Meeting Hilda on the Street

hilda-new-sun200.jpgNYC used to be my home. 

I lived in the city during intense parts of my life and a big segment of my spirit stays there.  But now, I rarely go.

Well, on Friday, I got on the train, rolled into Penn Station, and started walking down 7th Avenue.  The energy of the city greeted me like an old friend and I began an affirmation that went something like this: “God is helping me in every moment of every day.”  

After about half a block of that affirmation, maybe even less, I turned my head, and there, on a table of used books, was a familiar image of my teacher from so many years ago, Hilda Charlton.

In all my years of wandering the city, I have never seen one of her books out for sale.  It can be hard to find them in a bookstore, no less out on display on a busy street.  I knew this was related to my affirmation, and $5 later that book was in my bag and a big smile was on my face.

The book is called “The New Sun” and you can get it at if it doesn’t just manifest in front of you.

Once you get the book, you can flip to page 45 and read the poem to a “Smiling Stranger.” Hilda says:

“How few in this hurly-burly of modern life pause to see God’s loving creation and His perfect image of beauty in the passerby…Greet all with a happy smile of inspiration and say to yourself, “Everybody, I love you.’”

Would you like me to highlight more of Hilda’s messages here?

 Let me know by leaving a comment below.  

I think this book appearing on my physical path through the sea of passersby on 7th Avenue was a nudge in the direction of sharing more Hilda with you.  

Let me know if you’re interested.

Everybody, I love you,
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29 thoughts on “Meeting Hilda on the Street

  1. Yes…more of Hilda, please.
    Rebbie and everybody, I love you!!! Yes!

  2. Hi Rebbie,

    Thanks so much for sharing your God “wink” with us. 🙂 I agree with you that it feels like the right thing to do to share Hilda’s work with us. In the meantime, I will be anxiously awaiting to see what Spirit nudges you to share with us next.


  3. Rebbie,
    I love hearing about Hilda and her teachings. I hope you will share many more of her ‘nuggets’ via your emails and website.

    Love to all,


  4. I receive nurturing in what and how Hilda shares. I want that. Please do give us more of her.

  5. Hi Rebbie,

    Thank you for sharing this story about Hilda’s book and poem. I would love to read more about her teachings. She sounds a lot like Abraham.

  6. Dear Rebbie

    Blessing to co-incidences! In the last few weeks I have had those more often than all the rest of my life. Yes I want more quotes from Hilda’s book, please.
    Many blessings.

  7. From the first time you told me about Hilda, I thought how lucky I am to have my own Hilda. You are my Hilda. Thank you so much for all you have given me. Light and love, Lindy

  8. Thank you for sharing your success with affirmations! And what a great poem! I would love to hear more about Hilda.

  9. Thank you for your wonderful emails. Yes, I would love to hear more from Hilda.
    Love and blessings

  10. What a great story! Today is the first time I’ve heard of Hilda….please share more!

  11. Thank you for sharing your serendipitious experience … many of us have had something similiar happen but would not how/who to share it with..thank you for providing the venue for these kinds of things and I do so love the phrase “god’s wink” from a previous post!

  12. love her teachings! would love for you to share more..
    Much Love and Gratitude to you…

  13. I gets tons of personal empowerment/transformation types of emails each day, but I value and place yours in the uppermost reaches of them all! Thank you for sharing your story and like all of the people who wrote before me, I too, would love to hear more from Hilda.

    Love and blessings

  14. Dear Rebbie,
    Hilda is very dear to me too. I went to her talks and
    meditations every Thurs. evening for years and one time per month we went to the Hindu Temple in Queens for her Skanda pujas.
    She touched so many of us so deeply
    and left us all with everything we would need to carry on her work and help others.
    Please continue to share your stories of her with us.
    Thank you.

  15. Please share more stories about Hilda. She made a brief, but powerful impact on my life. I would love to hear your stories and for you to quote her wisdom. Thank you Rebbie!

  16. Hi Rebbie,
    I enjoyed hearing about Hilda. I was having a difficult
    morning a few weeks ago and on my way to work I saw a little boy outside his house. He waved at me and smiled and he made my day!
    I would like to hear more about Hilda!

  17. Dear Rebbie, my little earth angel.
    This morning I asked God’s help, and your caring beauty showed up. Thank you for not only sharing Hilda, but for allowing Spirit to work through you on an on going basis.
    I would love for you to share more of Hilda. Thank you for thinking of everyone, you treat us like your loving family. And, thank you for sharing the affirmation, “God is helping me in every moment of every day.” I guess it was a comfirmation for me, because it brought tears to my eyes and a feeling of peace to my heart. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!

  18. YES! YES! YES!

    More from Hilda. Everytime you share anything regarding her life, this resonates in my Spirit greatly. She speaks so well to my Soul.

    Thank you a GILLION times.

  19. Hi Rebbie,
    I got a nice, peaceful feeling when I heard your story about finding Hilda. I would love to hear more from her!!

  20. Thankyou Rebbie,
    You are what keeps me going along with our Spiritual Group once a fortnight. I just love Abraham as well as Hilda. I bought a book for myself called Food for the Soul – I gave it to my grandson who went into the Army: I felt he needed some comfort! I bought another one the same – my daughter borrowed it after I had told her how wonderful it was – she asked if she could send it to my granddaughter in Australia (cousin to the grandson in the Army) of course I gifted it to her.Now I am looking for another one – see how spirit works!!! I think it is so great. Keep up the good work.

    I too leave the house each day and try to be that stranger who smiles!!!! For the past few weeks I have been having a pity party for myself…..and now, this has given me the energy and message……Just what I needed to Dust Myself Off and get back out into the mainstream…..Here’s ONE BIG SMILE for each and everyone this day!!!!! SENDING BIG HUGS AND LOVE YOUR WAY!!!!

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