Today’s YOFA jhe Session 07-18-09

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for you who are on the jhe list today.

To best embrace the benefit of this session, please (re)read the part of chapter 12 of Rooted in the Infinite that addresses the ego.  If you don’t have much time, read the section called "Ego as Distortion" on page 121.

As a result of this session, I expect you to feel like someone washed your windows.

Clarity, precision, and equanimity in your perception quickly turn into wisdom and compassion in your personality. 

That is the effect of this session. 

Today’s alignment goes a long way toward evaporating the distortions created by the resistant aspect of the ego. 

To say that in a positive way, today’s alignment helps you purify your desires. 

It brings you in touch with the brilliance, talent, and unique value of your human instrument.  I sometimes refer to this as the positive aspect of ego.  It is ego as instrument.

Here are some of the effects you may notice.  You may notice both of them or this may work completely under the surface.  Either way, this is the movement that is generated by today’s jhe session.

  • Your Desires — Your desires begin to feel very good to you when your mind lands on them.  Even desires that usually create a feeling of frustration or even despair, start to feel more fresh and exciting. And of course, this brings them closer to fruition.
  • Your Relationships — You see others in a more positive light.  Even thinking of, or encountering, those who usually annoy you or even trigger rage does not bother you in the same way.  This is because today’s alignment gives you access to much more interest in the richness of your own experience.  Displeasure with, disappointment with, and disapproval of others simply cannot compete with the power of your engagement with your own true journey through life. 

So, you naturally engage more of your attention with the purity of your desires.  And your negative attention to others naturally atrophies.  It just dissolves. And as it does, so does the hurt you have been causing yourself through your attention to what is not wanted. And ironically, you actually give the other person more space to become the way you want them to be by releasing your mental grip on their apparent flaws.

Many teachers talk about the ego as a purely negative phenomenon that we want nothing to do with.  I call this only half of the ego.  And this session moves you toward a natural, easy, pleasant, effortless release of that part of the ego that is made of resistance.

So what about the other half of ego?  It is the joy of being a focused, individual point of consciousness.  It is the pure expression of your uniqueness.  It is the gift that is beyond measure that you give to the world.  And that gift is expanded as you increase your ability to be purely yourself. 

So, to summarize, this session brightens your light, expands the gift that you are, and makes you more attractive, more appreciated, more enjoyed by others. 

This is a cultivation of your unique brilliance. 

Your expression may intensify or take new forms.  If you are an artist, keep your brushes, violin, pencil, etc. handy. I think you will be pouring through your chosen medium in new and satisfying ways. 

If you do not see yourself as an artist, you may quickly realize that your everyday life is a brilliant work of art.  Joyful harmonious expressiveness (jhe) can take infinite forms.


With Love and Appreciation,

YOFA is based on the book "Rooted in the Infinite"
Find out more at

Today’s YOFA jhe Session: Influx of Quiet Joy

practice-intro4-web.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for all of you who are on the jhe list (including the free list) today.

Today’s alignment has the effect of putting a beneficial, invisible, scintillating, attractive, fairyland-like field around you. 

The way you may perceive it is that you feel more open to whatever life brings you. You feel the goodness of simple things and you feel more at home in your unique life’s journey.

I hesitate to use the word cocoon, but that is the image that keeps presenting itself to me. If you can imagine an invisible, all-good cocoon around you that you can feel as distancing you from anything you might perceive as unwanted, a nurturing field that envelopes you and gives you the freedom to find your true, beautiful joyful expression without the interference of the outer world, that is the effect of this session. 

This session resonates with spiritual surrender (for more detail about what I mean by those words, please refer to pages 129-130 of Rooted in the Infinite.)

This has the effect of dissolving the distortions of the negative aspects of ego and bringing you into joyful alignment with the infinite Creative impulse as it streams through the center of your being.

The result is a relaxing of habitual tensions in the personality and an influx of joyful energy.

  • In your spiritual practice, this can manifest as periods of prayer and/or meditation that touch your essence and remind you why you do these things in the first place. 


  • In your spiritual awareness, this can manifest as a sense of spontaneity in your actions. You feel open to what some might call Divine Inspiration or a "calling".  To you it might feel more like putting one foot in front of the other with trust that your inner guidance is doing the walking.


  • In your body, today’s session has the effect of strengthening your core.  Like the strength of a mountain, this is a quiet, still, relaxed strength that lives in you as untapped reserves.  It is especially beneficial in cases of fatigue, anxiety, or debilitation. It brings steadiness, stamina, calm readiness, and an outward revealing of inner beauty. If you already enjoy what the world calls "good health," this session can increase your sensory awareness and bring great richness to your enjoyment of life.


  • In your relationships, this session can have the effect of releasing you from old ties that no longer serve you (and that you desire to be released from) and recalibrating your relationship with yourself.  It can also have the effect of reorganizing old relationships that have become distorted and bringing back your openness to the love and resonance that was the reason for the relationship when it began.


  • Financially, this session can help you let go of some of the stress and strain you may be feeling on this subject.  The words trust, confidence and faith come to mind.  If you are already feeling financially prosperous, this session can have the effect of opening you to appreciate some of your earlier acquisitions in new and deeper ways.

I am profoundly grateful for the opportunity to do this session for you. Thank you for giving me the honor of participating in your energetic alignment.

With Love and Appreciation,

YOFA is based on the book "Rooted in the Infinite"
Find out more at

Inner Alignment Sessions – Current Registration Closes at Midnight Tonight






Ernest Holmes, in The Science of Mind, says, "Absent and present treatments are the same, for there is no absence in the One presence.

The YOFA Inner Alignment Sessions can be called "absent treatments" or "remote treatments."  And while the notion of how a session can be so effective when we are not in the same place can seem mysterious, their purpose is simple:

The Purpose of the YOFA Remote  Inner Alignment Sessions

The purpose of the YOFA Remote Inner Alignment Sessions is to bring you into alignment with your essence so that you become a field of joyful harmonious expressiveness (jhe).

This process promotes:

  • Heightened spiritual awareness
  • Physical and emotional healing (jhe)
  • Loving relationships
  • Joyful manifestation of the desires of the true heart
  • Material abundance of things wanted

The inner alignment process is described in detail in the book Rooted in the Infinite and by practicing the exercises in the book, you can tap into the jhe that wants to express through your unique instrument,

The YOFA Inner Alignment Sessions, or YOFA jhe Sessions, amplify the benefits of your practice – OR – if you do not practice the meditations yourself, these sessions bring you these benefit passively.

Current Registration Closing

Tonight, June 1st, 2009, at midnight Eastern Time (9 pm Pacific), I am closing the registration for the YOFA jhe Sessions for a while.  You can find out more about this and why I am doing it here

 When you sign up, you get 8 sessions per month and the results are guaranteed.

You can find out more about the YOFA jhe Sessions (and the YOFA Inner Circle) at by clicking the links.  Also, take a look at some of the feedback I’ve received here.  I’m not sure when I will open registration again, so if this interests you, please be sure to register before Midnight Eastern, 9 pm Pacific tonight.

All Love,

Abraham-Hicks: Alignment and Co-Creation


Abraham tells us that everything contains what is wanted and lack of it.

==>> Everything! 

Wait a minute. Even this?  (Fill in your most uncomfortable situation.)

==>> Yeah. Even this.

I’m reminded of the feeling of the timing involved in going through a revolving door…with a great big backpack on. 

Or jumping into double dutch jump ropes (I really wonder how these sensory memories come up from my childhood when I sit down to write to you in these articles.)

It’s this sense of perfect timing that moves in rhythm with what is already in motion.  And we jump in and become one with the wave.  That sensation of belonging, of being part of the dynamic creative life force that includes the genius and brilliance of others – that is an enormous joy.  I’ve had that feeling of blissful cocreating with others more than a few times in my life and there are very few things that can even come close to that experience of uplift.

And it moves to a rhythm.  And when you get in that groove, you slide effortlessly into uplifting relationships with others. And every time the jump rope hits the pavement (hey, I grew up in Queens) or the physical manifestation sounds the rhythm of your cocreation, you feel it through your whole being.

Abraham talks about coming into alignment and then co-creating with others.  Let’s look for a minute at the very deliberate order of this.

"It is easier, really, to come into alignment by withdrawing from others."  These Abraham words ring loud and clear to my hermitish personality and lifestyle.  And I express this quite literally on a regular basis.  The YOFA® system begins with withdrawal (in the yogic sense of pratyahara) for the purpose of alignment.

While practicing the YOFA® inner alignment exercises, you are quite removed from the things in your life that might cause you to tense up, resist, or "paddle upstream." They might be sitting right beside you (piles of papers, email, grouchy spouse, no spouse, etc), but while you practice your inner alignment, you are so deeply concentrated on your process that those annoyances fade from your awareness.

Unlike mere distractions, these exercises build stability and strength in the energetic field that you call you.  This field is really a vortex and the more you do the exercises, the more this sacred vortex develops integrity as an energy structure. 

With time and practice, you can allow more life force, more joy, more Divine Love, to flow through you.  You become a great big instrument of Light and Love walking around your neighborhood, spinning with others through revolving doors, playing jump rope with your daily challenges, or doing whatever you do however you do it. 

After 5, 10, maybe 20 minutes of inner alignment meditation, then what? Time to take your finely tuned energy field out for a spin. Go to the most crowded, busy street in your town or city.  Mix it up.  Talk to strangers. Pick up litter (that’s one of my favorites). Do whatever you feel inspired to do.  Follow your heart and see where it leads you.  (Your alignment always leads you to love.)

You can begin a practice of Inner Alignment meditation with the exercises in the book Rooted in the Infinite

Heal Yourself – How Inner Alignment Brings
Clarity and Self Esteem

yofa_self_esteem.jpgYou have all the answers. No matter what the question, the answer lives inside of you.

By bringing yourself into alignment with your essence, you get access to your own true answers to every question. You heal your own state of confusion and low self esteem.


When your mind is flooded with too many options, too many opinions, and too much information, it can be difficult to find your own truth. But by spending a little time each day cultivating your inner alignment, you can find your own answers. You can self-heal your confusion and find clarity. (I like to call this healing a state of joyful harmonious expressiveness, or "jhe.")

Once you get even a glimpse of this clarity, you feel a renewed sense of grace and dignity.


Two of the many concrete results that emerge from this powerful state of inner alignment are:

  1. Clarity in an area where you have been confused or unsure.  What a relief to feel your true knowing, like a sword cutting through the chaos, once you know your own mind, you make decisions with ease. If there has been a big unanswered question fogging your awareness, developing a state of inner alignment can help clear the fog and reveal your own true answer. With this comes greater self esteem and self confidence.
  2. Not caring what others think. The freedom that reveals itself in you when you let go of caring about the opinions of others is enormous. Inner alignment helps you find your inner tone in such a stable way that the projected opinions of others fade in your awareness. You become a pure tone that reveals the beauty of your truth.

In your relationships, this alignment makes you charismatic and influential. It also makes you physically/energetically attractive.

In your work, this alignment makes you decisive, efficient, and effective. It brings you forward as a leader.

In your body, you may feel this as uplift. If you play basketball, practice your inner alignment right before you show off your jump shot.

To begin a process of inner alignment right now, sit upright and feel a vertical beam of light passing right through your energetic spine. Close your eyes and let the simplicity of this white light set the tone of your whole being. Set a timer for 68 seconds and immerse yourself in the pure and simple glow of this light until the timer beeps. Then resume your activities and notice the instant sense of clarity, dignity, and empowerment you feel.

Begin a practice of inner alignment with the book Rooted in the Infinite.  Develop your inner alignment for spiriutal awareness, healing, financial abundance, and loving relationships with YOFA inner alignment sessions at

YOFA jhe Sessions: Spirutal Healing, Law of Attraction, and Time and Space


The only complaint I hear about the YOFA jhe Sessions is "I don’t know how to talk about them…"

How do you talk about something that is invisible in a world that lives by the motto "seeing is believing"?

The YOFA jhe Sessions are remote inner alignment sessions. 
Well, that’s how I describe them. 

But what in the world does that mean? How can they be invisible and be effective?

It means that we are coming from the understanding that there is one mind.  We are trusting the all pervasive Divine Design and the power of Law of Attraction to keep it in the perfect swirl. And we have an intuitive experience of the mystical here-now that sits silently, dynamically, infinitely, within all points of space and time.  

So the distance between us at the time of the session is a non-issue. Even the time of the actual session is irrelevant.

The jhe sessions assist you in performing your only job: Keeping yourself in alignment with your essence so that all the good that has been generated by your life experience can come to you. And it can come generously and lovingly and in ways that let you recognize the benevolence of the Universe and the Love that is your nature.

Hmmm. Is that too vague?

I guess I don’t know how to talk about the jhe sessions either. I promise I’ll keep working on it.  Because the people who are being helped by the jhe sessions keep proving to me that it’s worth the exploration to keep figuring out how to talk about this invisible thing I call the YOFA jhe Sessions.

Abraham ( often says, "Don’t answer a question that hasn’t been asked."  And so I usually remain pretty quiet on the subject of the jhe sessions.  But today I received an email that was bursting with questions.  That was the inspiration for this post.

Here are my answers:

Dear Rebbie,

i’m considering joinig your [YOFA jhe Sessions] active membership and have some questions bevore signing up:

What do i have to do?

Nothing.  If you want to, you can do the exercises in Rooted in the Infinite to augment the sessions but that is not necessary.

What about the intention?

Your intentions and desires are born in you on an ongoing basis.  The jhe sessions help you get in alignment so that they can come to you more swiftly, more effortlessly, and in a form that is more satisfying when it arrives. 

Unlike goal setting or visualizing, the jhe sessions are passive and they help you (if you’ll excuse the expression) get out of your own way so that the things you have been asking for can find their way to you (that part is the work fo Law of Attraction.)

Do i have to hold my intention, or do i have to write my intentions down or does the process know what to do?

You do not have to do any of that.  You can if it brings you greater clarity and joy to do so.  But it is not part of the jhe sessions process.

Are there special times for the sessions?

No.  You will receive an email from me after each session with a description of the focus of that session and what you might expect as a specific results of the session. 

But really, these sessions are cumulative and the results of an individual session are sort of like candy while the ongoing long term effect is where the real nutrition is.  Some people have been on the list since the very beginning.  It is an ongoing process like brushing your teeth or meditation or physical exercise.  You can consider it part of your spiritual hygiene.

Do i have to do anything during the session or do i only have to enjoy? :o)

Just enjoy. 😎 

If you want more training, you can join the Inner Circle.  That membership includes the Active membership in the jhe sessions plus monthly recorded lessons, plus membership in the YOFA "Law of Attraction Gets Results" monthly online workshop, plus more bonuses than I can list here. 

The Active Membership is for people who don’t want one more thing to do.  There is nothing to do in the Active Membership but sign up.

The Inner Circle Membership is for people who are hungry for more and want to get their hands in the clay.

Does my membership start from the 1st day of the month or from the day i sign up?

Your membership starts on the day you sign up.


YOFA jhe Session email: Slowing Down Time

how to slow down time - YOFA jhe SessionsOne of the most mysterious effects of inner alignment is how it alters (or corrects!) our perception of time.  The alignment of the Y-axis slows down time and in the April 10th YOFA jhe Session email update, I touched on this amazing component of the inner alignment process.  Here is an email I received on this subject:


Dear Rebbie,
This session was particularly significant for me.  My precious Son Christopher came down to visit me from New Jersey, he brought with him his Son Chance whom I haven’t seen for a long while.  They came on this past Tuesday (Chris’s Birthday) early evening, and stayed until Thursday late afternoon. We did so many things and went so many enjoyable places.  There was an instant bond between my grandson and I that I don’t remember a time when he wasn’t in my life.  I felt like they were here at least a week, when it was only a couple of days.  How we did all the things we did in such a short time baffled me.  The wonderful thing about it was that we didn’t rush doing anything.  It was the most precious time for all of us.  My Son called me when they were almost home to let me know they were fine and the trip was a breeze, clear highways, catching every green light. He said that my grandson wants to come again, but this time to stay longer.  I feel really happy and content.  Thank you for your jhe sessions.  I appreciate you.
Bright Blessings,

 Find out how to have "more time" by practicing the inner alignment meditations in the book Rooted in the Infinite.

Cultivate your inner alignment by becoming a member of  the YOFA jhe Sessions.

YOFA jhe Session: Desire and Freedom

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today (including the free list).

As a result of today’s session, I expect you to feel a shift in the way you experience desire and freedom.

For further understanding, read pages 133 – 134 on "The Paradox of Desire" in Rooted in the Infinite. When desire is pure and ringing with the tone of love, it creates inspired action and every step of the journey is awe-inspiring. It is in this spontaneous expression of the true desires of your heart that you experience freedom.

Today’s session created a state of inner alignment conducive to the free expression and satisfying fulfillment of the desires of your heart.

As a result of today’s session you may experience any (or all) of the following:

  • A deep sense of peace.
  • A new level of awareness of flow.
  • Finding something that was lost.
  • Regarding relationships:
    • If you are in a relationship: A more soulful intimate connection with your partner
    • If you are seeking a relationship: Opportunities present themselves as pleasant interactions with strangers, introductions by friends, surprising phone calls.
  • Regarding Money: Finding that you have money you didn’t know you had – this can be cash in the back of a drawer, or interest on an investment, or money you forgot you had lent that is now paid back, or any other surprising appearance of financial abundance.
  • Spontaneous singing, dancing, or any other burst of freedom that expresses your unique talent. If you are an artist of any kind and this happens, this might be a painting, or a recording, or a poem that you will want for your portfolio so have your pencil, or keyboard, or paintbrush handy.

To augment the effects of this session, use the Affirmative Contemplation recording "I Am Love" (any of the 3 versions).   You can hear samples of the recordings here:

The YOFA jhe Sessions offer an energy template of alignment to those on the list. This session was particularly potent and I expect you to feel the results in at least one of the ways listed above.  Probably more than one.  It might have happened already, before you’ve even read this.  It might happen within the next few days.

Thank you for being a part of this jhe session.  I consider it an honor and a privilege to offer this to you.

With Love and Appreciation,

PS = To those on the free list — Now you are in the space of the jhe sessions.  Things are moving in you energetically.  This is a perfect time to sign up as an active or inner circle member and begin seeing profound shifts in every area of your life.  This is a tool for bringing out the best in you and for expressing your most satisfying life journey. You can find out more and sign up at

Harmonizing Desire and Ego -Today’s YOFA jhe Session


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I did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today (including the free list).

Today’s session focused on the harmony between desire and ego.

People use both these words in so many different ways that I hesitate to even use them here.  There is no way to know what meanings they conjure for you and since they are so loaded, they usually cause some emotion.

If you have a copy of Rooted in the Infinite handy, you can refer to chapter 12 for a full explanation of the meaning of desire and ego in the YOFA system.  For simplicity’s sake, here is what I mean by these words:

Ego – the individual, focused, limited perspective, personality, and point of view of your human incarnation.

Desire – The movement of life force in you toward something that feels good to you.

Now, I know that you may have very different definitions for these words, but for now, at least you know what I’m talking about as I describe the effects of today’s jhe session.

When desire and ego are out of alignment with each other and with your essence, you travel a very rocky road.  I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that. 

Today’s session had a beautiful quality as the 2nd and 3rd chakras tuned in to the essence of their purpose and aligned with the 3 axes (this is all explained in greater depth in the book) for a truly harmonious expression.

I expect you to feel the results of this session in a few ways:

1 – A sense of calm.  Much like the calm after a storm, when your ego and your desires move from struggle and conflict to peace and partnership, there’s this feeling of prosperity. 

Your whole personality becomes:

  • brighter
  • more alert,
  • more interested
  • more enthusiastic
  • and more open to authentic interactions with others

2 – Confidence.  When the ego stops trying to prove its worthiness, your true brilliance and talent come forward and you can feel the value of your uniqueness in a way that has momentum.  It is also truly appreciative of the uniqueness in others. Your confidence is not threatened by the success of others and so you become a bright light to others.

3 – Home Runs.  You become more effective, more efficient, and more able to complete things successfully with one effort.  Things that might have taken months get done in one day.  Things that might have taken years get done in one week.  How can that be?  Your heightened alignment makes you so much clearer an efficient that you sail through things with no obstructions.

Thank you for being a part of this jhe session.

With Love,


Inner Peace: Juggling Daily Details

The focus of the February 2009 Law of Attraction group coaching call was "information overload" and I thought this video summed it up perfectly.  We feel we are juggling so many things and yet look how graceful it can be!


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I wonder if you’ve been feeling any of the craziness of information overload like I have been lately.  I can be calm one minute and then as soon as things get complicated where I thought they’d be simple, or there are just too many buttons to push to get to a live operator, or something just takes me to my limit, I kind of snap.  I hate to admit it but there are a couple of tech support people who I’ll be doing Ho’oponopono about for quite a while (I love you. I’m sorry…).

Anyway, that’s why I decided to make the February Results Workshop about finding your sweet focus and your balanced inner alignment in the face of the multitude of details that we face day after day.

I figured this would be of value to others and I knew this exploration would be helpful to me.

What I hadn’t anticipated was the intense shift that would happen in me after the workshop.

During the live call one of the very generous participants put his life on display and gave us an enormous gift.  Because the unfolding that came from his sharing, there was an opening of the door, at least in me, to a heightened awareness of the Divinity in everything.

The dish towel. 

The plastic spoon I use to scoop out the dog food. 

The chair. 

The garbage pail. 

I have heard it said, “There is no spot where God is not.”  Well, somehow that experience was awakened in me about a day after the workshop.  Funny how these things happen in ways that I certainly cannot explain.

And if you know me, you know I really love explaining things.  But sometimes I know to just leave it alone.

I hope you enjoy the video that I’ve placed here on this post.  I thought it was the most perfect display of turning information overload into a graceful work of art.

You can still get the 3 audio segments of the workshop plus the mp3 of the call that went on for over 2 hours.


With Love and Appreciation,

YOFA is based on the book “Rooted in the Infinite”
Find out more at