streaming audio meditation

Yofaheadphones  Have you signed up for the free download but then couldn’t get the file to play?

Since one person had this problem, I thought there might be some others who encountered this glitch.

So, now you can listen to "Peace on Earth" as streaming audio on the download page.

You can get it for free here:

It will only be there until Tuesday.

That’s when I’ll sit with all your comments and decide which way to go with this.

So far, I think it’s a go.

I can also see that this is not for everyone.

These articles provide a contemplative process with each recording on a different subject.  And since these articles were not written as meditations – they were written as articles – the effect of the audio version varies.  It straddles the line between conscious and unconscious.  Each individual article may lean more to one side or the other but either way they give you a way to include your conscious thinking process in your inner alignment journey.

I thought that by reading these articles to you it would free you up to get a little deeper into your own inspiration on the subject.

And from reading your comments, I see that some of you are really getting that in a  big way.  And I’m thrilled to read your comments.  It lets me know that my intention is being fulfilled in your receiving of this.  I love when that happens.

Only a couple of days left – so if you’re going to tell your friends about the free download, please do it now!  The more feedback I get, the better.


With Love and Appreciation,
Get the f ree eCourse "7 Secrets for
Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire" –
You’ll get the first lesson

PS – If you bought the “in the rough” version of the 6 articles, hold on to your email receipt. It will get you a discount to something. (Not sure what yet!)

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