How Ho’oponopono Found Me

drhewlenIt was practically glowing.   But wait. I’m getting ahead of myself.

Waiting for the Book

Years ago, the editor of a paperback collection of self-help tools invited me to contribute one of my articles. I knew there would be some big name authors on the roster and I eagerly awaited my sample copy of the book.

When the shiny brick of self-help pages finally found its way to my receptive eyes and hands, the strangest thing happened. I can’t even remember exactly how it all unfolded but the focal point of that book became one single article for me. Like an old vinyl record spinning around and around with one simple peg at its center, my mind kept wrapping around and around this article.

When I recommended the book to my friends, I almost forgot that I too had an article in this book. I was quick to show them my favorite: The one that had captured my attention from the moment I received the book.

======= Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len Cured Patients He Never Saw. =======

This magnetic article was more of an outrageous story than a self-help technique. It took place in a hospital ward for the criminally insane. (Not usually the kind of story that grabs me.) But in this true story something seemingly miraculous happens. A Hawaiian therapist is able to cure all the criminally insane inmates in the hospital ward by doing nothing but looking within himself.

The startling notion that someone could have such a beneficial impact on others by becoming 100% responsible in his own life and consciousness breaks the status quo. It completely quakes our cultural belief systems. At least it did for me.

======= Total Responsibility =======

The possibility of becoming completely 100% responsible (for everything) rocked my world. The funny thing is that this is not the first time I encountered this type of approach. But the message was finding a new way into my awareness. A way it never had before.

I read and reread the article trying to extract the technique. I wanted to know how he did it. As far as I could tell, it was all described in this slim article. And yet it seemed way too simple. Could this miracle have come from something as simple as taking full responsibility and saying, “I’m sorry,” and, “I love you,” over and over again?

======= Fast Forward a Few Years =======

In time, Dr. Joe Vitale, the author of that article, would come to partner up with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len (often called Dr. Len for short) to create a book, seminars, and recordings on the practice of Zero Limits. Together they would bring this method called Ho’oponopono to more and more people like me.

And so, as I sit here at my desk watching videos of a Ho’oponopono Zero Limits seminar, and as I have Joe Vitale and Dr. Len right here on my computer screen, explaining this method to me in step-by-step fashion, I am once again amazed. And as I am finding out that it really is as simple as was described in that first article, I’m also finding out that “simple” runs very deep.

Ho’oponopono found me years ago, and I am very grateful to Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len for offering more and more materials so that this is no longer just a story. It is now a method I can use from moment to moment to moment.

Click here to find out about the Ho’oponopono Zero Limits videos I’ve been watching.



3 thoughts on “How Ho’oponopono Found Me

  1. Wow–that is soooo Inspiring! Yes, I’M responsible for the people in my life….I can change the outer by changing me….I absolutely love this possibility–especially since he was able to change the criminally insane–that offers Great Hope! I would love to sign up–it’s not offered to pay in segments…it would be better that way ( I have a weakness for Promising programs.) I would love to have/listen to this, but since I’m backed up on investments right now, I could just practice it–the possibilities are exciting!
    THANK-YOU for this reminder!!

  2. Dr Joe Vitale’s article about Dr Len reached me in August of 2006 at a moment when I was about to burst with anger about ceremony being allowed to become “unsafe” for a moment. And I thought I had “done my homework”! So,oh well, I began again: I AM sorry. I love you.
    I’m still at it.
    The miracle is that there are moments when I am no longer “sorry”, when I am the radiance Creator brought into being as me.
    Really nice moments!

  3. Hi Rebbie,
    I’m sorry and I love you and the links don’t work in this web page for me anyway-hehe

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