Hilda and the Message in the Code


Thank you!

After reading the comments and emails I received on my last post,  I see that Hilda’s presence is still strong and her message still strikes a chord.

So, here is another story I thought you might enjoy.

I was a teenager when I first met Hilda in 1971.

Fast forward to 2006. I got an idea for a book while in meditation preparing for a workshop.  The idea was to create a book of Hilda stories collected from the people who were her students.

The only problem was that I was no longer in touch with any of those people.

So I decided to set up a webpage for people to come to and leave their stories.  In the process of setting up the page, I inserted a code to reduce spam.

I’m sure you’ve seen this many times. The code displays a sequence of funny looking letters that you have to type into a form to determine that you are a real person being added to the list. 

I hesitated to place this code on the page because, since the code words are randomly chosen, many of the words that typically show up for the visitor to type are negative, unwanted, and do not match the vibration I wanted for the website.  And since I am so sensitive to the vibration of words I tripped over this a bit.

In the end, I decided it was more important to have the code than not to, so I inserted it.

To my amazement, the first code word that came up was “tabla.” 

I blinked my eyes.  “Tabla?”

I had never seen a word like this come up as a code word before.  I checked my dictionary to see if “tabla” was also the name of something mundane like an airplane part or a decongestant spray. 


All it said was “A small hand drum from India.” 

Okay, Hilda.  I see.   You are behind this idea, aren’t you? 

I worked some more and got a couple of mundane code words popping up as I tested the page.  I went back into doubt.  “Oh that was just a coincidence.  Maybe I shouldn’t bother with this project.  After all, … blah blah blah ….(all my little-self excuses)."

The next code word that showed on my screen was “swami.”


I have never seen a word like that show up in the computer program before!  Ok Hilda!  I see!

The very next word was “anoint.”  I thought I’d better see what the dictionary definition of anoint was.  “To choose by or as if by divine intervention.”

Okay, Okay, I get it.  Move forward with the project.

Well, I set up the page and got distracted by other things for a few weeks.  It sat quietly without a visitor. 

Since no one was finding the page, I sat down to compose a letter asking people for their Hilda stories.  When I went to the page to check it, I had completely forgotten about this code word episode.  As the page opened, there was the code word.  Oh yeah!  Let’s see what it is this time. “Intone.”  Hmmm  Just to be sure, I looked it up.  “To recite in a chanting voice.”

About a week later it came to my attention that the idea for this project occurred to me within days of what would have been Hilda’s 100th Birthday.  

Well, I never did collect the stories for the book so, if you were a student of Hilda’s, feel free to leave your story as a comment on this post.  Who knows?  Maybe the book is still composing itself in the ethers.

And, if nothing else, this story of spirit-permeating-technology can certainly assure you that no matter how we evolve, and no matter what type of tools we may use, the message of spirit can still come through in ways that will knock your socks off.

With Love and Appreciation,



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23 thoughts on “Hilda and the Message in the Code

  1. Rebbie,
    What a fun story. Stuff like that happens to me all the time. Sometimes much more suttle like a sent or a sound that could easily be missed. I am so grateful to know that I am guided and helped along my journey. Thanks for sharing.
    Peace and hugs,

  2. Thanks Rebbie for another great story. This is so true and happens no matter where you are on the planet.

  3. Hi Rebbie,
    What a wonderful story – didn’t know Hilda in this life, but she must really be some amazing soul to be able to manifest those words of light on a blog!! Thanks for sharing.

  4. I love looking for signs on a daily basis-most extraordinary happenings, interpreting it my way. Thank you for the inspiration you are giving me; you sure “fill your space to capacity in this life”. Blessings to all the people who seek to make this planet a happy interlude.

  5. Thanks for reminding me to be open and aware.
    Some days are a challenge, others a Blessing.
    Spirit sure has a way of bringing us back to centre, in the most fantastic and amazing ways.
    Blessings and Thanks Angels!!

  6. Wow….How we can sometimes miss the little messages of Spirits guidance.

    Rebbie thank you for another great story. It is all affirming for the journey.


  7. I too remember someone talking about Hilda stories within the past 20 years….I am trying to think who it was…they would go to her apartment and she would teach them with her stories. I had not thought of her in years…so thank you for this re-remembering…sharing her stories are welcomed…
    thanks so
    in love and light

  8. OK Rebbie now you’ve intrigued me and I think you should tell US about Hilda!! I get the feeling she was something very special and would love to know more!!

  9. Yes, Rebbie I want to hear the Hilda stories! Tell us as much as you can remember!
    Thank you for continuing to bring bits of inspiration into my life.
    You are a treasure!

  10. I recently saved some info on hilda (I do not remember, it could be through one of your messages:) then one night, as I was in a very bad state trying not to panick, because of my father’s deteriorating health situation; I sat infront of the computer and I came across that file. I read Hilda’s words and it soothed me instantly. Next two weeks, I did my radio program about her – her wonderful life story and experiences… today again she found me in a somewhat similar situation through you. this time I am following her recommendation to climb up the pendulum to get the master’s degree from life and I feel much more at ease with the whole thing… thanks a lot to both of you 🙂 peace, melda

  11. What can I say Rebbie, you did it again. Your easy going, down-to-Earth, personable you has for me been that spiritual big sister. Someone who is always there to lovingly assist me in growing while at the same time has her hand out to gently lift me if I fall. Thanks Sis! I love and appreciate you. Keep the Hilda stories coming. When I saw her picture, I could feel the love she is. Thank you Hilda!
    Your Little Sister,

  12. Sorry, I haven’t been following this Hilda thing before. Who is/was Hilda? Obviously she is highly considered.

  13. Your story about finding the Hilda book in NYC was great. And the code word coincidences are amazing, to say the least. Thanks for all you do to help people.

  14. I think this is just another example, among millions and trillions (I am very certain) that goes to prove the “DIVINE”.
    I have meet so many people that try to run away so to speak from that..and I just think that’s silly.
    Me personally I have been allowing more of the mysterious and wonderful vibrarantly divine into my life. Of course..just as the above story..I don’t always make it easy..so in case I forget to say it..THANK YOU!

  15. I am glad that some people seem to get the message.
    I am sorry to say that I am blind and deaf to the spiritworld and am unable to receive any messages.
    I wish I could but relaxation is the key they say, but all that comes around for advise is the peoplke that will help want money for it and that is something not all of us have, I for particular. How ot would be nice to join all in the universe.

  16. Amazing story. The seva you are doing is exemplary and am sure Hilda is looking over you and guiding you. May Swami shower all his blessings on you.
    I am looking forward to your next Hilda story.

  17. Great story about my Divine Hilda. I knew her and studied and traveled with her for ten years. The ten greatest years of my life. Hilda was the real thing. Her teaching and love have remained with me even these many many years later. I see her in dreams from time to time and every time I wake up feeling renewed and refreshed from this difficult time in which we live. Thanks to Hilda I walk in the power of my own belief assured in the thought that God will care for me and watch over me for ever. I miss those great moments with Hilda. She is still the inner light that leads me toward God and in each practical moment of every day. Her spiritual names were Lazuma which means Light and Shanti Devi which means Goddess of Peace.

  18. @Bobby Miller:

    Almost ten years ago I spent some time with Erik Berglund, the incredible harpist. He was a very ardent follower of Hilda’s and he carries her in his heart to this day. The way he spoke of her reminded me of my own feelings for my beloved friend, Mary-Margaret Moore. We are so blessed to find women (and men) of God who quietly do their work lighting up the world…one heart at a time. Peace to all.

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