Sound Vibration & Law of Attraction

Your voice vibrates into your reality.

Your voice and the words you speak vibrate into the field around you creating a pattern that Law of Attraction then responds to.

Your voice helps you manifest your desires.

Yes, the actual sound that comes from your vocal cords is part of your manifesting power.

Do you ever think of yourself as a musical instrument?

Every muscle and bone in your body contributes to the sound and vibration
of your voice.

* And your voice speaks the song of your heart.

* And your heart offers the message of your soul.

* And Law of Attraction responds to your vibration.

Sound Vibrates Potential into Reality

When the sounds, words, and songs of your voice are pure and in resonance with your inner truth, amazing things happen in your life.

You see this in the power of prayers, affirmations, mantras, chants and other deliberate use of the power of sound.

So here is the question of the day…

What reality is the tone of your voice  vibrating in you?

And what notions are your words bringing forth into manifestation in your life?

Speak and sing your reality into being with the joy and love that you desire in your life.

With love,

Mind Movies and Affirmation Tips

How effective are your Mind Movies?  Are your affirmations working?  Click the play button above to listen to this very quick tip to power up your affirmations for manifestation.

Most important – make sure your words feel good to you as you see them., speak them, hear them, and feel them.  Your word has power.

Manifestation and Missing Pieces

I was just listening to an Abraham CD and it reminded me that one step before the manifestation is the feeling.  We often point our efforts toward the manifestation.  We want the car, or the relationship, or the body condition, right?  So we visualize and affirm and use all our nifty tools to manifest the life condition that we want.

That’s all great, but it’s like putting together a jigsaw puzzle that’s missing half the pieces.  It’s harder than it needs to be while you’re working on it, and when it’s done, it’s a big disappointment.

So what is the alternative?  Focus your efforts on achieving the feeling you would have if that desire were joyfully fulfilled.  Focus on the feeling rather than the manifestation.

In that way, there is joy in the journey, and when you get there, it is even better than you expected.

It basically comes down to placing your relationship with your self and your Source above any other relationship.

My Most Important Relationship Is With My Source… There is no relationship of greater importance to achieve than the relationship between you, in your physical body, right here and now, and the Soul/Source/God from which you have come. If you tend to that relationship, first and foremost, you will then, and only then, have the stable footing to proceed into other relationships. Your relationship with your own body; your relationship with money; your relationship with your parents, children, grandchildren, the people you work with, your government, your world . . . will all fall swiftly and easily into alignment once you tend to this fundamental, primary relationship first.

And the Winner is. . .


The message came in loud and clear.  You voted and the winner won by a mile.  In fact, the winning focus came in so strongly that it set off an avalanche in a whole new direction.

The winning focus for the birthday present for the jhe sessions is (drumrollllllll):

==>> financial prosperity  (You can still sign up. Click Here for 2 free sessions.)

And so I will be offering two jhe sessions
focused on cultivating prosperity (at no charge.)

But that’s not where it ends.

In fact, it is just beginning.

I have much more to tell you but I haven’t worked out all the details yet.

Let’s just say that since this focus won by such a large margin, I am going to do more than I promised. I just can’t say anything yet because I have to work out some of the fine points before I go public with this.

(It’s hard to keep this quiet because it’s so exciting!)

This is indeed turning out to be a very special birthday for the jhe sessions!

And as Thanksgiving approaches here in the US, I want to thank *you* for your companionship on this journey of inner alignment.

More soon. . .

With Love,
PS – You can sign up to get the f ree sessions here:

Getting Past the Weight Loss Faucet

This is for you who have yo-yo dieted, lost and gained and who are tired of fad diets, will power, and feeling defeated.  SIgn up for updates at See you there…

I recorded this today to get you on the inside track. Have a listen:

[mc id=”964″ type=”audio”]Getting Past the Weight Loss Faucet: The YOFA Weight Drop Workshop[/mc]

Inner Peace Regardless of Circumstances


Scroll Down to Listen to this Post

It’s easy to be peaceful when the sun is shining, the butterflies are fluttering, and the birds are singing.

A peaceful day, a peaceful feeling.

But when you can remain inwardly peaceful even as your world is rocked by challenges, you become a true liver of life.

We can all begin to cultivate this unrockable peace in small ways. These incremental contributions to our energetic stability add up and in time we become well established in peace.

[mc id=”460″ type=”audio”]Inner Peace Regardless of Circumstances-Quick Tips for Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire: Bite Sized Applications of Law of Attraction[/mc]

And while it may seem nearly impossible to reach that pure state of peace that has many names in many languages, we don’t have to make that huge leap all at once.   We can take small, deliberate, steps.

And the notion of a small expansion of peace within us seems quite doable.  There are no obstacles to taking a small step.  And these easy, small steps toward inner peace combine to create a state of profound aliveness.

Many people feel turmoil and try to attain inner peace by calming down the inner noise.

We will approach this differently.

Rather than addressing the upset and trying to get it to conform to peace, we will address the peace.

By looking for the peace that inherently lives within you, you set a wave in motion.  You engage Law of Attraction on the subject of inner peace and you eventually find the seed of peace that lives within you.  And then it grows and blossoms.

Here is a contemplative meditation that I recommend to begin this process:

Sit upright with eyes open or closed.  Ask yourself silently, “Where is the peace at the center of me?”

Then sit and let your awareness explore the dimensions of consciousness that you are.  Let yourself discover the seed of peace within you.

This is a profound beginning.


PS – Is losing weight one of your goals for the New Year?  Find out something you probably don’t know about how to burn fat. The Free recording is here.

YOFA Meditation for Upliftment

YOFA Meditation to Reverse Holiday DepressionClick the play button below to listen to this post.

As we get close to the holidays it seems like some people get very happy and full of holiday cheer.

Others have a tendency to get depressed.

Still others are dealing with major life challenges and while they may really want to feel happy and full of cheer, they find it difficult to get into the spirit.

[mc id=”425″ type=”audio”]Quick Tips for Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire: Bite Sized Applications of Law of Attraction – A YOFA Meditation to Move from Holiday Depression to Natural Upliftment[/mc]

So, today, I want to give you a very quick meditation that you can use to lift your spirits just in case you are struggling with any of the difficult emotions that tend to ride in on the holidays.  And as an aside, if you deal with depression you can visit the website and sign up for the free program there that will help you find a completely new way feeling better emotionally.

So, we’re talking about lifting your spirits but, actually, the expression “lift your spirits” is not very accurate.

Here’s why:

From the perspective of your physical human personality, your spirit is always rising.  It’s like a helium balloon. It is lighter than air.  It lives in the up direction.

I’ve been talking a lot about the Y-axis lately.  There is this vertical line of force that runs through your upright spine.  I call this the Y-axis and it is what you might want to call the spiritual axis within the human system.  And there is startling information on the Y-axis and how to engage it in meditation in the book Rooted in the Infinite.  More than I can go into here.  You can find out more at

So the Y-axis is the vertical line of energy running through your upright spine.

It provides what I like to call the “up-force.”  And so you don’t lift your spirits.  And a good movie or a loving friend’s phone call doesn’t lift your spirits.

It feels like it does.

But what is really going on here is what we think of as that “uplifting” influence helps you release your resistance to the already lifted state of your spirit.

And once there is even a little bit less resistance, you feel uplifted.  You know how they cut the sandbags off a hot air balloon and it goes up?  Well, when you cut the sandbags of resistance off of your awareness, your sprit lifts.

It lifts all by itself.  That is its natural state:  Upliftment. Joy. Empowerment. Freedom.

So, if you feel worried, anxious or depressed, you can cut some of those emotional sandbags and find some relief.  And in some cases this can happen very quickly.

Now, here’s the peculiar part of all this.

When we feel heavy and depressed, when we feel overburdened and hopeless, we have a tendency to get confused about what to do about it.

This Doesn’t Work…

And since we know all about gravity, we believe that what goes up must come down so we try to “lift our spirits.”

But this doesn’t really work.

When you try to lift your spirits, you are in effect trying to hold up your own Y-axis. (Remember, the Y-axis is the vertical line of energy that runs through your upright spine. And its natural direction is up.)

That would be like getting in a hot air balloon and trying to lift the balloon with your muscle power.  You won’t go very far.

This Does Work

But when you cut the sandbags and let the hot air balloon do what it naturally does, you go up.

And the same is true emotionally.

When you release resistance and let your sprit do what it naturally does, you feel uplifted.

When you release your burden you naturally rise.

So, today, I’d like to give you a very quick little Y-axis meditation that is intended to have the effect of lifting your sprits.  But you and I both know that that is not what it is doing at all.

It does feel that way though.

This mediation is actually intended to help you release resistance so that you naturally and effortlessly feel better emotionally.  This is another Y-axis meditation.

Try This:

Sit upright, and close your eyes.

Sense, feel, or visualize a beam of white light running vertically through the center of you.  It begins at the center of the earth and continues through you and beyond, into the unknown reaches of the sky.

Your body is like a straw and this light energy pours through it in the most easy and comfortable way imaginable.

This beam of light is made of pure love.  It feels peaceful and kind.  As it flows through you it is infinitely compassionate toward you. Feel your posture shift to accommodate your growing awareness of this core of love that flows through your energetic spine.

And as you become more and more aware of this energy, whether you can feel it or not, whether your can picture it or not, even if it is just a thought in your mind, as you become more and more aware of this energy, its field of love and peace and ease and acceptance of all that you are begins to permeate your body.  All your cells become magnetized to this unconditional love at the core of you.

This peace permeates your mind so that all thought forms turn themselves around in space until they find an alignment that is harmonious with the love and peace at the core of you.

For just these few moments, your mind and body rest, floating in the field of love and peace that is generated by the love light flowing through the straw of your human instrument.

You can stay in this awareness and bask in the energy field for as long as you like.  When you are ready open your eyes and step into your life empowered by this alignment.

With Love and Appreciation,

PS. – Right now You can get the complete recordings of a YOFA Y-axis Law of Attraction Workshop ($35 value) for free when you buy Revolutioniz by midnight Friday, December 11.

Re-Invent Yourself with Affirmations



Watch the Video


I have created some of the most extraordinary transformations in my life using affirmations.

I often think about creating an affirmation course. 

And I still may do it some day.  But at this point, it simply has not yet made its way to the top of my list.

That’s why I was excited when I got this email.  I think this will give you some powerful tools that are really cutting edge. In fact, I’ve never seen anyone using this technology before. 

Here’s the email I received:

Every once in a while, something comes along that just can’t
be ignored. That time is now.
"Winners do things different" – Dr. Phil.
I was recently introduced to a guy who changed my

perception of personal power and it didn’t take

long to realize that this was a person who had

something very special to offer the world.

I have met some inspirational people in my

time, but nothing prepared me for this!

His words have helped heal 1,000’s of people of

their limiting beliefs, and now, it’s your turn.


Brian Colbert is not only an NLP Master Trainer,

he is also an amazing Hypnotherapist and

Ireland’s top Life and Business Coach.

Brian makes regular appearances on Irish

television where he has changed literally,

1,000’s of lives over the last 20 years, but

that’s not enough for our Gaelic hero.

You see, Brian now wants to help YOU!

That’s right! Brian Colbert is offering you

exclusive access to some of the most incredible

secret tools for change you have ever seen and he

wants to give you some of these amazing secrets

right here and now, today, while it’s fresh in

your mind and you are in the mood for lasting change.

Go now and watch Brian in action in this

incredible video and pick up an awesome free

hypnosis audio while you are over there.

Let’s have a look at what you are going to get

this week:

  • YES – You will get access to the secrets of a life worth living.


  • YES –  Brian will  send you some really cool free stuff just for taking part in this project.


  • YES – There will be LIVE change work and you could be the focus of Brian’s personal coaching and receive the secrets to unlocking your dream life.


  • YES – Many of these secrets have an instant impact and create immediate results.


  • YES – You will receive life changing information that will change your world forever.


Let’s finish 2009 with a bang and make sure the next

12 months are the best ever!

To you and your success!

P.S. It’s been a while since I saw a video that

really made me stop and think. This video is

still on my mind as I write this and the best

news? there are another 3 videos to come this

week! I want you to take part in this and I

guarantee this will change your world, but the

first step is up to you 😉



Karma Yoga through Affirmations, Visualizations, and Mind Movies

Karma YofaListen to this 12 minute talk to learn how to use the tools of affirmation, visualization, and mind movies as forms of selfless service (karma yoga).

 If you’ve ever asked yourself the question, "What can I, as an individual, do to make this a better world?" this brief recording gives you one direct answer.


[mc src=”″/]

 Recommended resources to go with this talk:

With Love,

Why so many Mind Movie emails?



I know I’ve been sending emails and posting A LOT about mind movies.  But if  you are one of the many who are jumping on this incredible offer, you understand why. 

I am having so much fun with this (and you can too) that I want you to know about it.  And this is the time to get the best price and all the amazing bonuses. 

[mc src=”″/]

In fact, speaking of bonuses, I just started using the subliminal bonus and it is amazing.

Yes, I have my very own mind movie (that I created yesterday specifically for me)  running in the background right now as I am typing this post — and  I love it!

Mind Movies are fun, powerful, and enormously useful.  And of course, they get results.

If you are studying Law of Attraction, this is probably the most fun and effective tool you’ll find. 

Did you miss my 15 minute call? You can listen in by clicking the play button above.

Go to http://MindMoviesDiscount.comto see the 12 new bonuses they just added.

Here is a comment from one of the webcast participants:

I have been watching, reading , singing to and living the MindMovies show. In only 2 weeks I’ve manifested Free tickets on a cruise line for 3 days 2 nights for 2 to Nassua. I’ve been given tickets to a live play, and a dance performance, checks have arrived unexpectedly in the mailbox, my daughter and I have had the most significant conversation of our lives.  . .


There is a very good chance that they may run out of kits before this launch is scheduled to end. (It’s a physical product — CDs, DVDs, etc., and the response has been much bigger than expected). I hope you get yours while it is still available.

With Love and Appreciation,

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