Harvesting the Richness of the Moment

This is an excerpt from a YOFA Meditation and Healing Workshop. In this episode, we explore how we can harvest the wisdom and healing from each moment through YOFA Energy Sessions and YOFA Inner Alignment Meditation.

One of the participants in this workshop mentioned a meditation I had created for parents of children with autism. You can do that meditation along with this video:


If you have difficulty meditating, take this FREE webinar: How to Meditate so that You Raise Your Vibration and Begin Transforming Your Life in 9 Minutes

The Situation is the Guru

This is an excerpt from a YOFA Meditation and Healing Workshop. In this episode, we explore how we can extract wisdom and healing from each moment through YOFA Energy Sessions and YOFA Inner Alignment Meditation.


If you have difficulty meditating, take this FREE webinar: How to Meditate so that You Raise Your Vibration and Begin Transforming Your Life in 9 Minutes

Appreciating Every Phase of the Journey

Nonphysical energy vortices are constantly on a journey toward manifestation.  When we have a desire and it is still nonphysical, we call it unfulfilled.  When the energy of the desire has found its way into form, we call that a manifestation.

In the process of inner alignment  you discover a wealth of appreciation for every phase of the journey.  You love the unfulfilled desire and you love the manifestation.  This generates a field of joy and a flow in life that you can count on.

Develop your inner alignment on your own with the book Rooted in the Infinite.

You can also join the YOFA jhe Sessions and receive 8 remote inner alignment session each month.

Love: The More You Give, the More You Have – A Different Look at Gift Giving for the Holidays

Subscribe to the YOFA Podcast

When you shift your consciousness from a physical economy to a spiritual economy, you move from scarcity to abundance in an instant.  Happy Holidays!

You can still get the mp3 download of the YOFA Journey Chant FREE.  

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 08-29-2014

I did a YOFA jhe Session for members today.

This session enhances your physical strength, health*, stability, and resourcefulness.

Often when we focus on what we usually call “healing,” we are focused on that healing to alleviate a painful, difficult, or otherwise unwanted condition in the physical body.

Here we are involved in a slightly different angle on the healing trail.

Your physical body is the earth of your personal world. It is the dense, solid, structural aspect of the multidimensional being that you are.

If you look at the earth, you can see it having many functions in our universe. It is our foundation and support. It is the medium in which all the seeds of the plant life on our planet grow. This is, of course, the foundation of our own lives. Many would call our earth “mother.”

So when you see your body as the representative of the earth element in your personal system, you can see that we want to engage with it in a way that goes way beyond alleviating pain. We want it to be robust and vital for its own sake. We want the earth of our bodies to generate a successful and fruitful and joyful experience in all the flowering of all other aspects of our lives.

That’s what this session promotes: a strong, vital, stable, fruitful, joyful physical experience as you live in your body.

In your relationships, this can show up as others seeing you as particularly beautiful, like a richly colored painting. Image people look at you and they see something like a Gauguin paining (if you like Gauguin). You glow with beauty.

In your finances this session accentuates the value within you and that begins attracting more prosperity to your already existing many points of value. Sort of like in the spring, when you think a bush is dead from the harsh winter, then little by little, new branches sprout from many different locations. Your financial shrubbery has many nodes from which to spring new streams of income and abundance.**

I invite you to contemplate these notions and soak yourself in the good feeling of your physical body, beautiful, joyful, strong.

Love and Blessings,

*Disclaimer: This is offered for general well being and does not diagnose nor treat medical conditions.

**Financial Disclaimer: This is an energy treatment.  There is no guarantee, express or implied, that you will manifest any specific financial gain.  You are completely

responsible for your own decisions and results regarding your finances.

Law of Attraction and Your Third Chakra

Click the Play Button Above to Listen…

With this recording, you will learn a quick visualization to strengthen and clarify the energy of the 3rd chakra – all in the context of Law of Attraction.  Be sure to listen to the end to hear about my Extreme Thanksgiving Discount.  Here are the pertinent links:


Start Creating Your New Reality Today

Click the Play Button Above to Listen…

We’ve all heard that “You create your own reality,” but what does that really mean? With this recording  you can start digging deeper into your own knowing on this subject.  Be sure to listen to the end to hear about my Extreme Thanksgiving Discount.  Here are links to resources mentioned in the audio:


Instantaneous Manifestation

Click the Play Button Above to Listen…

In this recording, I reveal the power of instantaneous manifestation.  Be sure to listen to the end to hear about my Extreme Thanksgiving Discount.  Here are the links mentioned in the audio:


Thanksgiving Empowerment Process & Special Discount

The Holiday Season has begun!

Click the Play Button Above (9 Minute audio) and Step Into Your Empowerment for Truly happy Holidays!

  • Use this quick, simple process to make this the best holiday season ever.
  • Get my special Extreme Discount for one week ONLY!

CLICK the Purple Vortex to Join the YOFA jhe Sessions for only $9!!!!

Meditation: Bring Harmony to Your Now Through Your Past

Today is one of the most beautiful days here on Long Island.  I’m in the car with the my trusty laptop, breeze in my hair, dogs in the back seat, and the Long Island Expressway playing the star role of my Z-axis.

The Z-axis is the trail of your life through time and space.

When you align the Z-axis behind you, you bring the pains of your past into harmony. They begin to reveal their gift and you experience relief.

One of my favorite flavors of relief is when I let go of resistance that I didn’t even know I had. A good feeling comes over me as a surprise.

That often happens when I’ve been carrying a pain for such a long time that it starts to feel normal to me. I no longer recognize it as resistance. Then, through one of the YOFA inner alignment processes (either a meditation or a jhe session — yes, I’m on the jhe list too!) that distortion corrects itself.  Then whooosh — the good feeling arrives.

Suddenly a puff of harmonious energy lifts me from behind and it’s like being in a sailboat on a quiet day when suddenly the wind fills your sails and carries you for miles.

The alignment of the back end fo the Z-axis (the past) harmonizes the now and brings energy and joy to the evolution of what we would call the future.

Here is a meditative process you can do to align your Z-axis today.

  1. Close your eyes and sit upright.
  2. Imagine the footprints you have created behind you as you have walked through your life.
  3. Now imagine that trail of footsteps extending backward for your whole life, right up to this moment.
  4. See the footprints right behind you begin to glow with golden light.
  5. Let this light begin extending backward until every footstep of your entire life is glowing with beautiful golden light.
  6. Know that every step you have taken in this life has been perfect and in Divine Order.
  7. Enjoy the feeling of this loving, forgiving light as it bathes every past decision, action, thought, word, and breath of your past.
  8. Whenever you are ready, open your eyes and move forward.
Optional advanced step 9: Carry this image and feeling beyond this incarnation to all your past lives.
For a full description of the Z-axis and how to work with it to bring joy to your past, present, and future, please read Rooted in the Infinite. For best results, use the audio recordings of the meditations. For an ongoing process of inner alignment, become a member of the YOFA jhe Sessions and receive 8 inner alignment sessions per month.