for this seminar. (Really you pay nothing!) But I want you to set aside the time, give it your full attention, and make it your intention to get $100 worth of value from the presentation.
Of course it’s up to you. But it costs you nothing and you might get a big shift….
Mark your calendar and block out about one and half to two hours for this webinar.
Share this link on Facebook, twitter, in emails, on the phone, and in any and every other way you can think of. (Why? Because you will help people you don’t even know.)
Erase Your Pain
This is about erasing joint pain, relationship conflicts, financial struggles. You name it. We can get started erasing it right on the webinar.
Looking forward to reading your comments on this ground breaking webinar…
Love & Blessings,
PS – Pay attention in the early part of the webinar becauseI’ve included some old, never before seen, pictures of me in the webinar. You definitely don’t want to miss these! 😎
PPS – Pay attention to the very end because I’ll be making an offer that will make your jaw drop.
Today I did the first YOFA Energy Sessions teleseminar in months. Now, I have been leading teleseminars for years. I’ve studied with some of the best. I think I’m pretty good at this. (Guess where this story is heading!)
I’m sorry to say that most of the people who intended to be on this call got blocked in one way or another. In fact, I might not be exaggerating when I say it was probably easier for a football player to get….wherever football players need to get to, than it was for most people to get on this call. Well, maybe I am exaggerating.
Fortunately, some people did beat the odds and found their way onto the call and I have been getting some great feedback on the actual energy session. But hey, I actually talked for 17 minutes not realizing everyone was listening to music on hold. And when I say everyone, I mean the folks who figured out who to get on despite the wrong conference ID I sent out. Crazy!
Here’s some of the feedback on the actual energy clearing session results:
While on the call, I received a surprise rebate check on my property taxes. I was stressing as to how I was going to have enough money this month, and this made a great difference
Thank You and Blessings
Here’s another one:
I can’t thank you enough for the free energy clearing today. I feel as though a cloud has lifted. My thinking is much clearer. My dinner tasted wonderful. I feel balanced and energized. I am amazed at the results. Please let me know if you plan to do this sort of thing again!
Many thanks ~
Thank you to all who made the extra effort to be on the call and who waited for me to join the call for real. The YOFA community is awesome.
We are entering the second week of our four week YOFA Energy Sessions (Yes!) experiment. The question we are asking is: Can we erase chronic, severe, joint pain with remote energy sessions? So far, it looks like the answer to the “Yes!” study is going to be, “Yes!”
Here are the comments of the last 5 people who filled out the survey today. These comments are in response to a question about whether or not the participants feel any improvement since the last session. They are reporting their experience after the second session within one week. Everyone started with long-standing, severe pain.
Asked to describe their improvement since session #2:
It takes a little time, but it works…
As I periodically check the surveys, I notice a few things.
It Takes Days to Process the Treatment – It seems that right after the session, some people have a little improvement, but it does take some time for the clearing to create more substantial symptom relief. A day or two later people are reporting more noticeable pain relief.
The Benefits are Cumulative. Each session builds on the previous ones and the more sessions, the more noticeable the result.
Almost Everyone Gets Happier with these Sessions. These numbers fluctuate as the responses come in. And regarding the emotional results, it seems that closer to the session, it will typically be at 100%. As time goes by it drops a little. I don’t think it has ever gone below 85%. The emotional benefit seems to show itself more quickly than the physical benefit:
This emotional sense of relief is a powerful indicator of the success of the energy clearing. Inner conflict can wreak havoc on all aspects of mind, body, and emotions. As these energetic stress points evaporate, there is a great sense of a burden being lifted. Then, since those energy patterns were holding the pain in place, once they are gone, the pain has nothing left to keep it together. At this point, which is different for everyone, the pain goes.
Since we are dismantling the energetic cause of the pain, we are actually producing a profound healing. The disappearance of the pain is really only the tip of the iceberg. And since the pain is the easiest thing to monitor, and the most wonderful thing to lose, it is our focus for this study. Of course, we are only one quarter through the month. Much more to come…