Getting Ready for “Inner Guidance Revealed”

I’m getting down to the finishing touches on Inner Guidance Revealed and waiting on some third party website details to be ironed out before I let this balloon fly!

Step 1 continued…

In my last post I told you how you can get started before the program even comes out.  I invited you to start looking at your negative emotion as an indicator.  I know I made it sound easier than it might really be for you.  It’s tricky because the negative emotion is a painful experience.  So, even though your head might be making a valiant effort of declaring that this negative emotion is just an indicator, the pain might still be hitting you in the gut.  So let’s add another piece to this early step in our exploration of inner guidance.

2 Kinds of Pain

Imagine this. Maybe you’ve had an experience like this.  You’ve got a sharp, prickly sensation somewhere inside your clothes and you don’t know what’s causing it.  Is it a bug stinging you?  What could it be?

There are two components to the discomfort:

  • the physical pain
  • and the concern about its cause.

Then you realize that it’s a hard edge of a label inside your clothing or a staple from the dry cleaner or some other innocent irritant.

Now you’ve still got the physical pain but the worry is gone. Relief!

Getting the Sense of the Innocent Indicator

I’d like you to be able to start to develop this sense of relief when a negative emotion still causes pain, but you understand that it’s only an innocent indicator and nothing worse.

When you separate your pain from its cause, you can actually even start to value that negative emotion for the useful message it delivers.  And the message of the negative emotion is not that everything is terrible (as it might seem).  I’m calling you to start receiving the true message of the negative emotion which is that you are focused in a way that is causing friction between you and You.  You are out of alignment with yourself and that is inherently painful.

Good + Bad = Neutral = Relief

Ok, let’s look at this.  At first the negative emotion felt very bad. Then, once you realized that its message has value, you could see that its message is good while it’s feeling is bad.

This instantly shifts you out of some of that bad feeling.  And this is guidance. As you start to feel some relief, you know you are headed in the direction you want to go.

If you’re a student of the Abraham Hicks teachings, you might recognize the basis of that teaching in this lesson.  And if you want to spend some time training yourself into high power access to your inner guidance, watch for my new course Inner Guidance Revealed.  


One thought on “Getting Ready for “Inner Guidance Revealed”

  1. I am eagerly awaiting the beginning of Inner Guidance Revealed. Rebbie is always thinking up good ways to improve one’s life.

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