When do you take action?

“What is the definition of procrastination? It means: I can feel within my Energy sensor that this action is not in perfect alignment at this time.” — Abraham-Hicks

I know a lot of people who believe that you must push through your resistance, break through your procrastination, and “feel the fear and do it anyway.”

Hmmm.  I have been listening to Abraham for so many years that the pushing through idea just doesn’t cut it.  So when I notice that I am procrastinating, I have taken to aligning my axes in preparation for successful action.

Want to Try This?

The forward flowing Z-axis, the one marked by the path before you, is the place where the block is.  So, to move forward, what you can do is to first tend to the Y-axis.  This is the vertical axis that runs through your upright spine.  After some time in Y-axis meditation, the Z-axis finds its own flow and action becomes spontaneous, inspired, and fruitful.

The Y and Z-axis meditations are fully described in the book Rooted in the Infinite. Look inside the book here.


Inner Alignment Meditation: The Time is Now

Rooted in the Infinite

You carry the now around with you.  I know that may seem like a strange way to understand your relationship with the mystical now.  If you get really quiet, you might be able to feel the now breathing through the vertical energy of your spine.  I like to call that your energetic spine.  And I like to call the vertical axis that runs through your upright spine the Y-axis.   And so the Y-axis meditation (which is how we align with the vertical) offers a direct route to awakening to the now within our awareness.

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Meditation for Spiritual Awareness

If you come to the YOFA system of Inner Alignment seeking spiritual awareness and upliftment, the Y-axis meditation is all that is needed. Its orientation gives you access to the spiritual awakening that you seek.

Meditation for All Other Reasons

If you come to this system seeking healing, loving relationships, prosperity and all other forms of joyful manifestation, the Y-axis meditation is the starting point.  It’s always the starting point.  And no other axis can replace it.  At least not as long as you are living here on earth!

(You can find out the inner meaning of the 3 dimensions and the 3 axes and their relationship to the earth in Rooted in the Infinite.)

So you can see that your alignment with the vertical is a fundamental aspect of the YOFA system.  As you work with the meditations in the book, I’d like you to give special attention to the Y-axis.  Like the trunk of a tree, it is the basis from which everything else that we do in this system branches.

Try This

Sit upright.  Feel the vertical “up force” as it lifts you from within. Allow all your muscles to relax so that you become a vertically balanced system.  Energy within you moves up and your relaxed muscles cooperate with gravity.  Feel the peace and stability that result from this awareness.  This is a wonderful structure for the now to live in as you.

Harmonizing Desire and Ego -Today’s YOFA jhe Session


[mc src=”http://jhe.s3.amazonaws.com/YOFA-jhe-Session-3-6-09.mp3″/]


I did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today (including the free list).

Today’s session focused on the harmony between desire and ego.

People use both these words in so many different ways that I hesitate to even use them here.  There is no way to know what meanings they conjure for you and since they are so loaded, they usually cause some emotion.

If you have a copy of Rooted in the Infinite handy, you can refer to chapter 12 for a full explanation of the meaning of desire and ego in the YOFA system.  For simplicity’s sake, here is what I mean by these words:

Ego – the individual, focused, limited perspective, personality, and point of view of your human incarnation.

Desire – The movement of life force in you toward something that feels good to you.

Now, I know that you may have very different definitions for these words, but for now, at least you know what I’m talking about as I describe the effects of today’s jhe session.

When desire and ego are out of alignment with each other and with your essence, you travel a very rocky road.  I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that. 

Today’s session had a beautiful quality as the 2nd and 3rd chakras tuned in to the essence of their purpose and aligned with the 3 axes (this is all explained in greater depth in the book) for a truly harmonious expression.

I expect you to feel the results of this session in a few ways:

1 – A sense of calm.  Much like the calm after a storm, when your ego and your desires move from struggle and conflict to peace and partnership, there’s this feeling of prosperity. 

Your whole personality becomes:

  • brighter
  • more alert,
  • more interested
  • more enthusiastic
  • and more open to authentic interactions with others

2 – Confidence.  When the ego stops trying to prove its worthiness, your true brilliance and talent come forward and you can feel the value of your uniqueness in a way that has momentum.  It is also truly appreciative of the uniqueness in others. Your confidence is not threatened by the success of others and so you become a bright light to others.

3 – Home Runs.  You become more effective, more efficient, and more able to complete things successfully with one effort.  Things that might have taken months get done in one day.  Things that might have taken years get done in one week.  How can that be?  Your heightened alignment makes you so much clearer an efficient that you sail through things with no obstructions.

Thank you for being a part of this jhe session.

With Love,


Today’s YOFA jhe Session 02-03-09

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for the list (including the free list) today.

As a result of today’s session I expect you to feel a noticeable sense of inner peace, calm, and cheerfulness arising in you regardless of circumstances.

The focus of today’s session was balance.  I expect you to feel this mostly in the form of emotional balance.  This was primarily an X-axis session (for more about the meaning of the 3 axes, please refer to Rooted in the Infinite).  I usually comment on the value of aligning the X-axis for physical healing, and today’s session will certainly make its energetic contribution in that direction, but mostly today’s session will make its presence known in your emotional life.

Well, let me say that in a different way.  The place where the feeling of the physical body and the feeling of the emotions touch, that is where you will most likely feel the effect of this session.

And it feels like you are being supported, lifted, cushioned, fueled, like you have wind in your sails, like you have more power in your engine than you would ever need and so you can relax, like you have such a real knowing of the infinite that you can thoroughly enjoy the finite.

  • In your body this can feel like a relaxing of muscles and a fluidity of movement.
  • In your relationships this can feel like independence and solid partnership.
  • And in your emotions this can feel like a knowing that all is well.  It quickly evolves into colorful appreciation of whatever is in front of you.  It is an awakening of a deepened awareness of the now in a balanced being (you).

Everyone will feel this in a different way, but you will know it is the effect of this session when you feel strikingly balanced in a situation that would usually push your buttons, stress you out, or down right tip you over.  When you see that you are not only still standing but you are maybe even still smiling, you know you have awakened a new level of alignment within yourself.

Thank you for giving me the privilege of doing this jhe session for you.

With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
For Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
Manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The
Infinite."  http://RootedintheInfinite.com

Subscribe to YOFA videos on YouTube:


Today’s YOFA jhe Session 10-10-08

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today.

This session focused on the Z-axis for opening the vortex to the fulfillment of your heart’s desire regarding your work and the activity of your life. 

Whether you are running for political office or you are managing the laundry and the dishes, this session supports you in staying in your truth in each moment and leads you to extraordinary fulfillment.

Inner alignment organizes your energy field for the reception of your desires along all three axes.  (For a full understanding of how desires move along different axes please read Rooted in the Infinite.)

Today’s session focused on the path as it leads you to the fulfillment of your greatness.  It guides you in each now to and through continual expression of your greatness.

Regardless of circumstances, you are more keenly tuned to how your greatness interfaces with each moment and you express in ways that cumulatively become your life’s work, your work of art, your brilliant contribution to the manifestation we call life on earth. 

Every movement of your spirit, from the thoughts in your mind to the work of your hands, touches the All and it reflects back to you.  Today’s alignment supports your most graceful movements of spirit, consistent with the desires of your heart.  The reflection becomes a life of deep satisfaction, love and beauty.

As a result of this session I expect you to see noticeable advancement in your work.  It could be a raise (yes, even in this economy!) or an expansion of your business.  It could be an acknowledgement or praise of your work (your kids tell you they like your cooking or the local newspaper does a story about you.)  If you receive the alignment deeply, this acknowledgement will come sincerely and authentically from you.  It comes in the form of deep acceptance of your journey and love for your dear self.

I am so grateful for the opportunity to do this session for you.

Thank you.

With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
For Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
Manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The
Infinite."  http://RootedintheInfinite.com

Follow me on twitter:

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 10-3-08


I did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today (including the free list)

Listen to the update here:

[mc src=”http://jhe.s3.amazonaws.com/jhe-all-free-10-3-08.output.mp3″/]

For a full exploration of the metaphysical aspects of the 3 axes of the world you live in, please read Rooted in the Infinite.

If you found your way here and you are not yet on the jhe list, please click HERE to join.

Do you like getting the session update as an audio message?

Please leave a comment to let me know.

With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
for Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The
Infinite."  http://RootedintheInfinite.com

Follow me on twitter:

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 8-29-08

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today.

On page 133 of Rooted in the Infinite you’ll find "the paradox of desire."

Today’s session centers you in that paradox so that you can live fruitfully in your desires while happy and centered in your now.

This session focused on the second chakra where the Y and Z-axes intersect.  What a powerful place in the energy body!  You can augment the power of this session by doing the exercises in the back of the book.

As a result of this session I expect you to find several different shifts in you.

The first has to due with timing, rhythm, and patterns that happen over time.  These patterns become more evenly rhythmic and more soothing as you come into alignment.

  • For the women on the list, this can mean an alleviation of the symptoms of menstruation and menopause (glad I’m on the list!).
  • For everyone on the list, this session can certainly help you meet your deadlines, find yourself "in the right place at the right time," and find yourself more harmoniously flowing with the passage of time. (And what can be better than that?)

Second, this session supports you in relating optimistically and joyfully with your unfulfilled desires.  In that way it indirectly helps them to manifest.

As I ‘m typing this, it all sounds so vague.  Hmmm.   This really was an intense alignment and I expect you to feel results from it in an unmistakable way.

As for your body, this session supports the energy of your reproductive organs.

Disclaimer: As always, this session is not meant to diagnose or treat medical conditions.

With Love and Appreciation,

To begin an inner alignment practice
For Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
Manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The
Infinite."  http://RootedintheInfinite.com

Follow me on twitter:

Abraham-Hicks on Appreciation

I knew it might stir up a bit of controversy but it seemed worth it. 

It was my intention, in offering the post and video of Byron Katie on money, to bring something to light about the process of manifestation. 

Did it work? 

In response to Andrew’s comment (and I think he speaks for many) I thought I’d explain this a bit further.

I want to show you different ways that you can instantly release your fears and anxieties about money. 

Then 2 things happen.  

  1. You get happier in your now.
  2. You open yourself to more satisfying manifestations.

I like to talk about these different desires as running along the different axes of our 3 dimensional world and body. (I explain this all in great detail in Rooted in the Infinite. )

Now, here is where it gets interesting.

Those 2 things that happen when you release resistance are happening along 2 different axes.

Let’s look at it again:

  1. You get happier in your now. 
  •  This happens on the Y-axis.  It resides in your upright spine.  It aligns you with spirit and give you access to Infinite Consciousness.   
  1. You open yourself to more satisfying manifestations. 
  •  This happens on your Z-axis.  It resides in your forward facing awareness of time and journey.  It aligns you with the preferences of your unique incarnation and the choices you make as an individual creative being.

So, we can see Byron Katie’s message as a Y-axis teaching or what we would traditionally call a spiritual teaching.  It does not depart from the now.

And we can see the Science of Deliberate Creation as more of a Z-axis teaching.  It focuses on the journey and reveals the process of manifestation.

And once Abraham strated calling this "The Art of Allowing," the focus came back toward the Y-axis.

And both axes live in your body and your world.

The Abraham-Hicks video above bridges the two.  Any true Z-axis teaching must be based in the Y-axis.  And Abraham is.

The harmony between the 3 axes and their native desires is at the heart of our YOFA Training.  The mystical meeting point of the three is the center point of consciousness. 

The art of aligning these 3 axes is:

I know this is a bit abstract.   I hope you find it useful.

The harmony between your Y-axis and Z-axis desires is revealed in the living of your life in every moment.

Your comments are welcome.

With Love and Appreciation,

To begin an inner alignment practice for
Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
Manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in
The Infinite."   Lots of f ree bonuses at: http://RootedintheInfinite.com

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 6-21-08

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for the list (including the free list) today.

This session brings joy to your decision-making. 

This session helps you step out of your habit-based, sometimes self destructive, patterns and brings you to a place of making choices from your inner knowing. 

It bridges your innate magnificence with your daily activities and your choices and actions.

This can manifest in small things like whether or not to eat that cookie. 

It can manifest in larger things like whether or not to marry that person.

More importantly, it manifests in the flow of how you conduct yourself in you life and brings skill in all areas by connecting your personality-consciousness with your Source.

As a result of this session, I expect you to make decisions more quickly and with more clarity.  You may find yourself more easily tapping into your inner knowing and moving forward with authority. 

If you are a teacher, a parent, a coach, a supervisor, a doctor, in political office, or in any other position of leadership, this session will add to your charisma as a leader and will help you to tap into your highest purpose and lead with wisdom, compassion, and power.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I added an extension onto this session today for the Inner Circle.

Inner Circle members,  this extension carried today’s alignment out along the Z-axis for the fulfillment of life long dreams. (For a full explanation of the metaphysics of the 3 axes, plese read Rooted in the Infinite.)

As a result of this part of the session, I expect you to feel unreasonably happy.

Out of that, comes:

  • things given to you
  • things "dropping in your lap"
  • and the feeling of bright sunshine on your projects.

As you get greater clarity with your decision-making, you manifest things with greater ease.  I have the image of you rubbing your eyes (to make sure you are really seeing what you are seeing) in amazement at your new creation.

This is the direction that this session established.

To everyone on the Free, Active, and Inner Circle lists, today’s session was strong and I expect you to see noticeable results.

With Love and Appreciation,
Get the f ree eCourse "7 Secrets for
Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire" –
You’ll get the first lesson
Instantly: http://yofa.net/7secret.html

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 6-20-08

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today.

This session focused on the well being of your physical body.

The effect is one of detoxification.

Energies of conflict that block your manifestation of jhe can be invisible to you.  In this session some of the yukky murky energy toxins got cleared.

Like turning muddy water to clear clean water, this session opened a space of clarity in the Y-axis and allowed that to flow along the X-axis to the physical body. This clean clear flow of life force promotes joyful harmonious expressiveness in every cell, organ, and function of your body.

For more about the axes and how they promote physical well-being, please read Rooted in the Infinite.

As a result of this session I expect you to feel better.  Things like muscle and joint pain, which are often the result of toxicity, may be reduced or gone completely.  If you do not have this type of pain, this session can result in increased flexibility and stamina.

With the release of energetic toxicity, you may also have a corresponding release of physical toxins.  If you have an unusual smell to your sweat or other body "byproducts" that is a very good sign of cleansing of the material of your body.

I am honored to do this session for you.  I wish you great clarity and joy in your body.

With Love and Appreciation,

Get the f ree eCourse "7 Secrets for Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire" – You’ll get the first lesson Istantly: http://yofa.net/7secret.html