Love Your Challenges
Quick Tips for Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire: Bite Sized Applications of Law of Attraction – Episode #2

YOFA podcast Love Your ChallengesIn this episode of  "Quick Tips for Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire: Bite Sized Applications of Law of Attraction" Rebbie gives  you a simple technique for loving your challenges.  It’s easy to feel down when you’re challenged in your body, mind or emotions. . . or when your relationships or finances are not going the way you intended.

But those rough times can actually be the starting point of magnificent manifestations.  It begins with loving your challenges.  Listen in. . .

episode 2

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Post your insights about this podcast as a comment below and you could win free admission to the next monthly Law of Attraction Results teleseminar and webcast. Tell us why or how you are loving your challenges and affirm your joy regardless of circumstances.  


Today’s YOFA jhe Session 7-26-08

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today.

This was an excellent session.

To sum it up in one word, I would characterize this session as ease.

You may notice the results of this session in several ways:

The ease may show up in your body as a release of deep tissue tension that you have been holding for a very ling time.  When that ease occurs in your structure, the results can be seen physically as increased range of motion, greater flexibility of joints and greater strength in muscles.  You may feel it as a more relaxed and upright posture.  Your posture may spontaneously become more energetically upright.

The emotional counterpart to this ease feels like you greet life with an internal smile. You expect the best and give people the benefit of the doubt.  This soft approach to each new moment of now brings many wonderful surprises.  Fear, worry, anxiety, anger, and depression cannot live in this field.  They disperse and disappear.  And what is left is who you really are, which is always brilliantly joyful.

Since this session begins with where you are, the results you notice will be movement in the direction I have just described.  If you have been struggling and challenged physically and/or emotionally, this session may simply manifest as a peaceful sleep or a moment of noticing beauty in nature.  You can recognize that as a moment of access to greater ease.

I am deeply grateful for the privilege of doing this jhe session for you.

Love and Blessings,

You can get the f ree 5 part audio e-course
"3 Simple Ways You Can Accelerate
Your Healing Before You Even Go to Bed
Tonight" at: