Heal Yourself – How Inner Alignment Brings
Clarity and Self Esteem

yofa_self_esteem.jpgYou have all the answers. No matter what the question, the answer lives inside of you.

By bringing yourself into alignment with your essence, you get access to your own true answers to every question. You heal your own state of confusion and low self esteem.


When your mind is flooded with too many options, too many opinions, and too much information, it can be difficult to find your own truth. But by spending a little time each day cultivating your inner alignment, you can find your own answers. You can self-heal your confusion and find clarity. (I like to call this healing a state of joyful harmonious expressiveness, or "jhe.")

Once you get even a glimpse of this clarity, you feel a renewed sense of grace and dignity.


Two of the many concrete results that emerge from this powerful state of inner alignment are:

  1. Clarity in an area where you have been confused or unsure.  What a relief to feel your true knowing, like a sword cutting through the chaos, once you know your own mind, you make decisions with ease. If there has been a big unanswered question fogging your awareness, developing a state of inner alignment can help clear the fog and reveal your own true answer. With this comes greater self esteem and self confidence.
  2. Not caring what others think. The freedom that reveals itself in you when you let go of caring about the opinions of others is enormous. Inner alignment helps you find your inner tone in such a stable way that the projected opinions of others fade in your awareness. You become a pure tone that reveals the beauty of your truth.

In your relationships, this alignment makes you charismatic and influential. It also makes you physically/energetically attractive.

In your work, this alignment makes you decisive, efficient, and effective. It brings you forward as a leader.

In your body, you may feel this as uplift. If you play basketball, practice your inner alignment right before you show off your jump shot.

To begin a process of inner alignment right now, sit upright and feel a vertical beam of light passing right through your energetic spine. Close your eyes and let the simplicity of this white light set the tone of your whole being. Set a timer for 68 seconds and immerse yourself in the pure and simple glow of this light until the timer beeps. Then resume your activities and notice the instant sense of clarity, dignity, and empowerment you feel.

Begin a practice of inner alignment with the book Rooted in the Infinite.  Develop your inner alignment for spiriutal awareness, healing, financial abundance, and loving relationships with YOFA inner alignment sessions at http://AlignmentforHealing.com

A Natural Approach for Depression


This email came in response to a recent jhe session.

I could not agree more on the effect of this JHE session.  I, too, have been feeling sad, depressed and out-of-sorts for over a week and nothing seemed to help, however, this morning when I awoke, I was a "new person".  I had "pep" in my step, felt joyous, relaxed and happy for the first time in over a week…..now I know why…JHE sessions!

Thank you so much…these sessions are priceless!

The Y-axis is very powerful and getting it into alignment might just give you some of the most concrete results when dealing with sadness and depression.

Disclaimer: These sessions neither diagnose nor treat medical conditions.  They simply support your innate well being.

2 ways to align the Y -axis:

1 – Do the exercises in Rooted in the Infinite

2 – Sign up for the jhe sessions.

If you know someone suffering from the heaviness of life, tell them about the "up force."  They can read about it in the book Rooted in the Infinite.
and they can begin feeling lisghter through a meditation practice that strengthens their alignment and allows the upforce to help them.

They can also sign up for the YOFA jhe Sessions where they might get immediate relief.  And by the way, the jhe sessions come with a full guarantee.

Find out more about How to Heal Depression through Inner Alignment HERE.

With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
For Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
Manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The
Infinite."  http://RootedintheInfinite.com

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