Energy Healing: Workshop Recording

Wow, it’s been a long time since my last post.  I simply haven’t had much to say lately.  And yet, I woke up this morning and thought, I think I’ll lead a workshop this morning.  So I sent out an email at 10:30 am announcing a workshop at 11 am (I love the Internet!) and voila, here is the recording.  I hope you enjoy it.

The topic is energy healing, or better said, self healing and your energy body.

[mc id=”1085″ type=”audio”]yofa-healing-6-13-2011[/mc]

If you do not see the audio controller you can download the mp3 here.

7 thoughts on “Energy Healing: Workshop Recording

  1. Rebbie, I LOVE this!! I could ‘feel’ the experience you must have had that inspired you to do it. It’s that divine inspiration that moves you so powerfully to an action that you just must do it… NOW! Then, of course, the result being divinely driven is extremely profound. Thank you God for this message, and thank you for coming through Rebbie with analogies that really clarified this message to reach everyone. With love ~Cindy

  2. Hi Rebbie,
    I am not seeing the link to this recording could I have some guidance please.
    Thank you in advance.

  3. @Sue: Thanks for letting me know you cannot access the audio. You might try a different browser. You should see an audio controller right within the post.

    I just added a download link to the bottom of the post to make it easier for you. Let me know if you need more help with this.
    Love & Blessings,

  4. Again, a wonderful workshop. Listened yet again (at work! WooHoo!) Still wearing the wonderful amulet. While I was listening, wrote down a list answering the question, “What do I want my energy field to be mapping to?” This just flowed as I was listening. Some things were stated on the recording by other people. It all appeared just as I was writing. Great Workshop! Thank you so much.

    Abundance; I usually just leave it at that, but then asked, “Where?”

    In my garden, in my bank account, in the variety of my experiences, in the different kinds of people I know, in the points of view I am exposed to, in great energetic health, in travel experiences, in ideas for expression, in opportunities for self-expression, in opportunities to create ART, in people in my life in a significant way, in loving people around me, in easy thinking about men, in easy thinking about women, in success in my efforts to earn money, in joy and joyful experiences, in love and loving experiences, in FREEDOM, in feelings of safety and security that all is well, in opportunities for true self-expression.

    Unlimited Time, Unlimited Money, Unlimited Resources, Unlimited Energy, physical energy to be, do, and have everything I think of.

    Every moment is a clean slate. What am I now? Honor my preferences. Be Grateful for the ability to decide. Carry something beautiful with me. Wear something beautiful every day.


  5. @Lindy: Hi Lindy,
    I love everything you’re saying here. I especially love that, because the sound on the call was not clear, you heard, “mapping to,” when I think I said, “morphing to.”

    I like “mapping to” and the way you used it *much* better. And since you seem to be quoting me, I will quietly take credit. 😎

    Thank you for being so generous in your sharing. Great stuff!
    Love & Blessings,

  6. I listened to this call Just before 1am today, as I lay in bed seeking my state of alignment! Thank you! I needed this guidance now, it has produce healing and wisdom, which is the direction that I want to face toward at this present moment in my life!

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