I couldn’t quite figure out how to do it.
I knew the next step for the YOFA jhe Experiment was to introduce the factor of money exchange.
. . . but how?
How much should I charge?
I wanted this to be easily accessible to all. And so, since I know many struggle on the subject of money, I wanted to keep it very affordable, maybe even free.
On the other hand, I also wanted to honor the abundance and prosperity of the universe. I wanted to support your manifestation of prosperity by affirming your abundant flow of money and your ease and ability when paying an appropriate fee.
And on top of all that, I wanted you to have a concrete opportunity to make money from the YOFA jhe Sessions. And how can you do that if I don’t charge enough?
Hmmmm. . . . .
Well, after much deliberation, I came up with something.
At least for now.
I decided to look to the Universe for instruction.
==>>> The Universe does not decide for you.
==>>> The Universe lets you participate at whatever level you do in whatever you do.
==>>> The Universe matches your participation through Law of Attraction and responds to your asking.
So . .
That’s what I decided to do, too.
I’m letting you choose the level of your participation and I’m leaving the details to Law of Attraction.
You can choose what you pay.
I also have a goal to pay you more than you pay me.
As soon as you sign up, you have the opportunity to become an affiliate.
This way, when you tell your loved ones about YOFA jhe Sessions and they sign up, you end up getting a check in the mail.
Isn’t that great?
So, now, in addition to being a vehicle for expanding your joyful harmonious expressiveness (jhe), the YOFA jhe Sessions are also:
==>>> a place where you can explore and purify your vibration on the subject of money
==>>> while at the same time making passive income.
You can find out all about here:
I look forward to seeing how the money factor expands the power of our experiment. I don’t know how long I will keep this particular fee structure, but for now, I offer it with love.
Of course, the spirit and content of the YOFA jhe Sessions remains the same. They are based, as always, on the book Rooted in the Infinite. You can find out exactly how to practice this form of inner alignment for yourself in the book.
I expect the results from these sessions will only intensify with the introduction of a fee. We’ll find out together.
Your feedback is welcome on this blog. As always, I ask that you keep this blog free from the vibrations of named conditions. Thank you.
Many thanks for your interest in YOFA jhe Sessions.
With Love and Appreciation,
Receive the free e-course, 7 Secrets for
Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire at
I love this idea!!!
Thank you Rebbie for being true to the teachings and allowing the Law of Attraction to guide you.I got goosebumps when I read it.Blessings Marie
I love it too! It’s a win/win and doesn’t add any judgement to my ‘being in process’ with manifesting abundance. Thanx Rebbie – it also makes me feel more generous in my giving because there’s no expectation.
Dearest Rebbie, I am getting better at sensing your energy–sometimes now, when it touches me, I stop whatever I’m doing and just relax into the ‘E’ of the ‘Jhe’.
I wrote a poem about Source energy and birthing and passing during one of your sessions:
I saw you looking at me at the beginning.
Tenderly, you stirred the air to brush my cheek.
Tenderly, you brightened the sun to warm me.
Tenderly, you gave me voice and vision.
Let me enjoy being in this body. And when I go,
tenderly, take me in your arms.
Instead of trying to keep track of all the people that might sign up due to my actions, why not let the Universe keep track of that, too?
I think of how Jack Canfield sold his first book, “Chicken Soup for the Soul,” namely, by selling four hundred thousand books for 25-cents each, and within a year earning almost $100,000.00!
I don’t think you can put a monetary value on these jhe sessions … to me, they’re priceless. But to draw the greatest attention, to create some excitement, what if everyone who wanted to participate agreed to pay a minimal five-dollars? How many people would jump on it? Ten-thousand? More? The rewards to me in being able to recommend it to all my friends for less than shipping costs on a DVD, well that’s worth alot more than a check in the mail.
What do you think of all the buzz in the popular media now about “The Secret?”
Alignment, indeed!
With true love and appreciation,
Dear Rebbie, There has been a definate change at a basic level in my life. I do feel lighter, more aligned, more clear in intent, more focused, more loving. I especially find it easier ( less emotional ) to deal with people in my life. I find it easy to get rid of the clutter – emotional and physical. I am letting go of a perfectionist attitude and enjoying each moment more. I am also now meditating 3x’s a day to your audio and REALLY enjoy it. Thank you !!!!!!! Joan
Hello Rebbie, signed up for the Jhe short five day course on 1st April. Did not get to the first day until today 6th. On listening found that I had organically put in place the first lesson without listening to it. EG whilst out for my walk 2 days ago I devised a quick ditty for myself saying it over and over again as I enjoyed the beautiful spring day. “I am healthy, happy, wealthy, wise and strong, I weigh 9 stone”.
Heres the rub on listening to your 1st talk today 2 of those words in my ditty were in your talk (strong & Happy) mmmm food for thought indeed. By the way I love your voice. Looking forward to working with the next four lessons as I get to them.
with LOve and thanks, Kay.