How is it going for you?
I want to support you in having 2010 be a year to remember…
…as pivotal
… as transformational…
…and as – dare I say it? – magical.
I have some ideas up my sleeve and the first is this:
I’m inviting to you contemplate inner peace.
I’m inviting you to consider:
- what it means to you
- how you feel when you ponder those words
- and what you have done in the past (if anything) to achieve inner peace.
That’s all for today.
Just ponder the role of inner peace in your life and post your comments here.
The next installment of my idea will be arriving soon.
Keep an eye out for it and we’ll continue the conversation.
Love and Blessings,
PS – Here is a free video interview about something that can make any visualization tool more effective. It’s about how to get your subconscious mind to agree with your conscious mind (one of the keys to inner peace). I recommend it.
feeling at one with everything…. and all that surrounds it…. a really blissful state!
Help – I NEED Help!!!
I always wish for “Peace on Earth” but they are not listening. How can they, if I don’t understand “Inner Peace”? “Be Still” ~ I’ve seen those words in the dictionary but … downloading…. I felt something ones, no actually several times when with K.T.
It felt like strange (no fear,no angst,no what ifs or buts)~ yet it also felt like EVERYTHING (safe, trust, here/now, love, kindness, merging into oneness.
I am an outsider, you’ve always been kind of different, strange, eccentric (thank Gooddess, I think) cuz if things don’t fit into their little box…..oh my.
Desperately seeking to find “Stillness within me!”
Inner Peace…
Breathing In…Breathing Out…
Living within gentleness…Breathing out Serenity…
While external chaos swirls around…I see it…
However I don’t breathe it in…
It doesn’t touch my core…
I continue…
Breathing In…Breathing Out…
Living within gentleness…Breathing out Serenity…
Breathing In…Breathing Out…
Inner-peace means to me; being at peace with myself, the world and everything and everyone in it, feeling love and joy in my heart and soul, being able to communicate with my higher-self to which is my truth of who I actually am.
It has given me a wealth of goodness, grace and understanding of who I am of which has enabled me to discover the power of the moment whereby I am able to apply healing to myself and others who had experienced numerous very serious illnesses and diseases that in some cases had been manifested by means of emotional and mental traumers.
Being there, that is contemplative or mediative inner-peace with myself aids many ills however small or large, it is a wonderful place to be, and that is to be humble and kind to yourself and to others alike, with love and light in your hearts and souls, thank you Rebbie for this opportunity to express a few of my feelings, I would love to write more.
Inner Peace…
At one with The Universe.
Here. Now. Ever in hozho.
In harmony with elements.
Awake. Aware. En-joying.
Allowing… Accepting.
Appreciating what is.
Knowing all is perfect.
Peacefully Being Joy.
Peacefully Becoming.
Growing. Expanding.
Uniquely Expressing.
Loving Every Breath.
just for today Feel No Anger
just for today feel no Fear No desperate
just for today Be love Be still Be at peace
Inner Peace comes with understanding and compassion.
For me, inner peace might be found by first: Slowing down. Sitting still and appreciating this world. second: Thanking for my blessings. (this usually brings a smile to me, external and inner smile). Breathing carefully as I consider each blessing. third: asking to share these blessings with others on the planet. (I am blessed with good clean water to drink. May all have good water to drink…) last: floating with the clouds or in the sea. God created all of this and You created me…. returning to my chair when I’m ready. or going to sleep.
A state of being. Being in alignment with all that is. Expand and be the beautiful love and light that you are. A universal truth.
Inner Peace is a state where you are not attached to the sorrows, fears and pain of the world but see things from a wider perspective. This is different to apathy or ignorance as you love everyone and everything and trust in the ‘bigger picture’.
Inner peace is the ability to unconditionally smile with everyone around you and feel the warmth of life within you! Peace is energy we can pass to one another… peace is energy we can collect from another when we are down… peace is energy we can offer. Peace is life force energy within each of us. Sometimes our energy can get a little cloudy. Sometimes it just takes connecting with another person or connecting with the universal energy to clear the clouds away. May each of us feel an abundance of peace in our lives so we can reach out and touch others.
Hearing the words INNER PEACE to me brings about a sense of deeper healing and awareness and learning to be compassionate with myself along my life’s journey. Feeling free about sharing my journey with others in hopes of inspiring, offer hope, and a Friend voice and smile.
I have set my intentions based on living things wanted and unwanted.
Now I let go of the struggle to acheive and trust that all that I consider good will come to me. The action I take is saved for the enjoyable oportunities as they arive.