Today is one of the most beautiful days here on Long Island. I’m in the car with the my trusty laptop, breeze in my hair, dogs in the back seat, and the Long Island Expressway playing the star role of my Z-axis.
The Z-axis is the trail of your life through time and space.
When you align the Z-axis behind you, you bring the pains of your past into harmony. They begin to reveal their gift and you experience relief.
One of my favorite flavors of relief is when I let go of resistance that I didn’t even know I had. A good feeling comes over me as a surprise.
That often happens when I’ve been carrying a pain for such a long time that it starts to feel normal to me. I no longer recognize it as resistance. Then, through one of the YOFA inner alignment processes (either a meditation or a jhe session — yes, I’m on the jhe list too!) that distortion corrects itself. Then whooosh — the good feeling arrives.
Suddenly a puff of harmonious energy lifts me from behind and it’s like being in a sailboat on a quiet day when suddenly the wind fills your sails and carries you for miles.
The alignment of the back end fo the Z-axis (the past) harmonizes the now and brings energy and joy to the evolution of what we would call the future.
Here is a meditative process you can do to align your Z-axis today.
- Close your eyes and sit upright.
- Imagine the footprints you have created behind you as you have walked through your life.
- Now imagine that trail of footsteps extending backward for your whole life, right up to this moment.
- See the footprints right behind you begin to glow with golden light.
- Let this light begin extending backward until every footstep of your entire life is glowing with beautiful golden light.
- Know that every step you have taken in this life has been perfect and in Divine Order.
- Enjoy the feeling of this loving, forgiving light as it bathes every past decision, action, thought, word, and breath of your past.
- Whenever you are ready, open your eyes and move forward.
Always the perfect imagery. Things have been going well the last few days and when I felt that golden glow in those footsteps behind me and pushed that golden glow all the way back as far as I could imagine, it felt like healing my whole life.
Thank you, Rebbie, for your generosity and your genius.
Beautiful! Thank you! My feet r warm! 😀
Thank you Rebbie. What a lovely meditation!! I love how spirit works through you!