YOFA Healing Meditation: Love



This video meditation offers a fundamental spiritual healing process that can augment any mode of healing and can be added to any regimen. 

Actually, rather than "healing" I prefer the words "joyful harmonious expressiveness" or "jhe."  The movement toward jhe is a movement toward wholeness.

Jhe is the natural state of your body. 

In fact, your body is always moving toward jhe.  This video takes you to joyful harmonious expressiveness (healing) by bringing you to wholeness on the vibration of love. This is the essence of spiritual healing.

No matter what problem you may be experiencing in your body, this simple meditation provides a soothing energy template for profound and thorough jhe (healing).

For best results, do this meditation three times a day:

  • In the morning before getting out of bed.
  • Sometime during the day while watching the video.
  • At night before sleep.

Related Resources:

Affirmative Contemplation
For more audio meditations like this one, get the Affirmative Contemplation collection.
Get the digital version here.
Get the physical CD here.


YOFA jhe Sessions
Remote healing, or distance healing, is only part of what the jhe sessions provide.  I like to call them remote inner alignment sessions. They promote jhe in:

  • your body
  • your relationships
  • your finances
  • your emotions
  • your spiritual awareness
  • all aspects of your life

Click here to start transforming your life on the jhe list.


Rooted in the Infinite
This book is the official manual of YOFA Meditation.
Listen to me read excerpts from the book here.


In the process of developing your jhe (healing), I wish you great satisfaction and a deep knowing that the value  of the journey always outweighs the momentary suffering.


With Love and Appreciation,

Subscribe to YOFA videos on YouTube:

PS – Please share your experience with this video meditation by posting a comment here.

46 thoughts on “YOFA Healing Meditation: Love

  1. At first I didn’t think anything was going to happen except feeling more relaxed. By at the very end, I noticed the pain in my shoulder had diminished somewhat. Will continue with meditation to see possible results.

  2. Wow! The first time I listen to it was very powerful. Very relaxing and the sensations of energy were very strong. I loved it.

  3. There was definitely some sort of energy shift and easing and realaxing beyond the norm… even though someone starting using a noisy saw right when it was all coming together at the end. Am looking forward to seeing what cumulative effect happens from the recommended twice a day.

  4. This was a wonderfull feeling of being………..
    Intonation, vibration was smooth and inrobed of serenity.
    Thank-you for this wonderfull gift!
    Soothing harmony of the essence of love.
    Thanks again………….

  5. Before I listened was feeling ok, but somewhat appathetic.
    By the end my energy has certianly lightened, there is no mediocracy of okness. Light and expectant…hmm its
    lovely. Thankyou

  6. This amazed me, I did not think it would do much for such
    a short meditation..but before it was done I had (for no reason that I could think of) this smile to come to my lips as I felt lightness and a relaxing and letting go as the heaviness of my body drained away. And when it was over I noticed that a pain that I had in my neck before listening was gone.Amazing I will see what happens if I continue with the meditation as I have a hearing problem that will need surgery if it does not clear up within a week or so.

  7. Fantastic, Rebbie. I loved the sensation, just an overall, loving buzz. Exactly what I needed at the end of a challenging day. Thank you SO much.

  8. I had a few spots of pain in my body before the video meditation and was feeling some disappointment about some of the stuff happening on the planet right now. After the video, I have much less pain and am feeling more optimistic and relaxed. Thank you.

  9. Thank you Rebbie, I feel good and there’s a light buzz within me and a soothing warmth. My gratitude to you for sharing this with us. Be well.

  10. as i listened i became more and more relaxed; i was smiling when i was done and felt lighter and parts of my body was tingling. a very pleasant experience, this is a nice short meditation that will be easy to do in the morning and night and i feel over time there can be deep healing if one is open and ready. thank you for sharing rebbie.

  11. What a lovely meditation. The more I released or surrendered the more that self-generation and alignment of presence to the deep expression. The totality of me was so ready and willing to experience the facilitation or guiance. Exqusite…..

  12. Before I played the video I felt lifeless-no energy; after playing and listening-first with my eyes open and watching the screen – I felt relaxed and enjoyed the visuals; I then replayed the video and closed my eyes and really listened – It was an “aha” moment (or should I say time) for me as I really let go of any stress/pain that had been bothering me. After doing the meditation, short though it was, I feel free of any bothers and ready to carry on with my daily chores with renewed vigour. Thanks Rebbie.

  13. Definitely relaxing – soothing just what the doctor ordered after a long day -felt each section relax and warm as each body section got bathe in low thankyou

  14. This was a quick and very powerful connection to your soul to get you started for the day or it would be a great reconnection during the day or before bed. Thanks!

  15. I listened to this meditation this morning getting ready for my day. It felt so goood to unwind physically but I felt an emotional release as well. What a wonderful way to start my day. Thank you for the Love. I needed it !

  16. Thank you so much for this wonderful gift.

    As I listened I first felt the music was too loud, yet as the meditation progressed I could feel its vibration through my body opening it up to the energy of love, what a wonderful experience, thank you again Rebbie

  17. I listened to this meditation for the first time just now. I noticed as I listened that the words, music and video evoked a lot of emotions within me, and as they came up I released them. The experience was quite intense and I almost did not want to finish the meditation, short as it is. I felt resistance in my body, and heard voices in my head expressing certain negative expectations and beliefs I have held. So for me it was a positive but difficult experience. I should mention that I am currently doing a lot of internal work on myself so this probably heightened the experience for me.

  18. With all that was going on around me at the time, tragedy, anger, feelings of hopelessness, disease, illness… this meditation was and is well needed. Affects of it is so soothing yet almost alarming, because of the affects of the alignment. Thank you from my heart!

  19. WOW!!!!!!! what a great meditation and fabulous way to start my day! I could feel tension melting from my body the instant I started this meditation. THANKYOU THANKYOU!!!!

    I wish you all a brilliant day!

  20. I must say, this was an interesting meditation. My body immediately responded to the words and your voice. I noticed how quickly my body was relaxing. By the end if the video, my breathing had changed. I was pleasantly suprised! Will continue to watch.

  21. 2nd time around I immediately relaxed and felt the shift in my body from your toned voice. I will forward this on and share the wealth. Thank you so much & you go girl. God Bless, Rebbie.

  22. I just loved this meditation! So simple and yet so powerfull. I felt lovely energy and my body relaxed and released all the tension. Thank you!

  23. Thank you for your gift! My cells were rejuvinated!

    I will listen again and again..

    Wishing you, Rebbie – Health Wealth and Happiness today, Now and always

  24. Dear Rebbie,

    Thankyou again, I seem to be thanking you all the time! I listened twice just now, the first time as a video and felt lighter. Then immediately I wanted to listen again and got the impulse to tap the messages into my system. That was really great! Am now feeling the beautiful vibrations of love all over, and feel sooo good. Love, Preethi

  25. The whole meditation seemd to ‘bring me back to my senses’ and make me feel almost ‘whole’ again. It was something I’ve needed for awhile, as I have had one conflict after another in my life lately; it seemed as if nothing was going right, but this meditation seemed to point me in the right direction enough to let me gather my thoughts in a logical way so that I can ‘rebot’ the direction my life is taking and make the best of it. I can envision etter things hapening for me now.
    Thank you!

  26. Wsa feeling depressed / defeated this AM. After listening I felt peaceful and I am sitting here now with a smile and hope in my heart. Thank You !

  27. Your voice brought me immediately to the love vibration, it was so fast and direct. WOW!!!! Thank you for your wonderful gift you bring this world. Love and Blessings, Joy

  28. Very powerful. By the end of the meditation I felt a profound sense of peace and tranquility. I’m looking forward to sharing this with my body every day.

  29. Thank you, Rebbie
    This is lovely – a short,simple,enjoyable
    way to re- attune! It feels so very good in
    my body when I listen to it. I will continue to
    use it am & pm.

  30. I had a late start at work today, so thought I would only be working for 3 hours,..still I was resistant to being there. Just before turning off the computer I decided to tune in to this meditation again.I went to work in a much better vibe, and even tho it was a six and a half hour shift, I felt better as the day went on. This is Amazing.
    Thank-you Rebbie!

  31. I’ve just listened and watched this meditation again, I’ve been visiting this site on and off for the last weeks, whenever I remember, and it is always a positive experience. Sometimes I don’t notice how I’m feeling a little disconnected until I tune in to this, and then there’s a release, a big sigh “ahhhhhh”. It takes me out of my head and back into my body.

  32. Hi
    I couldn’t find a contact button – wanted to ask you if you’ll share this great meditation with our audio sharing community at traydio.com
    Please join our 1000+ conscious living community too at http://www.copperstrings.com too – this is such an exciting time in human transformation…

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