Today’s YOFA jhe Session 10-28-08

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today.

As a result of today’s session, I expect you to feel a beneficial cascade of energy flowing in the direction of your value.

It begins with a true appreciation and honoring of your value from deep within you. This is the seed, the first domino, the starting point. Free from conceit or false humility, this awareness of your innate value rings a pure tone of truth.

From there, your value is easily perceived by others. 

The next movement in the wave happens in your personal relationships. Difficulties in relationships may smooth themselves out. You may begin attracting new people in to your life who fulfill desires that have been long in coming.

Following on this wave is the financial wave that comes as your value is perceived by those who employ you or who pay for your goods or services. 

Beginning with an alignment on the subject of your own worth, you set a wave in motion that brings fulfillment in stunning ways.

Thank you for being a part of the jhe sessions.
With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
For Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
Manifestation, work with the exercises In te
Practice Section of “Rooted in The
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PS – A note about Last night’s “Results” workshop:

This was a full, step-by-step process of joyful manifestation. If you are a “Results” member, an Inner Circle member, or you were registered for that single workshop, be sure to listen to the recordings. 

We touched new ground in this call and I know this will help you in your ability to co-create the fulfillment of your desires with Law of Attraction.

If you were not part of that call, you can still buy the digital recordings here: