Healing Depression through Inner Alignment:
Free Teleseminar and Webacast

blueflowers.jpg – or –
How to Achieve 
Joyful Harmonious 
Expressiveness (jhe)

A Teleseminar and Webcast

Wednesday, November 5th
12 Noon Pacific / 3 pm Eastern
Find Your Time Zone Here


Sign up here:


Yes, you read that right.

At 3 pm Eastern on Wednesday, November 5th, I’m going out on a limb.

I’m gathering up people who are interested in easing the depression they, or someone they love, has been suffering. 

And I’m making what some might consider an outrageous claim.

I have not wanted to do this. In fact I have held off on giving this class for a very long time. But one day, the urge to make this known became so overwhelming that I started organizing this call – to my surprise. This information wants to be told and it seems I am its teller.

What is the claim I’m so urged to make even though I know many may criticize me for this?

I’m claiming that through a process of inner alignment, you can get a noticeable improvement in your emotional state.

No drugs.
Not even a conversation about the problem.
Just inner alignment.

I’m not promising what people like to call a “cure.” But I am guaranteeing noticeable results: A shift in degree or intensity or something that feels a little bit better. Maybe even a lot better.

Come find out how it works, and see if this rings a bell inside you. It’s a chance for you and I to get together and talk. And as you hear what I’ve got to say, I’m pretty sure you’ll start feeling yourself moving in a direction that can completely change your life.

This is not a quick fix, not even a replacement for other therapies, but a profound shift in the way you relate to the world and your self.

Please forward this link to the people who want this information:


With Love and Appreciation,


To begin an inner alignment practice
for Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of "Rooted in The
Subscribe to YOFA videos on YouTube:



3 thoughts on “Healing Depression through Inner Alignment:
Free Teleseminar and Webacast

  1. While i take anti-depressant medication I dont think of myself as depressed, and had some reluctance to listening.
    So I really enjoyed your explanation of the 2 titles, and Ofcourse realised I am choosing to focus more and more on the desired outcome. Thank-You again Rebbie

  2. Hi Rebbie. I enjoyed the call, actually. I thought you did a good job of ‘winging it,’ so you certainly have my respect for handling a difficult situation.
    Actually, I was able to hear the meditations (I was online) and I appreciated having you guide through a couple of them. I have your book and it made me want to go back to it and try some more of the meditations out.
    I could not find the recordings you were going to post (?)
    Your explanation about feeling light also really helped with understanding the concept of being connected to the inner being.
    I think I know what the technical difficulty was, now that I think about it- If you were playing your recordings from your computer there is about an 18 second delay between your computer and the phone and that’s what it sounded like. On other calls I have listened to, people sometimes are on the phone and also online and you can hear the call in delay in the background.

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