YOFA jhe Session: Desire and Freedom

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today (including the free list).

As a result of today’s session, I expect you to feel a shift in the way you experience desire and freedom.

For further understanding, read pages 133 – 134 on "The Paradox of Desire" in Rooted in the Infinite. When desire is pure and ringing with the tone of love, it creates inspired action and every step of the journey is awe-inspiring. It is in this spontaneous expression of the true desires of your heart that you experience freedom.

Today’s session created a state of inner alignment conducive to the free expression and satisfying fulfillment of the desires of your heart.

As a result of today’s session you may experience any (or all) of the following:

  • A deep sense of peace.
  • A new level of awareness of flow.
  • Finding something that was lost.
  • Regarding relationships:
    • If you are in a relationship: A more soulful intimate connection with your partner
    • If you are seeking a relationship: Opportunities present themselves as pleasant interactions with strangers, introductions by friends, surprising phone calls.
  • Regarding Money: Finding that you have money you didn’t know you had – this can be cash in the back of a drawer, or interest on an investment, or money you forgot you had lent that is now paid back, or any other surprising appearance of financial abundance.
  • Spontaneous singing, dancing, or any other burst of freedom that expresses your unique talent. If you are an artist of any kind and this happens, this might be a painting, or a recording, or a poem that you will want for your portfolio so have your pencil, or keyboard, or paintbrush handy.

To augment the effects of this session, use the Affirmative Contemplation recording "I Am Love" (any of the 3 versions).   You can hear samples of the recordings here: http://cdbaby.com/cd/rstraubing

The YOFA jhe Sessions offer an energy template of alignment to those on the list. This session was particularly potent and I expect you to feel the results in at least one of the ways listed above.  Probably more than one.  It might have happened already, before you’ve even read this.  It might happen within the next few days.

Thank you for being a part of this jhe session.  I consider it an honor and a privilege to offer this to you.

With Love and Appreciation,

PS = To those on the free list — Now you are in the space of the jhe sessions.  Things are moving in you energetically.  This is a perfect time to sign up as an active or inner circle member and begin seeing profound shifts in every area of your life.  This is a tool for bringing out the best in you and for expressing your most satisfying life journey. You can find out more and sign up at http://alignmentforhealing.com

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 01-02-09

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today (including the free list).

This was an unusually intense session and I expect you to notice a few things as a result.

In a general way, you may feel the energy as a lightness:  Like you have springs on your shoes or wings on your heart.

This feeling of energy or lightness, if you happen to feel a hint of it, is a sign that you have resonated powerfully with the alignment.  If you don’t feel it, that’s fine too.

More specifically, today’s session opens a pathway for you to live your life with a continual awakening of the love in your heart.

That translates into the nitty gritty of your life in some interesting ways.

For example:

The handling of money
– As you exchange currency with others, write checks, cash and deposit checks, pay for items that you buy, receive cash in your hand from others, all these exchanges of money transform when the heart is awakened in the process.  And so, a few things results from this:

  • Your relationship with the material world becomes beautified. 
  • You awaken to the richness of colors and textures and energy in inanimate things in a way that changes what money and material wealth mean to you. 
  • With a deep sense of appreciation for the material world and it’s energetic depth, you become a magnet for more things that make your heart sing.

Personal Relationships – As you interact with others, having the love in your heart awake and ready to participate in your unconscious word selection and the movement of your physical gestures, your relationships transform – sometimes in subtle ways, sometimes in dramatic ways.

Today’s session also had a harmonizing effect between the heart and the mind.  When those two centers are humming in a balanced and pleasing way, your life feels refreshing and you feel whole.

Of course these sessions are cumulative and the effect is ongoing, but this session was strong enough that I think you will find some specific results that ring true to what I’m talking about here.  You may have already felt it today or it may happen in the next day or two.

I consider it a great privilege to do this session for you and I thank you for you trust in me.

With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice
for Spiritual awareness, healing, and joyful
manifestation, work with the exercises In the
Practice Section of  "Rooted in The
Infinite."  http://RootedintheInfinite.com

Subscribe to YOFA videos on YouTube:

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 7-30-08

I did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today.

Today’s session was focused on your ability to access wisdom even in challenging situations.

We sometimes confuse wisdom with knowledge but they are very different.  Simply sensing the difference is the doorway to wisdom.  (For an expanded distinction, refer to chapter 14 of Rooted in the Infinite.)

It can be easy to access wisdom when you are happy and clear.  But what about when you feel upset, burdened, or challenged physically, emotionally, financially, or in a relationship that is important to you?  Those are the times when wisdom is so valuable and we usually cannot access it in those very moments.  In fact, the upset itself is evidence of our disconnection from our inner knowing.

Today’s jhe session was a cultivation of the wisdom of the body, of the heart, of the elements within you.  Today’s jhe session encourages an alignment within you that "sneaks in" and "undermines your upset."  It brings the peace that comes with wisdom.

You may notice it in your relationships as a deep sense of compassion even if you are the target of someone’s anger.

You may notice this emergence of wisdom in your work as a clear sense of where to place your priorities and what to do next.

It may show up in your body as a feeling of centeredness and slower more careful motions.

If there is an area of your life that is particularly challenging, today’s session may give you some insight into yourself that moves you forward on that subject.

The wisdom that comes through in you is completely unique and so I’m speaking in broad generalities here because it can be so different for everyone that no words can easily describe this.  But when you feel that wisdom come though you it is unmistakable.  It is a rock solid knowing of something that opens the path before you, clears the clouds, and floods ease through your physical presence.

Thank you for being part of this YOFA jhe Session.

With Love and Appreciation,
