Turning Judgments into Salad

A YOFA Stroll through Central ParkWhat a magnificent day!

Stroll with me through Central Park as I share with you what I did on the lunch break of the workshop I was attending.   I had fun and discovered a key to  the paradox of judgments that might just change me forever.

Here is the second recording  I made for you about my experiences this past weekend. (Part 1 is here.)

[mc id=”651″ type=”audio”]Turning Judgments into Salad[/mc]

I invite you to join me in this perspective (listen to the recording) when you find yourself judging or being judged. It lightens your load, eases your burden, and lets you move forward with your heart as your guide.

Love is the Answer,


To find out more about the YOFA System of Inner Alignment, please visit www.YOFA.net

YOFA Meditation for Upliftment

YOFA Meditation to Reverse Holiday DepressionClick the play button below to listen to this post.

As we get close to the holidays it seems like some people get very happy and full of holiday cheer.

Others have a tendency to get depressed.

Still others are dealing with major life challenges and while they may really want to feel happy and full of cheer, they find it difficult to get into the spirit.

[mc id=”425″ type=”audio”]Quick Tips for Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire: Bite Sized Applications of Law of Attraction – A YOFA Meditation to Move from Holiday Depression to Natural Upliftment[/mc]

So, today, I want to give you a very quick meditation that you can use to lift your spirits just in case you are struggling with any of the difficult emotions that tend to ride in on the holidays.  And as an aside, if you deal with depression you can visit the website http://yofa.net/getlight and sign up for the free program there that will help you find a completely new way feeling better emotionally.

So, we’re talking about lifting your spirits but, actually, the expression “lift your spirits” is not very accurate.

Here’s why:

From the perspective of your physical human personality, your spirit is always rising.  It’s like a helium balloon. It is lighter than air.  It lives in the up direction.

I’ve been talking a lot about the Y-axis lately.  There is this vertical line of force that runs through your upright spine.  I call this the Y-axis and it is what you might want to call the spiritual axis within the human system.  And there is startling information on the Y-axis and how to engage it in meditation in the book Rooted in the Infinite.  More than I can go into here.  You can find out more at http://rootedintheinfinite.com/

So the Y-axis is the vertical line of energy running through your upright spine.

It provides what I like to call the “up-force.”  And so you don’t lift your spirits.  And a good movie or a loving friend’s phone call doesn’t lift your spirits.

It feels like it does.

But what is really going on here is what we think of as that “uplifting” influence helps you release your resistance to the already lifted state of your spirit.

And once there is even a little bit less resistance, you feel uplifted.  You know how they cut the sandbags off a hot air balloon and it goes up?  Well, when you cut the sandbags of resistance off of your awareness, your sprit lifts.

It lifts all by itself.  That is its natural state:  Upliftment. Joy. Empowerment. Freedom.

So, if you feel worried, anxious or depressed, you can cut some of those emotional sandbags and find some relief.  And in some cases this can happen very quickly.

Now, here’s the peculiar part of all this.

When we feel heavy and depressed, when we feel overburdened and hopeless, we have a tendency to get confused about what to do about it.

This Doesn’t Work…

And since we know all about gravity, we believe that what goes up must come down so we try to “lift our spirits.”

But this doesn’t really work.

When you try to lift your spirits, you are in effect trying to hold up your own Y-axis. (Remember, the Y-axis is the vertical line of energy that runs through your upright spine. And its natural direction is up.)

That would be like getting in a hot air balloon and trying to lift the balloon with your muscle power.  You won’t go very far.

This Does Work

But when you cut the sandbags and let the hot air balloon do what it naturally does, you go up.

And the same is true emotionally.

When you release resistance and let your sprit do what it naturally does, you feel uplifted.

When you release your burden you naturally rise.

So, today, I’d like to give you a very quick little Y-axis meditation that is intended to have the effect of lifting your sprits.  But you and I both know that that is not what it is doing at all.

It does feel that way though.

This mediation is actually intended to help you release resistance so that you naturally and effortlessly feel better emotionally.  This is another Y-axis meditation.

Try This:

Sit upright, and close your eyes.

Sense, feel, or visualize a beam of white light running vertically through the center of you.  It begins at the center of the earth and continues through you and beyond, into the unknown reaches of the sky.

Your body is like a straw and this light energy pours through it in the most easy and comfortable way imaginable.

This beam of light is made of pure love.  It feels peaceful and kind.  As it flows through you it is infinitely compassionate toward you. Feel your posture shift to accommodate your growing awareness of this core of love that flows through your energetic spine.

And as you become more and more aware of this energy, whether you can feel it or not, whether your can picture it or not, even if it is just a thought in your mind, as you become more and more aware of this energy, its field of love and peace and ease and acceptance of all that you are begins to permeate your body.  All your cells become magnetized to this unconditional love at the core of you.

This peace permeates your mind so that all thought forms turn themselves around in space until they find an alignment that is harmonious with the love and peace at the core of you.

For just these few moments, your mind and body rest, floating in the field of love and peace that is generated by the love light flowing through the straw of your human instrument.

You can stay in this awareness and bask in the energy field for as long as you like.  When you are ready open your eyes and step into your life empowered by this alignment.

With Love and Appreciation,

PS. – Right now You can get the complete recordings of a YOFA Y-axis Law of Attraction Workshop ($35 value) for free when you buy Revolutioniz by midnight Friday, December 11.

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 07-18-09

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for you who are on the jhe list today.

To best embrace the benefit of this session, please (re)read the part of chapter 12 of Rooted in the Infinite that addresses the ego.  If you don’t have much time, read the section called "Ego as Distortion" on page 121.

As a result of this session, I expect you to feel like someone washed your windows.

Clarity, precision, and equanimity in your perception quickly turn into wisdom and compassion in your personality. 

That is the effect of this session. 

Today’s alignment goes a long way toward evaporating the distortions created by the resistant aspect of the ego. 

To say that in a positive way, today’s alignment helps you purify your desires. 

It brings you in touch with the brilliance, talent, and unique value of your human instrument.  I sometimes refer to this as the positive aspect of ego.  It is ego as instrument.

Here are some of the effects you may notice.  You may notice both of them or this may work completely under the surface.  Either way, this is the movement that is generated by today’s jhe session.

  • Your Desires — Your desires begin to feel very good to you when your mind lands on them.  Even desires that usually create a feeling of frustration or even despair, start to feel more fresh and exciting. And of course, this brings them closer to fruition.
  • Your Relationships — You see others in a more positive light.  Even thinking of, or encountering, those who usually annoy you or even trigger rage does not bother you in the same way.  This is because today’s alignment gives you access to much more interest in the richness of your own experience.  Displeasure with, disappointment with, and disapproval of others simply cannot compete with the power of your engagement with your own true journey through life. 

So, you naturally engage more of your attention with the purity of your desires.  And your negative attention to others naturally atrophies.  It just dissolves. And as it does, so does the hurt you have been causing yourself through your attention to what is not wanted. And ironically, you actually give the other person more space to become the way you want them to be by releasing your mental grip on their apparent flaws.

Many teachers talk about the ego as a purely negative phenomenon that we want nothing to do with.  I call this only half of the ego.  And this session moves you toward a natural, easy, pleasant, effortless release of that part of the ego that is made of resistance.

So what about the other half of ego?  It is the joy of being a focused, individual point of consciousness.  It is the pure expression of your uniqueness.  It is the gift that is beyond measure that you give to the world.  And that gift is expanded as you increase your ability to be purely yourself. 

So, to summarize, this session brightens your light, expands the gift that you are, and makes you more attractive, more appreciated, more enjoyed by others. 

This is a cultivation of your unique brilliance. 

Your expression may intensify or take new forms.  If you are an artist, keep your brushes, violin, pencil, etc. handy. I think you will be pouring through your chosen medium in new and satisfying ways. 

If you do not see yourself as an artist, you may quickly realize that your everyday life is a brilliant work of art.  Joyful harmonious expressiveness (jhe) can take infinite forms.


With Love and Appreciation,

YOFA is based on the book "Rooted in the Infinite"
Find out more at http://RootedintheInfinite.com

Self Healing: Inner Alignment Brings Inner Peace

free-pictures-blue-butterfly-nature-Lionoche.jpgHave you ever experienced the quiet, gentle beauty of butterflies fluttering by on the breeze of the most beautiful spring day?  

As I write this, it is gray and rainy out with not a butterfly in physical sight. I simply use this image to describe the feeling of a delicate awareness that all is well. This feeling is the basis of spiritual self healing. And in the face of internal or external storms, this feeling can still be present. The feeling of the soft and comforting presence of the butterfly’s dance in the air can still describe your inner state, regardless of conditions.  

One swift way to achieve this is through the practice of inner alignment.

Inner alignment can have the effect of vacuuming the clutter and debris from your energetic field and allowing the scintillating beauty of your essence to show its magnificent light.  And since this light is not necessarily one we see with our physical eyes, we feel it more readily with our intuitive abilities.

  • It feels like a smooth, evenly distributed sense of wholeness. 
  • It is light and airy.
  • It is sparkly and dynamic.
  • It fills you and surrounds you.   

 With this beautiful energy field running through the center of your awareness, the best in you comes forward easily.   Things that seemed like a problem just earlier in the day, may suddenly seem laughable. When this happens, consider it a good sign that you have clicked into alignment with your essence and your spiritual healing is underway.  

In your body, this can manifest as a feeling of peace and ease. With your muscles less involved in patterns of tension, you have more strength, energy, and stamina for the things you love to do.  

In your relationships, this can manifest as patience. You may find yourself more comfortable with the moments of silence, more easy if you find yourself in the presence of the pain of others, and more compassionate and less quick to get your own issues triggered by the opinions and actions of others. This makes you a very good friend, partner, parent, and leader.  

Regarding material manifestation, this effect of inner alignment can help you more deeply appreciate the things you do have so that your desires become clarified and deeply felt. This brings forward very satisfying manifestations when they do occur. And it also brings forward surprisingly satisfying moments before the manifestation.  

Cultivating your inner alignment benefits you in more ways than you can know. And so the joyful manifestations keep rolling in like waves on the shore as you continue to achieve greater states of alignment.

And now I’d like to invite you to begin a practice of inner alignment with the book Rooted in the Infinite http://RootedintheInfinite.com

You can also develop your inner alignment for spiritual awareness, healing, financial abundance, and loving relationships with YOFA inner alignment sessions at http://AlignmentforHealing.com

Also, be sure to get your Free eCourse "7 Secrets for Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire" http://www.yofa.net

You’ll receive 3 simple lessons by email that can transform your life and bring you into alignment with the desires of your heart. This helps you manifest more joyfully, with more ease, and in a way that makes life more fulfilling.

Law of Attraction: Love Your Resistance?

simple.gifEvery month I give an online workshop for a small group of advanced students of Law of Attraction.  The workshop consists of recordings, processes, and then a live teleseminar/webcast.

In the last workshop, I had the participants draw a map of their journey in a way that promotes profound compassion for your past.  This process grew out of a realization I had that involved B.B. King, yogurt, TImes Square, and the Catresian coordinates. I won’t take you through the whole trail of events but the short version of the story is that there is trememdous power in embracing past resistance.  We don’t often think kindly toward our negative staes, but there is a time to love them and it is simple: always love past resistance in the now.  The result is major release of resistance in the now.

Here is an email I received about this workshop :

Dear Rebbie:

I want to say THANK YOU to you, Kathy and Grace for a FANTASTIC workshop last night.  It was perfect for me.  I had not completely finished the homework due to scheduling but I had done enough to understand what was going on with the drawing of the picture etc.  Having done a Visioning seminar this past weekend in Chicago with Michael Beckwith and Rickie Byars Beckwith, I was in a strange zone and I guess not courageous enough to be live on the phone with you all.  I went online instead.  So the experience of Kathy’s cruise helped me tremendously.  I am still in a zone and have to go through the uncomfortable feelings to get to the next step in my expansion, but I wanted to express my deepest and sincere gratitude to you for all you give me.  I may be silent during this time but I am here.

Have a magnificent day.


Linda’s email reminded me that not everyone wants to share and participate, and there are those moving quietly and privately through this material.  And so this is a quick note to let you know that whether you participate on the call or not, you are included in the space of the workshops and your energy contributes to the advancement of everyone’s process.

Once again, that part is invisible, but it’s there. 

The great authenticity you bring to your own private work with the lessons uplifts the whole group. Thank you to all who are part of the YOFA Results Workshop — vocal or silent.

  • To register for this workshop and go through the full process with the recordings.  CLICK HERE
  • To become a monthly member CLICK HERE


Chocolate vs. Cacao

David Wolfe is one of the thought leaders lined up to transform your life as you know it. 

The Masters Gathering is not just about your prosperity and your enbrightenment, it’s about transforming what you are through what you eat.

Did you know that cacao is one of the most potent antioxidants you can eat? David Wolfe has knowledge, expertise, and passion on the subject of food that can completely rearrange the way you think about this body that you live in.

In fact, just a small portion of his delicious information, added to your daily routine, can rearrange your body’s biochemistry in a way that energizes your life beyond what you now think is possible.

Now, please let me apologize.  I have been talking to you about The Masters Gathering and building it up and then it closed almost as soon as it opened.

It seems so many people went to sign up at the same time that the servers crashed.  

Bad for them but good for you.  

Since lots of people who tried to sign up couldn’t, the doors are now open again. You have another chance to claim your spot.


And please be sure to send me an email once you sign up so that I can send you my exclusive bonus.

You’ll get my 72 minute audio recording "Authenticity, Mastery and Compassion" for free.  This talk is guaranteed to shift your understanding of mastery and give you a new simple way to approach your own life as a journey of authenticity.  The result is a masterful and compassionate being who is the most authentic expression of you.

Be sure to sign up for the Masters Gathering through a link in one of my emails or one of my blog posts to qualify for this free gift. If you’re not sure what link you clicked to join, send me an email (send it to rebbie(at)yofa.net) with your receipt number so we can check. . .


With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
for Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The
Infinite."  http://RootedintheInfinite.com

Subscribe to YOFA videos on YouTube:

Prosperity: Masters of The Masters Gathering – How to Get Extra Bonuses


There are 3 parts to this blog post.
1 – The Video 
Watch the video above for a quick empowerment exercise and to find out more about the "Masters."  You can pause the video if the annotations go by too quickly.
2 – How to Get Extra Unadvertised Bonuses
Listen to this post here:
[mc src=”http://blogaudio.s3.amazonaws.com/prosper/prosperitybonusamc.mp3″/]
This is Rebbie from http://YOFA.net and I have a quick important update for you.  I know you’re very busy so I’ll make this super brief.  Please listen or read through this one to the end.

I’ve been forwarding along to you all these great videos and material from the Masters Gathering.

And I know that you are probably going to be inspired to join the Masters Gathering which opens today at noon Eastern Time.

Now here is the important part.

What I want you to know before you register is that I am offering a special bonus – maybe more than one bonus, to those who sign up through this special link

This is the only link that will give you my exclusive bonuses.

So what are these exclusive bonuses that you can only get by registering through the link  http://TheMastersGatheringDiscount.com ?

Well, since interacting with these masters inspires a strong desire for mastery in us, I am offering the full first hour recording of my teleseminar "Authenticity, Mastery and Compassion." 

This recoding is currently only available to members of the YOFA jhe Sessions Inner Circle.

If you’re interested in experiencing mastery, this recording will give you: 

  • a whole new definition of what it means to have mastery in your life
  • and it gives you a pathway to get there.
That is one definite bonus you will receive but only if you use the link with the word "discount" before the "dot com."

Now, If there are enough people and if there is enough interest I will also offer another bonus.  I will hold a teleseminar where we will together explore the next step in your expression of your innate mastery.

So if these exclusive offerings interest you, please be sure, when you sign up to either click on a link in an email from me or go directly to

I look forward to hearing about your increasing sense of enbrightentment, empowerment, and mastery in the living of your unique and magnificent incarnation.

With Love,
PS – Please tell your friends.  *** The more people who sign up through my link, the more bonuses I will add.

3 – The Email
Here is the email I received that explains all this:

 Do you feel teased by the promise of "The Secret"
and The Law of Attraction?

Are you itching to know EXACTLY what you have
to do to produce specific results…

Do you find yourself on that merry-go-round of
hope and doubt…

Well, today is YOUR day!

Unless you’ve been hiding under the metaphorical
"rock", you no doubt have heard about the largest
collection of the world’s transformation experts

See all the Masters involved, listen to their
personal messages, and click this link to join

Over two hundred thousand people have already watched
the TMG underground videos with "The Secret" stars John
Assarf, Loral Langemeier, & Joe Vitale.

If you haven’t seen these yet, go here before they
remove them:


If you’ve been struggling to turn your life around,
and manifest what you REALLY want at lightning
speed, I urge you to be in front of your computer
today at 12pm Eastern.

They’re going to blow the doors wide open and and
bare it all, including

* how to staunch the financial bleeding

* how to blast through blockages, challenges, and stress

* why you may be attracting EXACTLY the
things you don’t want and what to do about it

So at exactly Noon EST, the first 5000 to be at their
computers will have the opportunity to join all of
our Masters in The Masters Gathering and be given
the golden keys to the castle.

When you get inside, you will dissolve your limitations,
so you can fly down the street and attain goals that
you never thought possible.


I know I’ll be there.

P.S. If you are still waiting for your "Financial Bailout",
learn specifically what the wealthy are doing directly
from The Masters Gathering …

T.Harv Eker of "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind"

Bob Proctor of "You Were Born Rich"

John Assaraf of "The Answer"

Loral Langemeier of "The Millionaire Maker"

Bill Bartmann, Self Made Billionaire, 25th Wealthiest Person in America


How to Use the Elections to Tune Yourself to Your Essence

white-house.jpgThe U.S. presidential elections give us a rare opportunity to become masterful deliberate creators.

The rivaling campaigns are loud and clear and regardless of which candidate you prefer, you can use this rare moment to polish your human instrument and tune yourself to your essence.  

YOFA Listening

This is one of the most fruitful times you will ever encounter to apply your YOFA listening practice.

Here is how you do it.

Use this when listening to those you consider friends and foes alike.  Use this when listening to yourself.

And now, use this when listening to the candidates.

  • Acknowledge that every human being has a dual nature:
    • We all have a Divine spark which provides an essential stream of pure consciousness running thorough us. This aspect is innately loving, wise, and joyful.
    • We all have the limited perspective of our human personality.  This aspect can be allowing of the flow or resistant to it.  This aspect can experience pain and suffering due to its limited understanding of its circumstances.
  • Look for, recognize, and honor the Divine aspect in everyone you encounter including yourself.
  • Have compassion for the suffering of the human aspect (when you notice it) in everyone you encounter including yourself.

When you can authentically apply this listening practice to the candidates of both sides, you add huge power to your vote for your preferred candidate.  By removing the vilification of the other candidate from your consciousness, you remove resistance from your mix.  Your vote becomes not only part of the tally, but a vibrational vote for what you truly want for this country.

With your vibrational vote, you not only influence who wins the election, but you influence the outcomes of the actions of whomever does take office toward the fulfillment of your ideals for our country.

You also tune yourself to the love, joy, and wisdom that your Divine spark is always flowing within your human instrument.

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 7-30-08

I did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today.

Today’s session was focused on your ability to access wisdom even in challenging situations.

We sometimes confuse wisdom with knowledge but they are very different.  Simply sensing the difference is the doorway to wisdom.  (For an expanded distinction, refer to chapter 14 of Rooted in the Infinite.)

It can be easy to access wisdom when you are happy and clear.  But what about when you feel upset, burdened, or challenged physically, emotionally, financially, or in a relationship that is important to you?  Those are the times when wisdom is so valuable and we usually cannot access it in those very moments.  In fact, the upset itself is evidence of our disconnection from our inner knowing.

Today’s jhe session was a cultivation of the wisdom of the body, of the heart, of the elements within you.  Today’s jhe session encourages an alignment within you that "sneaks in" and "undermines your upset."  It brings the peace that comes with wisdom.

You may notice it in your relationships as a deep sense of compassion even if you are the target of someone’s anger.

You may notice this emergence of wisdom in your work as a clear sense of where to place your priorities and what to do next.

It may show up in your body as a feeling of centeredness and slower more careful motions.

If there is an area of your life that is particularly challenging, today’s session may give you some insight into yourself that moves you forward on that subject.

The wisdom that comes through in you is completely unique and so I’m speaking in broad generalities here because it can be so different for everyone that no words can easily describe this.  But when you feel that wisdom come though you it is unmistakable.  It is a rock solid knowing of something that opens the path before you, clears the clouds, and floods ease through your physical presence.

Thank you for being part of this YOFA jhe Session.

With Love and Appreciation,


Today’s YOFA jhe Session 7-2-08

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a  YOFA jhe Session for the list today.

As a result of this session I expect you to have what might be a new experience in your heart center.

It is a soft open feeling that changes the way you see things.  The physcialness of the things around you becomes filled with presence and beauty.  The knobs on your dresser, the light reflected in the drinking glass, the stem of an apple, the simplest things take on indescribably beauty when your heart loses its armor.

Today’s session focused on the Y-axis  with emphasis on the heart chakra and forgiveness. (To understand the mystical nature of the Y-axis and the role of the heart chakra in inner alignment, read Rooted in the Infinite.)

An affirmation to augment the power of this session would be, " I forgive and I am forgiven."

This session promotes an awareness of the now.  From this awareness comes all healing, prosperity, loving relationships, and what I like to call jhe.

Your Y-axis alignment is the basis for all other aspects of your inner alignment.  When your Y-axis opens and clears as a result of this alignment, the most obvious sensation is one of lightness and happiness.

  • If you have been ill or depressed, it can feel like a little relief.  
  • If you are involved in a  creative project it feels like inspiration.
  • If you are struggling in a relationship it feels like compassion.
  • If you are stressed financially, the alignment of the Y-axis reminds you of your true well being independent of circumstances.

Thank you for being an integral part of this session.

Love and Blessings,




You can get the f ree 5 part audio e-course "3 Simple Ways You Can Accelerate Your Healing Before You Even Go to Bed Tonight" at: 
