Pick One Thing: Change Everything
Quick Tips for Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire: Bite Sized Applications of Law of Attraction – Episode #1

yofa-guitarcase-loa.jpgIn this episode of "Quick Tips for Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire: Bite Sized Applications of Law of Attraction" Rebbie explains how to shift your vibration in the morning and maintain it throughout the day.  She shares how her vintage Gibson Guitar case helps her computer work to go smoothly.

episode 1

[mc src="http://podcast-qt.s3.amazonaws.com/yofa-qt001-2008-5-21pla.mp3"/]

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20 thoughts on “Pick One Thing: Change Everything
Quick Tips for Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire: Bite Sized Applications of Law of Attraction – Episode #1

  1. I found this exceptionally useful; as I too often get caught up in the menial details of how things are, and need to be reminded that I have a choice. And, that choice is to focus on what I would prefer… allowing the universe to figure out the rest.

    Thank you

  2. Wonderful production and message! You have a gift for communication and a keen ability to shine a light on real life issues with a simple, gentle, direct focus. Thank you for your work. I look forward to your future podcasts.

  3. I loved the podcast. I have a six month old grand daughter who delights us with her smiles and energy and I guess she is the perfect “One Thing” to focus on when all the others around are frustrating my efforts to run smoothly and peacefully! Thankyou Rebbie, and bless you for all the healing and hope you bring us. It is just what I need and I would really appreciate more of these ‘tips’.

  4. Great podcast! Loved it. How about providing a direct link to itunes where I can get more, instead of me hunting around for it?

  5. Right On!!! Thanks Rebbie!!
    “When the student is ready, the teacher will come”(Jane Roberts?) Today, in fact most days lately, I feel overwhelmed by all the things I have to do…today I woke up and said just pick one pile of stuff (we are remodeling) to sort and get rid of….. I’m so glad I checked out your new fun podcast as it reinforces and really explains how that works for me. I am thankful to you for bringing great support and insight into my day!!! I guess I can go deal with that pile now!! ;-)I’ll be back!

  6. Thank you, Rebbie, You make so much sense in a delightful way, when I am groping around at times. Last night the full moon was my inspiration that I carried into today. I enjoy your empowering thoughts.

  7. Hi Rebbie,

    Thanks for yet another great offering. First, I love that you gave SPECIFIC, easy, simple, non-overwhelming tips on how to take action, in harmony with the LOA!! Most “teachers” these days have added “take action” to their list of LOA rules. The problem occurs when they don’t tell you how, or tell you some complicated system that nobody has the time, nor patience for. Your example is a “how to” take action step. I also loved how you gave a personal example from your own life. I have a lot of respect for those who take their own advice.

    As far as future podcast ideas….
    1. I’d like more specific, easy tips on manifesting prosperity.
    2. I did not see a volume controller on the audio player on the web site, so I’d like you to have one added.
    3. If possible, please add a “low-bandwidth” option for podcasts.

    I took notes and listened more than once to it. Immediately, I had a connection to something else from earlier in my day: “Pick 1 Thing”! I just signed up for an e-newsletter program that tells you how to make a new positive habit easily. It’s a 30 day program, and the first one came today. What does she say in it? “Pick 1 Thing” to focus on that you want to become your new, good habit! Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not. So, I’ve connected it, with your tip and decided that if I try implementing your tip for thirty days, THAT-your tip- could be my 1 new, good habit! Or, if I choose another new habit to create, like daily exercise, and find myself getting off track pursuing it, I can use your tip to focus on the feeling that the new, good habit gives me to bring me back on track. Ultimately, they both have 1 thing in common: ME FEELING GOOD. I’m all for more of that.

    Also, when you spoke about how we get to choose which feeling will be the dominant feeling, it reminded me of the following Einstein quote: “The most important question all of us must answer is whether the universe is a friendly place or not.” I’ve been on both sides of that choice many times. While there’s no scientific proof yet, that one or the other is true, or false, I’d like to be on the “friendly side” whenever possible. Who couldn’t use more support, right?

  8. Rebbie,

    I enjoyed the podcast and found it helpful and useful.
    Yes, yes, yes please! More tips on practical application.

    I find your voice very reassuring and comforting to listen to. Thank you.

  9. Very helpfull,love the pick one thing .I will let you know ,how it goes.
    Dale Cheetham

  10. Those who meditate in the morning can probably recall the good feeling that results

    from meditation. Anyone not used to doing meditation will definitely benefit from

    your simple and very practical tip. Lovely idea.

  11. Rebbie:

    I find your site and your recordings to be very professional; your site is well organized. You have all the options and bells and whistles, and you manage to keep them very organized. I like your choice of fonts as well. You are an inspiration to me as I attempt to establish a web presence as well. To myself, . . . “If she can do all this technical stuff, so can I.”

    I love the soft gentleness of your voice. I love that you are a voice in the ethers that is expounding upon, and elaborating upon, the wisdom from Abraham.

    Since, I know, and know that you know, there’s more to it, when it comes to weaving ones way through how one applies what they think they heard. More discussion is what helps us sort, objectify, and learn, just like the reptition of the multiplication tables.

    You hit your mark, title matches delivery. You called it a nugget and you delivered a nugget.


  12. Dear Rebbie,

    this podcast was really inspiring. As well I apreciate that its not too long. Not only because I am german speaking but because its more easy to integrate the speaken content easily.

    The image of the tunig fork was brilliant!!

    Lots of love from germany

  13. Thank you for this great tip! A definite stress buster! I focus on my work when my family problems seem overwhelming to me. I also like to focus on the area I was brought up in as that has a magical feel good memory attached to it. I look forward to many more podcast in my email 😀

  14. I really enjoy the audio and short clips that I can fit into my busy schedule. I find it helpful to start my day with guidance and inspiration to help keep myself better aligned throughout my daily activities. I also really connect with the sound of your voice and enjoy the audio version even more than the written jhe sessions (although I enjoy these immensely too!)

    Thank you for your gift of sharing!

  15. Perfect timing! Thank you Rebbie.

    Like your guitar case example, next to my computer is a picture of me and my daughter on a beautiful Easter day, dressed in our Sunday best, with hats and dresses and Easter baskets when she was about four.

    In the present, she’s off to college soon and I was feeling frantic. Seeing the picture filled me with love and hope and renewed spirit.

    I love this podcast!

  16. Debbie,
    We have been made aware through many teachings that the mind we have is used to only a small degree of its capacity. I believe one of the unique aspects of your teaching is, either through intention or by result of the process, that our ability to expand our mind’s capacity is being uncovered through your teaching and our practice of what you are so gently transmitting. Your communications have provided, unobtrusively, a succinct bridge from the theory of minimal mind use to the actual development of our ability to incorporate a more significant degree of our mental faculties albeit intuition, meditation, contemplation, and just plain grappling with the fresh information you are providing,which in some almost magical way encourages and at the same time motivates us to pursue the suggestions you offer. I shall continue to monitor the expansion of my mental faculties which I have a sense will lead over time to an enhanced ability to handle a greater quantity and quality of information without the usual feeling of being frazzled or overwhelmed because of what we are or feel called upon to do in our world had earlier seemed beyond our capacity. Thank you.

  17. No need to post this, but OH MY GOODNESS. That’s Daniel! His voice is perfect for this! I hope he gets more opportunities like this, Lindy

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